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Indian Agni V veered off-course?

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if it hits the target "within few meters of accuracy" where is the video showing it hits the target "within a few meters"?

also about the indigenous part. Does any russian part play a role in the launch?

Comrade :D this programme is totally indigenous :) I know it will be hard to belive to YOU but it is fact. There will be video. But it might not be Indian release. USA/Aussis will conform it. BTW what happen to your great satellite network ? Didn't they spot it ? Or as usually it was just HOT air with IQ fart ? :D
I don't know what will happen, the day SC will be banned. PDF will be so tasteless.

MODS pls never ban this chubby P@/\/d/\.
Target Hit for Ballistic missile highly confidential so it never released

I hope the launch can be verified by some independent report. I'll keep this in perspective.
I hope the launch can be verified by some independent report. I'll keep this in perspective.

Look who is speaking?? People from a country, which first declares that there test (any) is successful. But no one sees any video footage, no pictures of launch/ test........ But then after some weeks, some blotted pictures will appear on forums saying that it has been taken from faaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr away by some def enthusiast. and the whole bunch will bounce with joy and describing what it is. How it is the best in the world. How it cannot be challenged. etc etc etc.

And they advise us for independent observer.

First practice then preach.
if it hits the target "within few meters of accuracy" where is the video showing it hits the target "within a few meters"?

also about the indigenous part. Does any russian part play a role in the launch?

If i am correct no country releases such videos !!
if it hits the target "within few meters of accuracy" where is the video showing it hits the target "within a few meters"?

also about the indigenous part. Does any russian part play a role in the launch?

They are used to swallowing any item of propaganda from anywhere that depicts their African level country as some sort of superpower. Do not expect them to come up with any evidence. The same trait can be seen in so called "Israelis" and Americans, for example.
They are used to swallowing any item of propaganda from anywhere that depicts their African level country as some sort of superpower. Do not expect them to come up with any evidence. The same trait can be seen in so called "Israelis" and Americans, for example.

Did you go for your weekly checkup??? Haan!!
i Dont see the problem. We cant expect china to congratulate india , as a-5 is meant as a deterrent to them. If they want peace, and friendship, we only welcome it. Its a different matter, that i havent seen any gesture of peace and friendship from the chinese side till date, but if they do want it, its welcome. The question is, DO THEY?... they've made multiple incursions into our borders, they constantly give out stapled visas to our people. IF china wants friendship , we welcome them to our table,but if they're just smooth talking us ,i'd like us to keep our daggers sharp just in case
Review the videos closely. At about 30 seconds, the cameraman points the camera at a point in the sky, but the missile doesn't go to that point, instead the missile unexpectedly takes a turn toward the ground, and you can see the cameraman get confused "why is the missile going down instead of up."

And you can see the missile is no longer flying away from the camera from 45 seconds onwards. Instead it is moving perpendicular toward the ground.
Oye Asim Aquil,Oscar,Rafael,Emmo etc...Why aren't you banning this idiot?Is he contributing nicely??Please reply..or is he bribing you?
We in BD always harbor this looming fear. Projectiles meant for China or Pakistan could land on us!!

No we control you via the sluice gates we already have, no need to spend money on you. Just need to open all the gates and you will be swimming in the Bay of Bangle. ;)
Keep deluding yourselves..... your Agni 5 did a "re-entry" after the 1 minute mark! :rofl:

Oops..Noob..it hit the target in the Indian ocean and ship placed there confirmed it.You got some sophistitcated instruments at your home...Knowing everything sitting on the internet?
I hope the launch can be verified by some independent report. I'll keep this in perspective.
Not required. It is better to keep the suspense ;). The launch has done the job it intended to do.
Sino Challenger Mode :On

Yes the missile test failed, when few 100 Agni V drops on Shanghai and Beijing with Megaton Mirved warheads then you ll think of this thread. India will launch these missiles from couple of dozens of Arihant SSBN which will float up Yarlong Tsangpo River. After destroying the chinese cities Indian army will just walk into Lhasa and liberate Tibet and Taiwan can take over the rest of the China

Sino Challenger Mode: Off

Do the Chinese even release the videos of their missile tests? Their missile is probably like the rest of China maal:lol:
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