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India will be a Hindu nation by 2020, world by 2030: VHP’s Ashok Singhal

Hi ,
Then in that case we were muslims even when our ancestors were Hindus, Since what was and has always been logic applied, we naturally realized who and what we were. Hence we are now, what we were before or have been

That is the theory of your current faith that serves to establish existence over all other older faiths because it was the newest on the scene. Understandable stratagem for the time for a newly birthed ideology that sought spread via conversion by conquest. Does not stand the scrutiny of logic or historical fact.
Hi ,
Then in that case we were muslims even when our ancestors were Hindus, Since what was and has always been logic applied, we naturally realized who and what we were. Hence we are now, what we were before or have been

If you go by his logic then those Pakistani Muslims with Hindu ancestors are also Hindu even when they bash practices of hinudism and are enemy of her country India :P
If you go by his logic then those Pakistani Muslims with Hindu ancestors are also Hindu even when they bash practices of hinudism and are enemy of her country India :P

Wow. You are really perceptive.

Even though your premise is based on the notion that there are also Pakistani Muslims who do not have Hindu ancestors.
That is the theory of your current faith that serves to establish existence over all other older faiths because it was the newest on the scene. Understandable stratagem for the time for a newly birthed ideology that sought spread via conversion by conquest. Does not stand the scrutiny of logic or historical fact.
Again B.S.

You think 1.6 Bn were forced to convert on a tip of a sword ?
You can never force a person into anything as his belief of resistance will only get stronger, you can only educate him and then he will know what is best for him.

The regimes which relied on total submission have nothing but failed.

Islam in one of Abrahamic religions, hence which is the reason why all Abrahamic religions are found everywhere on the world, Expect for Hinduism which is just confined to India.

If what you say is true that they were converted through conquest (deplorable logic) then all people who did, would revert back to their old understanding, but we saw this wasn't the case. In fact it was actually opposite.

When Akbar introduced din-e ilahi, it failed miserably because people in his court were forced to accept it. And later he reverted back to Islam

So your logic is flawed and comical as your posts are

If you go by his logic then those Pakistani Muslims with Hindu ancestors are also Hindu even when they bash practices of hinudism and are enemy of her country India :P
And not only that, but they actually fought three wars with their so called Hindu dharmic bhaiiiyas :D

How rebellious of them
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India is a Hindu nation.

India has always been a Hindu nation.

India will continue to be a Hindu nation.

I think here you should say that India is the land of Rig Vedas and returning to the ancient roots means Hindu nation.

Indian nation have adopted different religions which are based on Rig Vedas and the first revelation has occured in shape of Rig Vedas out of which other major Universal religions have born which praises the Supreme Creator.
There are foreigners living in India. I am not calling them Hindu.

Hindu is by ancestral birth. From this land. Of this people.

Hmm interesting, lets assume you're correct for a moment, North Indians tend to be of skull structure, while the ones in the south tend to be of Australoid skull structure (more similar to Australian Aboriginal people) , the people close to you borders with China and Nepal in North East tend to be of Mongoloid skull structure (more simmilar to people of South East Asia, East Russia , indigenous people of parts of pacific )
Now these are 3 types of human beings, with not only different races and distinct bloodline but completely different skeletons and skulls, how do you define that race which belongs to India then !!!
means there will be holy cows every where in the world roaming around like a boss

Please take care in not hurting the religious sentiments.

I am sure you are well aware of how holy the cow is in Hinduism. So ill politely request you to be extra careful when you post next
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Hmm interesting, lets assume you're correct for a moment, North Indians tend to be of skull structure, while the ones in the south tend to be of Australoid skull structure (more similar to Australian Aboriginal people) , the people close to you borders with China and Nepal in North East tend to be of Mongoloid skull structure (more simmilar to people of South East Asia, East Russia , indigenous people of parts of pacific )
Now these are 3 types of human beings, with not only different races and distinct bloodline but completely different skeletons and skulls, how do you define that race which belongs to India then !!!

The classification of humans in terms of races was based on one German researcher which was done on some 1200 skulls during the 16-17 Century which was mainly because of the colonial era which suggested about 5 races.
Why do these

Yeah, and since when have you become the spokesmen for all Indians?

Your pseudofascist mentality is ridiculous.

I speak for a lot more Indians, immeasurably, than some of you here. Understandably. Its not hard to make out the background of the murmurs of discontent.
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