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Can India ever catch up with China?

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Germans never copied anything.

All countries start with copying and germany was the same in the late 1800s. China also have its own set of innovation which is only likely to grow given its vast industrial and financial might. Last I checked they already have couple of aircraft engines developed in only 20 years while a certain country came up with a super flop engine after 30 years.:)
@Aeronaut @WebMaster why is this guy allowed to dig 5 or 4 year old articles?

Off late pdf has become a place for trolls to burn here.

On one side you want think tanks to increase the forum quality on the other you allow these trolls to Sh!t here.

He has started one more thread. Have a look at it, some people are not getting articles on Indian Economy, Falling Rupee. Therefore, ..............................................:sleep:

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why china.. we will beat USA in 30 years.

No, I think it might happen before that. 2030 is less than 17 years away.

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All countries start with copying and germany was the same in the late 1800s. China also have its own set of innovation which is only likely to grow given its vast industrial and financial might. Last I checked they already have couple of aircraft engines developed in only 20 years while a certain country came up with a super flop engine after 30 years.:)

you know nothing about Germany. The industrial revolution was just beginning to catch up in Europe and Germans were the pioneers of the revolution . The rest of the world copied Germans.
That guy is burning here for a long time, may be we should ignore him and report to the mods.

Some people are worried and butt hurt about progressive India and so they burn here :lol:
@Jade, sirni Mate, just report his POSTS, so that he can turn 'PINK' ASAP. There is no point in wasting energy on TROLL. :closed:
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@Jade, sirni Mate, just report his POSTS, so that he can turn 'PINK' ASAP. There is no point in wasting energy on TROLL. :closed:

These guys keep on appearing. Today 'by78' tomorrow 'by79'. Moderation is ineffective. Actually, I love playing with these stupid trolls.
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These guys keep on appearing. Today 'by78' tomorrow 'by79'. Moderation is ineffective. Actually, I love playing with these stupid trolls.

Let him come by80- by 100. One can simply use the Report Button. If all us will collectively use it, he'll turn PINK faster. If you love to play with stupid trolls, then :enjoy:


Yeah, but the articles starts off by saying "In view of its continuing robust growth, India is expected to be the world's largest economy by 2050, surpassing China and the US, a Citi report said."

Well, there goes that assumption.

This is just an anomaly. I have no doubt by 2050 India will over take China.
@Aeronaut @WebMaster why is this guy allowed to dig 5 or 4 year old articles?

Off late pdf has become a place for trolls to burn here.

On one side you want think tanks to increase the forum quality on the other you allow these trolls to Sh!t here.

Easy there, Mr. Red Bold Typeface. What's wrong with 'digging' up articles from only five years ago? These articles are not from that far back, and they are mostly written by Indians themselves.

Maybe you should complain to those who wrote them in the first place.
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This is just an anomaly. I have no doubt by 2050 India will over take China.

No, India will overtake China in the next two or three years. Then, India will overtake the United States by 2020. By then, all NRIs will have returned to India for a better life.
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