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India to Launch Shipments to Russia Via North-South


India and Russia are going to use the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) for combined shipments from December this year, Vice President of Iranian Railways Company Hossein Ashuri said.

© SPUTNIK/ SERGEY SUBBOTIN North-South Transport Corridor to Benefit Azerbaijan, Russia, Iran BAKU (Sputnik) — India, Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan agreed to use the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) for combined shipments from India to Russia starting from December this year, Vice President of Iranian Railways Company Hossein Ashuri said. "Shipments from India will be delivered to a southern Iranian port, where it will be further delivered via Azerbaijan to Russia by means of trains and trucks," Ashuri said, as quoted by the Trend news agency. He added that a test container train was shipped via the route two months ago. It took the train 22 days to reach its destination, however, the time of delivery is set to be later reduced to 19 days, Ashuri stressed. The deliveries on the INSTC route will be carried out via the territories of India, the Persian Gulf, Iran Azerbaijan and Russia toward the Nordic countries and the Northern Europe in 14 days. Nowadays, the containers are shipped from Iran to Azerbaijan by trucks and then loaded onto trains heading to Russia. The North-South Transport Corridor project aims to reduce the costs and the time of ship, rail and road deliveries to and from Russia, India, Iran, Azerbaijan and other countries located along the route.

Read more: https://sputniknews.com/world/201611291047952232-india-iran-azerbaijan-railway/
very smart when it comes
cepc pakistan.jpg
to savings

good for India.... you guy can do business with 143 million people of russia.. we are happy with 1.2 billion people of china which has border with us..... as per my idea Russian border between Mongolian and Kazakhstan to pakistan throu kashgar(china) to kosh agach(russia) is not that far as India do take ... look in map in attachment.. it will explain you alot...... as a small business man we always love to take small routes bez it sav us alot. as par my experience with indian businessmen they are very smart when it comes
cepc pakistan.jpg
to savings
good for India.... you guy can do business with 143 million people of russia.. we are happy with 1.2 billion people of china with has border with us..... as per my idea Russia bored between Mongolian and Kazakhstan to pakistan throu kashgar(china) to kosh agach(russia) is not that far as India do take ... look in map in attachment.. it will explain you alot...... as a small business man we always love to take small routes. as par my experince with indian business man they are very smart when it comesView attachment 356799 to savings

Business, Money and evil baniya.. aahhha ... do you think something more is required for the cocktail ?

Figure out, where most of the Russian population lives, and what would be the distance and altitude goods need to pass through to come via China cross the Himalayan heights if someone needs to send it from west Russia through China and then to Gawadar.. Second route, Via Kazakistan, Turkmenistan - Afghanistan and then to Pakistan(Gawadar) how much the security concern geo political instability and above all the insurance premium and transition cost for the logistics will rise.
Binya and Bear states best route is to come via Azerbaijan to Iran (Chabahar) or Kazakistan, Turkmenistan, Iran(Chabahar).

Pakistan wants to blackmail India on trade routes, India gonna blackmail Pakistan on Water... and the tussle will continue..... lets see who blinks first....
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You best forget about Central Asia. Sorry, maybe find some other unfortunately country/region to import whatever rubbish you're selling.
You don't get it don't you. only Pakistan will be allowed to do deals with Central ASIA not Indians that hate Muslims . :lol:

You see, for the bold portion, when you post crap like that your colors and the depth of your knowledge comes to fore. But then, that is your choice.

For your information, travel to Moscow, and say you are a muslim to couple of militsiya guys. Let me know what happens next.

Muslims are not hated, rabid religious zealots are hated - all over the world. And you have been supporting few of them in Syria. I really wonder why you all play the victim card when your rears are whupped.

When you perpetrate violence in name of Islam and in effect bring it a terrible name, does it not strike that such actions will cause profiling of the religion as a whole? Where are the teachings of Islam in those despicable acts? And when your rears get whupped, you cry Islam is being attacked.

Bloody perverts!
You best forget about Central Asia. Sorry, maybe find some other unfortunately country/region to import whatever rubbish you're selling.
You don't get it don't you. only Pakistan will be allowed to do deals with Central ASIA not Indians that hate Muslims . :lol:
Here we have a Islamic Turkish troll trying to prove his importance. The thread is about India and Russia, you can go and sleep with Pakistanis. We dont give a damn about turkey birds. You can also sleep and entertain other NATO countries who are killing Muslims ruthlessly. Still you take pride in using the toys given to you by the non-believers.

