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India to train Afghan Forces.

Our two days is every day for you tours and visits takes place every second day...... sometimes in a Peshawar market or a Islamabad hotel or a Lahore Police academy or a Srilanka Cricket team bus or a Naval Base at Mehran or the streets of Karachi or etc... etc.... don't feel so happy once a while they also visit London or Glasgow etc even.

Somehow It is funny how you point out the training, equipment, doctrine and abilities of USN SEALS...... what makes you think a similar force wouldn't be deployed in future Indian Military Bases in Afghanistan as it has been deployed around in Qatar, Oman, Tajikistan etc.... And US military isn't going any where stop feeding on NY Times.... 3-4 divisions of USMCs would be deployed permanently.... they haven't spend billions to just enjoy some goat roasting party in the middle of night somewhere in Abottabad.

Blah....Blah....Blah.......give it a rest hot shot.....you are beginning to sound like an out of tune bag pipe.
Tell me guys when have indians got into this training biz. I remember at the time of the bombay attack western media was syaing that indian army was not well trained?

When you gave/giving training to Taliban/Haqanni for last 20 years, Then I am sure you don't have problem that we are giving training to Afghanistan Army and Police.

It's Afghanistan decision to choose India as 1st strategic partner.

Obviously there is no such news, But you are used to troll with such things. Western media only reports ISI-Haqanni/Taliban Nexus and they promote India as growing power. May be that's why Afghanistan chose India as 1st strategic partner. :)
Blah....Blah....Blah.......give it a rest hot shot.....you are beginning to sound like an out of tune bag pipe.

Doesn't that sound better than the suicide bomber who blew his sorry @** in Peshawar yesterday.
and this stationing of troops ( trainers) will lead to a couple of attacks from Taliban or some other nutjobs once or twice a year, and VOILA, it is the fault and work of Pakistan!

Yeah! 2 birds with one stone.. ;)
See you Indians are back to your usual ploy.......hunting in packs......too damn incompetent to have a civilised one on one debate.
You keep mentioning Abbotabad and Mehran. Some of the world's best trained special forces equipped with latest technology and other gadgets, under cover of darkness remained there for no more than an hour before scuttling back to their sanctuary. Now compare that with the rag tags who parked a boat right up your front door, did a tour of the city and shut down financial capital for two days. Imagine if there was a professional out fit involved.....

:lol: you comparing a situation on terrorists holed up in a densely populated urban environment vs a well executed surgical strike on an HVT in Pakistan's military town and to a frontal attack by terrorists on a full blown Navy and Airforce base of Pakistan military. Werent people who offed a couple of multi million dollar Orions also a bunch of rag tag talibuns..

btw, we do believe that there was a professional outfit involved in Mumbai.. A lot of other nations are also slowly but steadily coming around to that POV. Isnt there a law suite going on in New york where the chief of a professional outfit is being sued for wrongful death in Mumbai ???
1 Pakistani talking with another Pakistani who is false flagger. :lol:

Few people are ashamed to use their own country flag. :rolleyes:

Even Mod is supporting such things for last many days. I think this is 4th False flagger in last 1 week.

Read the name of the forum.. The mods and the admin team should and will do everything that helps the propaganda in favor of Pakistani military and state. To expect anything else is simply naive
That will be great if IAF donate some MiG-21s to AAF for training purposes; AAF personal have very good experience of those aircrafts and will catch it up easily.
Well India should donate LCA and Arjuns to ANA in large numbers any way indian forces wont be buying them.
Afghans couldn't have found a better trainer.

Congratulations to them.

Do you think this"hunting in packs" ploy could be used in Afghanistan? You have to understand with their financial clout and secular policies they may be able to get round Afghanis that cause trouble? They are incredible warriors when they are in groups. Alone they sprint faster than the speed of light!!!!

Buddy, you are making uncharacteristic posts..

---------- Post added at 07:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------

Tell me guys when have indians got into this training biz. I remember at the time of the bombay attack western media was syaing that indian army was not well trained?

The same western media calls terrorists organizations as an arm of Pakistan establishment and that Pakistan is a state sponsor of terrorism... I thought Pakistanis mostly do not take Western media at face value.. Or is it selective reading at work :azn:

we can give them some of these
India should also provide Afghanistan with some of these



So when Taliban get hold of them and launches one at india and other at usa then DRDO scientist can confirm if their Agnis and Atom bomb sizzle or fizzle.Coz there is lot of konfusion among DRDO scientists if their nuke works on not as one group say it fizzeled other says it sizzled.ultimately it will clear all confusion for india about its nukes;)
Buddy, you are making uncharacteristic posts..

---------- Post added at 07:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------

The same western media calls terrorists organizations as an arm of Pakistan establishment and that Pakistan is a state sponsor of terrorism... I thought Pakistanis mostly do not take Western media at face value.. Or is it selective reading at work :azn:

i agree with you never believe white mans press they have ulterior motives and do not wish our neighbourhood well.

---------- Post added at 03:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ----------

India should also provide Afghanistan with some of these



So when Taliban get hold of them and launches one at india and other at usa then DRDO scientist can confirm if their Agnis and Atom bomb sizzle or fizzle.Coz there is lot of konfusion among DRDO scientists if their nuke works on not as one group say it fizzeled other says it sizzled.ultimately it will clear all confusion for india about its nukes;)

Excellant post lol. kill two birds with 1 stone.
This will be a mud of crap for you.
Well India has experience in clearing such mud crap and sensitizing the area of disease causing harmful insects right from 1947 when area right from srinagar airport were cleared and sanitized the quarantined in quarantine ward of Azad kashmir as of today.
They may be numbers to you and thats a matter for you and who you chose to send on these exclusive one off missions.(they will be one off from what i have heard). I am only concerned about our civilians. If they start falling out of the skies they wont be just numbers - they will be killing innocent people. India really needs to look into these flying coffins. They really are unincredible. :azn:

Lol.......... they are our Suicide bombers.
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