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India to catch up with China? Stop deluding yourselves!

India shall never become the world's biggest economy, it never was. China has always been the the biggest as it goes all the way back from ancient times to the peak of the last Dynasty. So it really baffles me why there are Indians who think they can match China if not surpassing it. I still remember how Indian members here were laughing at Chinese Navy when news were focused on her refurbished Aircraft Carrier. One said we bought a rusty AC, the other said India has more experience in operating an AC thus Indian Navy is more powerful than PLAN. :crazy:
India shall never become the world's biggest economy, it never was. China has always been the the biggest as it goes all the way back from ancient times to the peak of the last Dynasty. So it really baffles me why there are Indians who think they can match China if not surpassing it. I still remember how Indian members here were laughing at Chinese Navy when news were focused on her refurbished Aircraft Carrier. One said we bought a rusty AC, the other said India has more experience in operating an AC thus Indian Navy is more powerful than PLAN. :crazy:
They also said UK's commonwealth games in india could be better than Beijing Olympics.
Don't take any of their words seriously....
never say never ! what was china 25 years back ? see the photos of shanghai 25 years back , it looks like an indian city ,so there is always hope



in 1990

Now question is can India do that in 25 years?. If yes then i give full marks to India:tup:.
Now question is can India do that in 25 years?. If yes then i give full marks to India:tup:.

25 years from now, in the year 2041, Indians will claim that India could surpass China by 2066. In 2066, Indians will predict that India could surpass China by 2091. In 2091, Indians will push the target year to 2116. So on and so on...

This is what happens when Indians talk while Chinese work.
25 years from now, in the year 2041, Indians will claim that India could surpass China by 2066. In 2066, Indians will predict that India could surpass China by 2091. In 2091, Indians will push the target year to 2116. So on and so on...

This is what happens when Indians talk while Chinese work.
stop misquoting ...indians here are not saying they will surpass china in 25 years , they are saying 25 years from now,india will be what china is today
stop misquoting ...indians here are not saying they will surpass china in 25 years , they are saying 25 years from now,india will be what china is today

Oh I'm sorry, but in the year 2041, Indians will claim that India could match China of 2016 by 2066. In 2066, Indians will push the target year to 2091. So on and so on...

Indians will never get anywhere if all they do is talk, talk, and talk...
Oh I'm sorry, but in the year 2041, Indians will claim that India could match China of 2016 by 2066. In 2066, Indians will push the target year to 2091. So on and so on...

Indians will never get anywhere if all they do is talk, talk, and talk...

China 2015 does have some benchmark index for their reference in 2041 or else.
(2016 has not yet passed, so let's make it 2015)

For example, 120,000km control-accessed expressways (not the non control-accessed highways in india)
20,000km high-speed rail
College graduate, 7.5 million
Middle level vocational training (equivalent to high school) graduates 5 million
High school entrance rate nearly 90%
China 2015 does have some benchmark index for their reference in 2041 or else.
(2016 has not yet passed, so let's make it 2015)

For example, 120,000km control-accessed expressways (not the non control-accessed highways in india)
20,000km high-speed rail
College graduate, 7.5 million
Middle level vocational training (equivalent to high school) graduates 5 million
High school entrance rate nearly 90%

No, no, no, you can't do that. You can't list specifics and deliverables because Indians don't understand them. Indians don't know how to plan, and even if you hand them a plan, they wouldn't know how to execute it.

All Indians can do is talk, talk, and talk.

it took 20 years for japan to change its ways

Every country, irrespective of whether developed or under developed, has produced exceptional people, who have gone on to make a mark for themselves in the world. It was mainly because of their own efforts and abilities and their nationality has nothing (or very little) to do with it.

The fact that Indians continuously compare themselves with China and always try to enter into a size contest with them says a lot of the inferiority complex that plagues the Indian society.

it has nothing to do with inferiority or superiority
india and china are big countries in Asia with large populations
China is a good benchmark
it took 20 years for japan to change its ways...

The difference is that Japan worked to change her ways, so did China. India, on the other hand, merely TALKS about changing for the better. India talks, China works. India promises, China delivers.

India will never change unless Indians learn to shut the fock up. Action speaks louder than words.
The difference is that Japan worked to change her ways, so did China. India, on the other hand, merely TALKS about changing for the better. India talks, China works. India promises, China delivers.

India will never change unless Indians learn to shut the fock up. Action speaks louder than words.
lol....They compare themselves with Japanese....biggest delusion ever....
Pre-1945 Japan was way better than india today.
lol....They compare themselves with Japanese....biggest delusion ever....
Pre-1945 Japan was way better than india today.

Japan has been better than India of today long before 1945. For one, the Japanese work ethics have always been better. This is the difference between East Asia and India: Indians talk, talk, and talk, but they never do. The Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, and Singaporeans plan, implement, and work. They don't bother with the childish and silly stuff.
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