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India wants UNSC club expanded to 25 states

Convince Indonesia (the largest member of ASEAN), Malaysia, Burma, Thailand and Cambodia first. :azn:
infact, India just need to convince Thailand, they're worrying to be CHina vassal state now, Cambodia is Vn special friend, no problem with her. If Thailand join with VIetNam-India, so India is very close to Thailand-Cambodia-VietNam already. US can help Thailand to join with Viet-India :cheers:
cardsharp said:
Bloody hell, nobody cares about Vietnam. You live there ok. But you mean absolutely less than nothing on the international stage. More people know about the Vietnam war than Vietnam itself.
Hehe, but India-US -Japan care about us, and you just Envy with our relationship :P
I know, need to build enough to take wipe out that part. :-)

"Just enough to wipe out this."

Not even close. :P

You guys can't even handle Pakistan alone, despite constant boasting of being able to "respond" to the Mumbai attacks.

First keep those promises... then maybe you can start threatening people who are outside of South Asia.

P.S. I noticed the Chinese maps you posted were primarily of the traditional "Han" provinces. So you just have a problem with the Han I guess? :azn:
Not even close. :azn:

You guys can't even handle Pakistan alone, sort out those LeT issues first before you think you can worry anyone else. :P

LeT issues, they can keep them in their country. Don't be surprised when they too will turn around and bite them in the ***.

P.S. I noticed the Chinese maps you posted were primarily of the traditional "Han" provinces. So you just have a problem with the Han I guess?

I don't have a problem with anyone.:rolleyes::angel:

Let me tell you now you don't have enough. Not enough megatonnage, not enough delivery vehicles.

India needs to build enough. That is what I mean.
Back to Indians comparing their size against the Chinese --- and coming up short -- It's really boring stuff
This is just weak. Didn't they make you pass a basic mental aptitude test before they let you in? I mean it would at least save the janitorial staff a lot trouble of wiping off the drooling leaking from the likes of you.

I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works! Is it tainted Chini milk??
LOL too bad you have Congress then? :P

India is surrounded by two hostile nuclear nations. The India-Pakistan border in particular, is the border with the highest risk of nuclear war in the world.

So yes, in theory you do need a LOT of nukes, but I doubt Sonia Gandhi would go for that.

We can even the odds. We can convince Japan/Vietnam to go nuclear. Japan probably will sooner than later. We can always get those functional 6 Megaton bombs from Israel and probably even a delivery system;)
I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works! Is it tainted Chini milk??

I pity you. I take back all the insults I aimed you. Good luck to your parents.

We can even the odds. We can convince Japan/Vietnam to go nuclear. Japan probably will sooner than later. We can always get those functional 6 Megaton bombs from Israel and probably even a delivery system;)

No wait, here's someone I feel even sorrier for. This degree of stupidity is terminal and incurable.
I envy your relationship like I envy the clap.
Hehe, so let see, we Vn-Cam-Thailand will tie up the relationship with India soon, so we will be very strong, and India soon will have a good chair in UNSC :P
Hehe, so let see, we Vn-Cam-Thailand will tie up the relationship with India soon, so we will be very strong, and India soon will have a good chair in UNSC :P

You barely speak English, I don't understand half the dribble coming from you.
Just enough to wipe out this.

No need to harm Tibet, inner Mongolia, Manchuria, Turkestan, etc.

Buddy this is too transparent. :P

You post a map of the traditionally Han provinces and say... "Just enough to wipe out this"

Then say you say, "No need to harm Tibet, inner Mongolia, Manchuria, Turkestan" i.e. the traditionally non-Han provinces.

But then of course you can't wipe out anything at all, not even your dear neighbour despite constant boasting. So worry about that one first, then maybe your weak nuclear arsenal can be pointed elsewhere with conviction.
Wipe out an area the size of India, with just 1 megaton in fission bombs, and insufficient numbers of delivery systems that can reach so far? :rofl:

How many medium/long range missiles will you need, to take out even one large city with 20kt fission bombs? More than a handful.

Whereas ONE single Chinese nuke is 3-5 megatons a piece (one nuke has more power than India's entire arsenal), so one is more than enough to take out a large city. And we have one of the largest numbers of short-medium range missiles in the world.

But of course, the odds are that India will be handled by Pakistan (who have the fastest growing nuclear arsenal in the world) in such a scenario. :azn: And your leaders don't have the stomach to expand such a localized nuclear conflict.

To make it short, just one 30k TNT bomb will do the job. Most casualties will come from radiation and fallout and not actual explosion.
We can even the odds. We can convince Japan/Vietnam to go nuclear. Japan probably will sooner than later. We can always get those functional 6 Megaton bombs from Israel and probably even a delivery system;)

We both know that the Indian government doesn't have the balls to do that. :P

Heck, they even refuse to do anything despite boasting repeatedly that "another Mumbai attack won't be tolerated".

If they can't respond to that, then they can't respond to anything.

Honestly though, good luck in 2014. Even your enemies think that the Congress party is too spineless.
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