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India unsettled as US backs ' smartest choice' Diamer- Basha Dam

which will take 10 years to complete if started today. Plus there will be cost overruns. So i really hope Pakistan thinks this one through.
can be done in 8 if managed properly but we both know thats not gonna happen,think wt through exactly
i guess it is part of India which Pakistan has occupied :-)

doesn't GOI feel ashamed publicizing that a country in distress is holding a big chunk of super power area, if i were India i will try to hide this fact as much as possible
wtf are u talking about invading GB im a gilgiti let me tell u one thing we are as patriotic as it gets and educated we dont want to be a part of india u might be drunk

Who wants to be part of India where they are forcing muslims to drink cow's piss.
Who wants to be part of India where they are forcing muslims to drink cow's piss.
did u see wt he said making fun of himself wt a genius
That is why your so called superman economist Raghuram Rajan had to become vocal to let America know that what they do affects India as well. Most of the money that came into India post 2001 as what you proudly call FDI, was cheap, flooded money coming from Federal Reserve or European Central Banks. That cheap money, allowed the big companies to finance new projects in emerging markets. Companies get this money as loan from commercial banks, who in turn get it from the central banks at close to 0-1% interest rates. However, if they, the central banks of reserve currency (Bank of England, European Bank, Federal Reserve etc) feel that enough stimulus has been pumped, they will raise the interest rates, thereby making it difficult for industry to borrow money. With no cheap money, companies tend to stay away from small/immature markets. There is a reason why the world is closely watching China's central bank policy, because it will directly affect their economy and as such those related to it.

So yea, i didn't mean to hijack this thread, but you really need to catch up with the 21st century. India is great for business, but it is in no position to dictate trade or business or foreign policy to USA.

Excellent post. :cheers:
did u see wt he said making fun of himself wt a genius

Going slightly off topic here is the link my friend 'Muslims must drink cow urine, sing Vande Mataram to enter Garba venue' | Zee News'Muslims must drink cow urine, sing Vande Mataram to enter Garba venue' | Zee News

I dont see why India should object since this dam is inside Pakistan's territory, while India is building so many dams in Indian occupied Kashmir.
You guys are full of ego. Can't blame you, too much money can do that to anybody.

That is not ego.That is how world works .Be it China, or US money is the real ruler.
I dont see why India should object since this dam is inside Pakistan's territory, while India is building so many dams in Indian occupied Kashmir.
any sort of development in pak hurts them
Pakistan should try to convince China for this project and give contract of building to China, This will ensure that Dam will be built on time and funds will not end up in swiss banks.
Let them build the dam India should just change the course of the river :D:P
Pakistan should try to convince China for this project and give contract of building to China, This will ensure that Dam will be built on time and funds will not end up in swiss banks.
But what will happen is that they will bring their own workers, all contracts will go to Chinese companies, the rate of interest will be high, the per unit cost generated by the dam will be high as the rate of return the Chinese will charge for building it will be high.

None of these issues are there with US funding.
Your markets? They are peanuts to what they can get elsewhere. Have you ever been to America? Have you ever Lived and worked in America? I suggest you do. Most of the Americans wouldn't care for the word Indian, other than some spicy curry at a restaurant. If they want, they can create the size of Indian future Market, within the current Chinese market/far east market.
If India tried to restrict American Dollar follow, it will only shoot itself. Kid, educate yourself on modern economics, the value of dollar in international markets and above all, how the US central bank, Federal Reserve, can shake markets on a whim. Federal reserve cuts/raises the interest rates for it's domestic market but the effects are felt anywhere from Japan to India.
That is why your so called superman economist Raghuram Rajan had to become vocal to let America know that what they do affects India as well. Most of the money that came into India post 2001 as what you proudly call FDI, was cheap, flooded money coming from Federal Reserve or European Central Banks. That cheap money, allowed the big companies to finance new projects in emerging markets. Companies get this money as loan from commercial banks, who in turn get it from the central banks at close to 0-1% interest rates. However, if they, the central banks of reserve currency (Bank of England, European Bank, Federal Reserve etc) feel that enough stimulus has been pumped, they will raise the interest rates, thereby making it difficult for industry to borrow money. With no cheap money, companies tend to stay away from small/immature markets. There is a reason why the world is closely watching China's central bank policy, because it will directly affect their economy and as such those related to it.

So yea, i didn't mean to hijack this thread, but you really need to catch up with the 21st century. India is great for business, but it is in no position to dictate trade or business or foreign policy to USA.

India's official stand, my a**. It only helps you look foolish, that's it. It makes you look like a 18 year old, who despite gaining in size and age, has the mental capability of a 3 year old.

They made sure that RD-93s were delivered, despite Indian reservations.

So much anger .I dont mean it :D. And I dont want to know more about economics except the simple facts.
Any one that can read newspapers knows the flow of the wind now a days.And we are not a subservient of USA .Diplomatic episode showed it.But official actions of US are directly opposite to what you have mentioned here.
You saw the response of Indian Americans when our PM visited there.We can supply best talents ot whole world .We are stable and ever growing economy .That is why foreign investors are flocking in to our markets when issues in our economy cleared out.
And I know we cant rely foreign investment for too long .That is why we initiated resilent manufacturing policies like 'make in India ' campaigns .We are started with next to zero economy in 1947 .And I am satisified with our current performance.But we need more.
US public opinions is not an issue for us.What we need is the protection of our business and national interests.And I am sure elites in our South Block can deliver that.You know and I agree that we have a lot more poor peoples .But look at the appeal our economy showed in international arena even if all of these challenges .It is just a beginning .More will come in future .
We have millions of youths in our nation.Simple reduction in the unemployment rate among them in conjunction with increase in manufacturing policy itself will enlarge our economy several times than now.US policy makers already forsaw such a magnificent opportunity that is why they are investing here.We dont go for them but they are coming here with their nuclear deal .We dont ask them anything but they came here and revoke majority of sanctions.US knows the language of technology and power .That is why they came here.And we are welcomed them..
I agree with you we cant dicate their foreign policy but they cant simply ignore our economic potential .Simple increase in our GDP will again increase that strength.

India's official stand is a firm stand.Noone in this PDF or common Indians cant challenge it.And they dont care about neighbours opinions in concern.I am just mentioned it that s all.

Russians already loss billions of dollars of deal in India.Another 30 billion $ is also in pipeline.plus lot others.They cant afford such a mass loss.Russians cant provoke us.
But what will happen is that they will bring their own workers, all contracts will go to Chinese companies, the rate of interest will be high, the per unit cost generated by the dam will be high as the rate of return the Chinese will charge for building it will be high.

None of these issues are there with US funding.

Rate of interest will be high? :P

You know our currency reserves are around $4 trillion right? That's about as much as the rest of the world combined.

The reason we win so many contracts is because we can afford to offer low interest rates. That's why we lend more to the world than even the World Bank does.
If we block US China will fund it.
I hope our diplomatic will take a wise decision.
Nope! China won't because there's nothing in it for them. It's not a freebie that would be doled out to Pakistan unless China get's to use some of that power for free.
Rate of interest will be high? :P

You know our currency reserves are around $4 trillion right? That's about as much as the rest of the world combined.

The reason we win so many contracts is because we can afford to offer low interest rates. That's why we lend more to the world than even the World Bank does.
Which is why China wants Pakistan to waive off competition for planned projects in Pakistan.
Which is why China is offering a higher rate of interest than World Bank or JICA, to Pakistan.
Which is why China is taking a 27% Internal Rate of Return for power projects in Pakistan?

Yes. I am sure you are right.
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