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India to catch up with China? Stop deluding yourselves!

Better in some places for sure, but those places make up a tiny proportion of Mumbai. The rest of the city is a sea of slum shacks.


Watch this video to see for yourself. Indian cities, including Mumbai, are absolutely some of the most disgusting, filthy, and dysfunctional the world by a large margin.

Mumbai is such a garbage dump. How can people live like that?
latest version of the same location . i think things are starting to chnage

huge slums ,but if you see they are decreasing , low and mid rises are starting to pop up and some areas are completely changed through cluster redevelopment .
Better in some places for sure, but those places make up a tiny proportion of Mumbai. The rest of the city is a sea of slum shacks.


Watch this video to see for yourself. Indian cities, including Mumbai, are absolutely some of the most disgusting, filthy, and dysfunctional the world by a large margin.

Will their government provide them free housing like in China? In China, slum dwellers become millionaires overnight.
Mumbai is such a garbage dump. How can people live like that?

Well people can live like that just like Singaporeans did as late as the late fifties in the Kampongs.

People of Lee Kuan Yew's generation had the humility to be practical and know the difference and appreciate what they achieved. Singaporeans and Malays seem to get a bit smug nowadays but things can change for better or worse in a couple of decades.

What matters is not buildings and highways (as much) but education and decency, and Singaporeans and Malays have their work cut out to educate their entire population to Western standards...a long way to go still.

"In 30 years we will be at least at per with China, and might even be ahead of China, considering that China is at the brink of a massive hard landing."

It has been almost 2 years since DRAY aka Rain Man made this bold statement. Has India closed some of the gap during that time? :lol:

India was able to close some of the population gap during that time...
latest version of the same location . i think things are starting to chnage

huge slums ,but if you see they are decreasing , low and mid rises are starting to pop up and some areas are completely changed through cluster redevelopment .

At the current rate, it will take hundreds of years before Mumbai can catch up with Shanghai of TODAY.
At the current rate, it will take hundreds of years before Mumbai can catch up with Shanghai of TODAY.
really ? are you kidding me ! ...we need atleast a millennium to be even 10% of what shanghai is today
really ? are you kidding me ! ...we need atleast a millennium to be even 10% of what shanghai is today

No, I think 400 to 500 years is more realistic. Slow and steady wins the race. Remember, India grows at night. If India could grow during daytime, then it would only take 200 to 300 years for Mumbai to catch up with what Shanghai is today.
latest version of the same location . i think things are starting to chnage

huge slums ,but if you see they are decreasing , low and mid rises are starting to pop up and some areas are completely changed through cluster redevelopment .

Watch the videos of driving around in Shanghai. How long will it take for Mumbai to catch up with Shanghai of today? Any thoughts?

Watch the videos of driving around in Shanghai. How long will it take for Mumbai to catch up with Shanghai of today? Any thoughts?
i have already expressed my thoughts , you can refer to my previous posts
I shake my head everytime I hear an Indian say that India is only 15 or 20 years behind China. If only he had any idea of how far behind India is compared to China! Most Indians I have come across know practically nothing about the world. They have no idea about what it takes to build world-class infrastructure, world-class education system, and world-class companies. Indians are like the proverbial frog in the well, self-satisfied and smug, thinking they know everything. The few Indians lucky enough to travel abroad are quickly humbled by how backward India is compared to the rest of the world.

The best way to fight ignorance is through education. Here are some documentaries on Chinese infrastructure that will surely open the eyes of our Indian friends here. The documentaries are in Chinese, but you don't need to speak it to appreciate the message because a picture is worth a thousand words.

Witness how dedicated, disciplined, and hard-working the Chinese are. How can India compete with her famous "chalta hai" attitude? How can India catch up when Indians prefer talking over action?

before you open you big mouth and say something against India you must know the following facts:

- China's rise happened because India allowed to happen thru some back door diplomacy
- China has not been to moon yet India was planet hoping 5000 years ago
- all the Chinese tech was invented by India and transferred to China because they didnt want Pakistan to get hold of it.
- all Chinese industry depends on Indian import no matter where you import from.
- last but not least, Modi had a big hand in China's rise in his previous life he was Dang Xio Pang and thats why when he speaks english sometime it feels like he is speaking Chinese.

be respectful!
before you open you big mouth and say something against India you must know the following facts:

- China's rise happened because India allowed to happen thru some back door diplomacy
- China has not been to moon yet India was planet hoping 5000 years ago
- all the Chinese tech was invented by India and transferred to China because they didnt want Pakistan to get hold of it.
- all Chinese industry depends on Indian import no matter where you import from.
- last but not least, Modi had a big hand in China's rise in his previous life he was Dang Xio Pang and thats why when he speaks english sometime it feels like he is speaking Chinese.

be respectful!

mumbai is not only about slums , yes there are huge sprawl of slums but there is also other side of mumbai , slowly but surely slums are decreasing through cluster redevelopment . but still this depicts the huge income inequality in india , we have a long way to go

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