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India will be a Hindu nation by 2020, world by 2030: VHP’s Ashok Singhal

they are hindi, not hindu. :)

Trust my cat loving friend to hit the nail at the heart of the pain point for al the protagonists here on this thread. Indian and Pakistani.

Hindu is really not kosher. Because it comes with the baggage of the ancestral faith. Which our ancestors left.

So we say we are not what we are, always have been, always will be. To everyone in the world except ourselves.

The emperor convincing himself he has clothes on. While the whole world looks away embarrassed.
What next?

Penguins on South Pole are Hindus.
Wizard of Oz was Hindu.
That Goblin from Lord of the Rings is Hindu.

Oh wait, the word "Lord" used in that movie was stolen from Hindu Vedic mythology as well.

Coming next:

Martians are Hindu.
Superman and the rest from Kryptonian are hindus.

Man I love the stuff this dude @doppelganger has been smoking, :rofl:
even if they bring proofs... do you think any thing gonna happen... let it be dude...
lol yeah lets just assume it. Anyway, Monsoon session of parliament starts from Monday. This statement is to rake some controversy to start a debate on anti conversion law just like it happened before previous parliament session.
Who said the ancient beliefs are dead inside every Hindu?

A faith which is not from here and came from outside a few hundred years ago is not going to change the genetics and spirituality of thousands of years.

Hindu cannot be separated from the people of this land. Regardless of new faiths they are born into and adopt by birth automatically.
You are confusing race with religion. If your son convert into Islam from Hinduism then he will remain Indian but he will not be a Hindu any more. He will change or adopt his Indian culture according to his new faith Islam, he will never be able to marry with Hindu any more and cow will not be his mata any more and then he will judge his culture based on what is moral or immoral , right or wrong according to Islam which he follow so callin him hindu when he left practices or beliefs of Hinduism is stupid to say the least
Trust my cat loving friend to hit the nail at the heart of the pain point for al the protagonists here on this thread. Indian and Pakistani.

well, neither do i call myself sheikh or syed, nor do i call others as "chura" like some pakistani members do.

Hindu is really not kosher. Because it comes with the baggage of the ancestral faith. Which our ancestors left.

So we say we are not what we are, always have been, always will be. To everyone in the world except ourselves.

The emperor convincing himself he has clothes on. While the whole world looks away embarrassed.

i did not fully understand the irony you presented but i am embarrassed about a lot of hindi muslims ( from either sides of the 1947/1971 borders ).

lastly, i am comfortable with my latterly adopted heritage and i am ready to discard much of it in favor of a truly scientific political/social system.
that's none of my business.. what they think and what they preach.... I have my own view against other religions....

Religion should be used for good, but not for bad.... You can use your religion to help others... Life is pretty short to fight and hate each others...

It should be for you. Think beyond other than converting poor people to your faith. Enough of your non sense.
lastly, i am comfortable with my latterly adopted heritage and i am ready to discard much of it in favor of a truly scientific political/social system.

My point to sarlasikandar was that it matters not what you are comfortable with or want to do consciously.

What is, is. Has always been. And will be.
And you are confusing a shared historical civilizational spiritual and cultural heritage with religion.

Please read up on what our Supreme Court opined about Hinduism and Hindutva to quell the furore on this very topic close to 20 years ago.
Your constitution say Hindu is someone who is the follower of dhramic faiths and followers of all those religion who have orgin in India and Hindus laws are applicable to only Hindu :D so basically Muslims have some separate laws when it come to marrige or divorce eventhough respecting cow mata is forced upon them by some state
Your constitution say Hindu is someone who is the follower of dhramic faiths amd all those religion who have orgin in India and Hindus laws are applicable to only Hindu :D so basically Muslims have some separate laws when it come to marrige or divorce eventhough respecting cow mata is forced upon them by state

I am least bothered about my Constitution when it comes to matters of personal faith and my fellow Hindus.

My Constitution ends where my personal beliefs begin.
Man I love the stuff this dude @doppelganger has been smoking, :rofl:
I think its she instead of he :D
thats why illogical posts

I am least bothered about my Constitution when it comes to matters of personal faith and my fellow Hindus.

My Constitution ends where my personal beliefs begin.
sure you can live in your imaginary state where every Indian is Hindu :D
What is, is. Has always been. And will be.
Hi ,
Then in that case we were muslims even when our ancestors were Hindus, Since what was and has always been logic applied, we naturally realized who and what we were. Hence we are now, what we were before or have been
Sure you can live in your imaginary state where every Indian is Hindu :D

Not just Indian as pertains to the current political construct.

This is a civilizational heritage we are speaking about. Its shared by a much larger population base.
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