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India to ease visa rules for Bangladeshis:

What is so sad about and why 71 needs to be link on every damn thing? We are in 2010. I do not care about the even of 71. It happened because it was destine to happen. So find some other people to talk about 71. Spare me from this.

Now I still know that bharat is an enemy country and we should not even spend a dime to your economy.

Lol Its good to know that most Bangladeshi's are not like you because i know quite a few here and for them India is nothing short of a brother. You view is obviously blinded by religion and im sure you inclination towards Pakistan is mainly because of that. Good luck trying to define India are your enemy, im sure you will find very strong friends in China and Pakistan. Keep your dimes to yourself, India does not require anything from Bangladesh.
Not really. It is obvious that kashmiri Muslim women will find it safer in Muslim BD then bharati main land. They are our sisters. :tup:

Majority Kashmiri Muslim do not think that they are bharati and off course Kashmir still a disputed territory occupied by terrorist Bharat. :tdown:

keep your misguided opinions to yourself, religion is truly blinding you, i did see you posts about Bangladesh on other threads, you should have moved to Pakistan 1971. Next time before calling India a terrorist nation, go and check what your beloved friends are upto. I have serious doubts on your nationality, you seem to be too inclined towards Pakistan.
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Not really. It is obvious that kashmiri Muslim women will find it safer in Muslim BD then bharati main land. They are our sisters. :tup:

Majority Kashmiri Muslim do not think that they are bharati and off course Kashmir still a disputed territory occupied by terrorist Bharat. :tdown:

Hey, you al-faqir, i don't know WTF is wrong with your brain. But i tell you what, these kashmiri's here don't give a damn about bangladeshi muslim's or any bangladeshi citizen. To them you are just another stupit little boy standing in the corner showing your unwanted support without any spine backing them.
India does not require anything from Bangladesh.

You so conveniently left out couple of facts - India does not require anything from Bangladesh except Money and its land. Afterall that's what this ease of visa rule is for.
Next time before calling India a terrorist nation, go and check what your beloved friends are upto.

India funded, trained and instigated terrorism in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and elsewhere in south asia. Don't tell me you are from india in mars; then I have to take some trouble to open another thread to remind you with indian terror records.
then I have to take some trouble to open another thread to remind you with indian terror records.

I'm waiting for you to open a thread regards of this so called claim by you. Just open it, I will end that with you being humiliated for sure. So, lets begin my boy.:cheers:
You so conveniently left out couple of facts - India does not require anything from Bangladesh except Money and its land. Afterall that's what this ease of visa rule is for.

easing visa rules is to increase tourism and bilateral trade, India does not require anything in particular from Bangladesh but yes it is always nice to have healthy interaction between the two countries.
India funded, trained and instigated terrorism in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and elsewhere in south asia. Don't tell me you are from india in mars; then I have to take some trouble to open another thread to remind you with indian terror records.

im sure many Indian members can see why i feel we should have not done anything in 1971. The massacre should have just continued and we should have just watched the show, im sure then Idune would understand what terror really is. Please open your thread and you shall be countered there, im sure there are enough threads here about illegal Bangladeshi immigration into India or do i need to open another thread for that too.
im sure many Indian members can see why i feel we should have not done anything in 1971. The massacre should have just continued and we should have just watched the show, im sure then Idune would understand what terror really is. Please open your thread and you shall be countered there, im sure there are enough threads here about illegal Bangladeshi immigration into India or do i need to open another thread for that too.

Well then why do Indians complain about Pakistan sending freedom fighters into Kashmir?.. Because all you said can be applied to Kashmir as well.

Secondly, do you seriously think India's primary motive was what you say?
Well then why do Indians complain about Pakistan sending freedom fighters into Kashmir?.. Because all you said can be applied to Kashmir as well.

india did nothing that pakistan didn't do already...in 1948 and 1965.
The only difference was ..we succeded and you failed.

The only problem Pakistanis have is that India beat them at their own game that too in 13 days.....but they have been trying to break India for 6 decades...and everyone knows the result.

Their Gurillas worriors in 1947 turned out to be Monkeys......Operation Gibralter Went Kaput......Khalistan...became Khali-sthan.......and everyone knows that Kashmir will stay with India for ever...even if Pakistan cry...and try like hell...
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