And dont compare yourself with Russia. You forgot how Putin threatened you when were sitting in NATO's lap after the su-24 was shot. India-Russia are friends for decades. You stick to your little dirty games with ISIS. You have no business here.
What do you offer Central Asia though?

It's best if you just maybe export whatever it is you want to Iran and Russia, though, I am sure even they would prefer Pakistan.
And how is isolating Pakistan going for you guys?

ahhh right so now you reveal your identity ? You arre pakistani trying to hide behind turkish flags ?

Comon bro, dont be ashamed of yourself, reveal your true identity.
Here we have a Islamic Turkish troll trying to prove his importance. The thread is about India and Russia, you can go and sleep with Pakistanis. We dont give a damn about turkey birds. You can also sleep and entertain other NATO countries who are killing Muslims ruthlessly. Still you take pride in using the toys given to you by the non-believers.

And dont compare yourself with Russia. You forgot how Putin threatened you when were sitting in NATO's lap after the su-24 was shot. India-Russia are friends for decades. You stick to your little dirty games with ISIS. You have no business here.
Indians have no friends. Not Russia, not Turkey, not Central Asia....Maybe Iran? Cuba? North Korea ?:lol:
You are hated by everyone around you.
And where did I compare myself to Russia ? :victory:

ahhh right so now you reveal your identity ? You arre pakistani trying to hide behind turkish flags ?

Comon bro, dont be ashamed of yourself, reveal your true identity.
Sure, I am a Pakistani. :lol:
Business, Money and evil baniya.. aahhha ... do you think something more is required for the cocktail ?

Figure out, where most of the Russian population lives, and what would be the distance and altitude goods need to pass through to come via China cross the Himalayan heights if someone needs to send it from west Russia through China and then to Gawadar.. Second route, Via Kazakistan, Turkmenistan - Afghanistan and then to Pakistan(Gawadar) how much the security concern geo political instability and above all the insurance premium and transition cost for the logistics will rise.
Binya and Bear states best route is to come via Azerbaijan to Iran (Chabahar) or Kazakistan, Turkmenistan, Iran(Chabahar).

Pakistan wants to blackmail India on trade routes, India gonna blackmail Pakistan on Water... and the tussle will continue..... lets see who blinks first....
and where we are in central Asia.. are you smocking sumfink.... look pak navy word. that will give you knowledge. what will going to happen with India in near future

Indians have no friends. Not Russia, not Turkey, not Central Asia....Maybe Iran? Cuba? North Korea ?:lol:
You are hated by everyone around you.
And where did I compare myself to Russia ? :victory:

Sure, I am a Pakistani. :lol:

There's nothing Indians can offer Central Asians, that we in Turkey or Russia cannot provide.

You liar. Have you no shame that you buy all your weapons from Non-believer USA and NATO who have bomb the shit out of Muslims. Either you guys are hypocrites or shameless. Iran, Cuba and North Korea are far better than spineless Muslim country like Turkey. Sleeping with NATO and using all the stuff of the non-believers. So much for your hatred towards those who hate muslims.
Indians have no friends. Not Russia, not Turkey, not Central Asia....Maybe Iran? Cuba? North Korea ?:lol:
You are hated by everyone around you.

Oh we are so damn isolated in the world, yet we enjoy backing from majority of countries in the international arena.
You liar. Have you no shame that you buy all your weapons from Non-believer USA and NATO who have bomb the shit out of Muslims. Either you guys are hypocrites or shameless. Iran, Cuba and North Korea are far better than spineless Muslim country like Turkey. Sleeping with NATO and using all the stuff of the non-believers. So much for your hatred towards those who hate muslims.
Indians have no friends. I am sure Russia would choose Pakistan over you guys. Iran too.
Turks have been allies with "non-believers" for centuries weather the French against Germans, Swedes v Russians etc.
Go read a history book or two god sake.

Oh we are so damn isolated in the world, yet we enjoy backing from majority of countries in the international arena.
What backing? lol
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