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India wants UNSC club expanded to 25 states

Difficult yes because there never was any real need. till now Nothing is written in stone. Constitution can be amended. I am sure America prefers a nuclear Japan due to rising Chinese threat. Things were actually progressing in Japan over this issue before political crisis hit them hard (half dozen PMs in few years) and now the Tsunami.

It is suicide for Japan to get N-weapons.
Japan will be the first state to be sunk in a nuclear war.
Like I said, the restrictions are so tough, that the Japanese "pacifist" constitution has not even been amended ONCE, since it was first written and installed by the Americans.

70 years of no amendments, and the strongest opposition to any amendments are actually within Japan itself.

Anyway, Japan's days of conquering are over. The only reason they could do so before, was because we were so incredibly weak... but we're not anymore. The threat is no longer there.

That is right. Japan is nothing but a falling sun.
Posturing aside, nukes are defensive weapons. Well atleast between nuclear states. Only a failed nuclear country would wage against another nuclear country. Surely no one wants to use the nukes.
That is right. Japan is nothing but a falling sun.

Actually I think Japan have done well for themselves.

With their "pacifist constitution", they have stayed out of conflicts, and have built a good life for themselves. The war generation is long gone, the new generation of Japanese want to keep their high standards of living above all else. And I don't blame them.
Posturing aside, nukes are defensive weapons. Well atleast between nuclear armed states. Only a failed nuclear country would wage against another nuclear country. Surely no one wants to use the nuke.
VietNam is Ok for Nuke, bcz we can not harm USA , but I don;t think USA will allow Japan to have Nuke boom, USA will not want a second "Pear Habour" happend .
VietNam is Ok for Nuke, bcz we can not harm USA , but I don;t think USA will allow Japan to have Nuke boom, USA will not want a second "Pear Habour" happend .

But they love a second Vietcong insurgency, because the first one was oh so yummy?
India dont have a hydrogen bomb, dont have a delivery system, India is not a nuclear power, is it so hard to accept???
Pop and Land - Doesn't hold (mind explaining this with figures?)
Economic Growth - Doesn't hold, besides China the only two/three countries amassing true wealth (Fx Reserves) are Japan, Brazil and Indonesia. The hard working Germans got conned. (You know economic growth and forex reserves are two different things right?)
Diplomatic strength - Doesn't hold (agree but gaps are reducing)
Military strength - Doesn't hold (don't completely agree here. Look at the economic forums for evidence)
Political stability - Holds, this is the only criteria I concede to.

My 2 cents on your analysis.
But they love a second Vietcong insurgency, because the first one was oh so yummy?
Who love a second Vietcong insurgency ??India ?

If you means US, so they have to take care of our spies in their country first before having time to play with VietNam :lol:
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