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India unveils $30 laptop

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Helloooooooooooo..... we are not discussing piracy here.

Even i watch/ download movies from net and infact most of us do.

Its completly offtopic to bring this now.

Its not off topic..people will misuse it--even kids might accidentally click links in Indiatimes--leaving them stranded :D--and an adolesent kid will have his nerves tickle--and I think thr should be an online server to record all history of its use--only the school authorities should be able to edit them--when ever the device goes online it should handshake with a edu server and send usage data regular intervals--otherwise am sure few of the kids will misuse it
Wonderful achievement...hats off to the guys who worked behind this venture and to our government who initiated this project.The benefits of this achievement would be far reaching in educational sector.Jai ho
I agree.they might have called it as an gadget for the poor aka GFP.
It much short of a true laptop and dont come anywhere near the performance of a touchpad style netbook.
But,since the motivation is different and is not commercial for profit making,I myself take watever name they throw it.

It's Not just a gadget , It's an actual PC tablet.

I have a ASUS laptop, it has windows 7 installed on it.
But ASUA has this Software called Express gate, Which is a Linux based it OS installed on the motherboard.

It's a fast boot in under 8 sec, for when you really need to just look something up. What i can do in that mode is pretty close to the tablet they just unveiled. I can tell you it's enough for just basic computing.

It's certainly more then enough for Educational purposes

Couple of years back,a news which came out that CSIR is undertaking a project for HRD ministry-we had no clue about it.Now that every thing is open that CSIR-IIT due came out with yet another meter guage to make a permanant stamp on that face of India as a land of poor mans palaki.

I really don't get what your trying to say here dude.

Since it uses an open source linux, it says it all-Cost saving measures.
ministry is targeting atleast 2 crore pieces which is 20 million pieces.thats a huge number to start with while pissing off the tycoons in the same spectrum.

Again a bit lost on what your talking about.

But as far as the numbers as concerned , keep in mind that the target , is many government schools.

Rather then actually be sold on the market, most of those numbers will be attributed to orders placed by schools.

Schools buys maybe 100 of these , Lends them to students on class by class basis.

Its not off topic..people will misuse it--even kids might accidentally click links in Indiatimes--leaving them stranded :D--and an adolesent kid will have his nerves tickle--and I think thr should be an online server to record all history of its use--only the school authorities should be able to edit them--when ever the device goes online it should handshake with a edu server and send usage data regular intervals--otherwise am sure few of the kids will misuse it

I dont understand a single thing you have said.

Kids of pdf will watch movies getting inspiration from the post???

You must be kidding me.
Peregine didnt give any links of movie sites, he just said he watches movies online which most people do.
It's Not just a gadget , It's an actual PC tablet.

Rather then actually be sold on the market, most of those numbers will be attributed to orders placed by schools.

Schools buys maybe 100 of these , Lends them to students on class by class basis.

Yup u are right

In the first phase the government plans to place orders for about 10 lakh such laptops for the college students.

The Manipur Government has already announced it will get 75,000 low cost laptops to provide for each student in the state. Other states will most probably follow this trend once this laptop is freely available in the market.
why are many fighting over this??? Well.... Let me Give you complete picture, many in here think Adam and This are the same....



And the 30$ laptop or tablet...

This has been Introduced to Reach the accessibility of Computers to a Wider Range and India, and the best possible way is through Educational institutions and hence this Move...
Alone the cheapest 1GB DDR not even DDR2/DDR3, costs 30-45 dollars
even if i consider 512MB DDR, it would cost $20 if india is manufacturing it.

I am assuming these laptop would be running latest ubuntu OS

Now come down to processor, old processors+compatible motherboards cost $25-75 dollars. lets assume $25.00 dollars

Hard drive say old IDE 40GB $20-40 dollars. (solid state is out of question too expensive)

lets take dvd dual layer drive out of the list for reasons to lower the cost.

Capability for 2 usb ports

Ethernet port

Other material costs..
The laptop Price clearly goes to $100.00 and beyond.

Not necessarily, If the system is running on an embedded processor it is possible it might cost around 80 to 90 dollars.. however if economy of scale is put into perspective then its possible..to sell these machines for 30$ maybe for a loss.
They may not be fast or capable but if they will provide a poor man with a word processor and someway to connect to the internet then its a great achievement.
Not necessarily, If the system is running on an embedded processor it is possible it might cost around 80 to 90 dollars.. however if economy of scale is put into perspective then its possible..to sell these machines for 30$ maybe for a loss.
They may not be fast or capable but if they will provide a poor man with a word processor and someway to connect to the internet then its a great achievement.

Sir, But this is a Govt Initiative, this has been released not for profit, it has a few amount of Govt Subsidy in it.... It would be only commercialized If the Big companies Take up the Task of Producing it, Currently its For Widening the reach of Computers In India.... The Govt wants to promote E-Education..

It had beed Designed and developed by Indian Institute of technology Scientists and Students, for The students Community of India
i dont get this.... why are so many pak members are trolling !!!! govt has taken such a gud step to bring basic computing to the masses !!!

why are they so jealous if our govt has taken such a gud step that will benefit alot to our people.....

why dont they get this ...... that it not an ipad or any other tablet pc competitor that costs 20+k....!!!!

its just a simple basic computer that can provide a lot of knowledge that too at such a low cost

on the funny side ....i'm seriously lukin forward to have a lot of more indian members in PDF !!!! ;) ;)
and then the same members who are making BS comments on this thread assume a hurt and bewildered expression when Indians take pot shots at JF 17. I am glad though that there are still saner members like Santro who do not automatically turn on the demeaning mode about every thing Indian..
Its a good step by the government..it may contain certain issues because you cant get high quality material at this rate..but still the cost is attractive and it will be beneficial for students..in my government school where i studied there were only 3 computers in our Lab.so imagine how much practical we are getting from the computers.. our future students wont have that kind of problem ,Thanks to the new lappy..
Its a single unit system with a touch screen and a built in key board along with a 2 GB RAM memory, wi-fi connectivity, USB port and powered by a 2-watt system to suit poor power supply areas.

Open Office, SciLab and internet browsing with flash plug-in, JavaScript. It also has wireless communication for Audio/Video, Cloud computing option, remote device management capability, multi-media input output interface option.
“Since there is no hard disc, the computers have lesser memory, but one can use add-on memories. There are solar panels also with the computers

What more does one want or expect for 1500Rs???

Wow if it has all these specifications then well :tup: 30$ are nothing
I think for $30 you can't expect an electronic device with small moving delicate parts to last more than a few months after the warranty expires. Methinks call centers all over India are about to get flooded with business.
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