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India will be a Hindu nation by 2020, world by 2030: VHP’s Ashok Singhal

feel free to think what ever you want.... doesn't change reality.... I respect every religion... I am no blind patriot towards the religion that i believe... I criticize more about those looney toons , who use religion for their own sake...

I appreciate your stance. This is not about ideology or organized religion.

This is about who we collectively are and have always been. Its what makes us one.

Its what we call Hindutva.
You preach about Hinduism... be a magnet to Christians or Muslims.. I don't care as long as... thugs started forcing others just because they got political support....
what made you think force will be used ? You don't have to superimpose your insecurities. We all saw how single incident in a random church was blown out of proportions and every tom dick and harry started breast beating over nothing.

Either bring some facts on the table or stop fear mongering. As far as political support goes we all know how evangelical NGOs were allowed to run under patronage of Sonia Gandhi/Congress or "Secular" parties.
yes its not we have developed two heads or anything. In that case then we all are as humans are same.
But, no we are not Hindu ! please keep your extremist views to yourself.

Why should my views shake the foundations that yours are built upon?
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what made you think force will be used ? You don't have to superimpose your insecurities. We all saw how single incident in a random church was blown out of proportions and every tom dick and harry started breast beating over nothing.

Either bring some facts on the table or stop fear mongering. As far as political support goes we all know how evangelical NGOs were allowed to run under patronage of Sonia Gandhi/Congress or "Secular" parties.

even if they bring proofs... do you think any thing gonna happen... let it be dude...
most of Hindus are busy with their families, job, in other stuff.. only few creating non-sense...

No you are again not making any sense. I am going to prove you wrong again. Abu Al Bagdadi and Jihadi John attending RSS camp. No what do you say after seeing exclusing pic #Susucklogic.

India is a Hindu nation.

India has always been a Hindu nation.

India will continue to be a Hindu nation.

Define India first. When you say "India", do you mean collection of geographical states, which British called "British India"?

Or do you mean the country, which borrowed the name "India" from British and was formed when British gathered few formerly independent states into one and gave her independence on 1947?

PS. Let us know what have you been smoking, seems like pretty damn good stuff.. :lol:
and what makes you think they have even budged mine?

I am saying keep your lunatical views to yourself, otherwise you'll be taken as a joke

There are millions like me and we all think alike.

Do you think it matters if a few of you think we are a joke.

For us the laugh is on you. Actually believing you are something you are not. Never were. Fabricated foundations of belief going back less than 70 years.
Define India first. When you say "India", do you mean collection of geographical states, which British called "British India"?

No it means for muslims, land of our four fathers.
No you are again not making any sense. I am going to prove you wrong again. Abu Al Bagdadi and Jihadi John attending RSS camp. No what do you say after seeing exclusing pic #Susucklogic.


that's none of my business.. what they think and what they preach.... I have my own view against other religions....

Religion should be used for good, but not for bad.... You can use your religion to help others... Life is pretty short to fight and hate each others...
“I was at the Sai Baba Ashram where Sai Baba told me by 2020 the entire country will be Hindu and 2030 the entire world will be Hindu.

but i thought the world will be jamahiri socialist by 2030. :taz:

hmm... saffron flag vs green flag.

Buddhists are Hindu.

Sikhs are also Hindu.

Muslims are Hindu.

Christians are Hindu.

This is just weird. I am done here.

they are hindi, not hindu. :)
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There are millions like me and we all think alike.

Do you think it matters if a few of you think we are a joke.

For us the laugh is on you. Actually believing you are something you are not. Never were. Fabricated foundations of belief going back less than 70 years.
Millions psychopath can't change the civilised, can they?
Likewise with your such far end extremist view, forget about millions, your own fellow indian dumped your stupidity let alone MILLIONS
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