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India to buy 60-63 Rafales jets off the shelf from France; MMRCA deal off:

36 is a teaser trailer

The IAF will put in enormous investment in creating the RAFALE infrastructure

And 36 is just not enough
1 squadron of IAF has 18 aircraft's. So 36 is 2 squadron. It makes perfect operational sense.

Dassalut was originally supposed to build on 18, so if they are building 36, it could very well mean no more MMRCA.

36 unique jets would not make operational sense because they would noy justift the cost that would be sunk in establishing their maintenance, training, and spare stockpile.

IAF already suffers from curse of plenty. It is probably only major airforce fielding 3 or more frontline fighters. Had it been an Airline, it would have gone bankrupt long ago.

Addition of 36 Rafaels would be more of a burden than respite. That's why I think that MMRCA is still on though now India would have a greater breathing space to haggle with French on technology transfer and Price.
Not necessarily true.

Why would India agree to let Dassault build 36 instead of 18 ? is it rewarding Dassault for screwing us ?

If the price and terms of building more is not decided, again why reward Dassault with 36 aircrafts ?

It does not make sense.

IT will make more sense if IAF is being mollified with 2 squadrons and the rest will be filled up by MKI and LCA.

He said in the speech that this is under a seperate deal,meaning not related to mmrca.

It dosent make sense to simply induct 36 new aircrafts which have no operational base in iaf [SPECIALLY WHEN THE REQUIREMENT IS 126+]
IF IT WAS 63 aircrafts i would have believed that the deal could be dead.
But with 36 .....no way
I am almost certain this is not the end of the deal. Had it been 63 then that is a possibility (see Mirage 2000 and MiG-29B purchases by the IAF) but 36 is far too few for this to be the final amount the IAF will fly- it just wouldn't be worth the effort for such few numbers.
Surely it is just a stop gap arrangement for fast reducing strength of IAF & I think they will continue negotiations for rest of 90 jets under make in India scheme.
Let's wait for more details to come out sir (hey if I get called this so are you ;) ) had the order been for 63 then I would have been more pessimistic given no further information has flown vis a vis follow on orders but at only 36 units order there is simply no way this is the end of the story and did you notice Modi mentioned "Make in India" when talking about the Rafale deal?

There are more coming.....

Make in India with 36 will be just a publicity stunt. But with 80+, then a great deal without HAL, decent deal with HAL.
what i just want to conclude is..

this deal + MMRCA = 126 +36 = 162 aircrafts in total?
Could be 36 + 90 = 126 ,as 36 being off the shelf
IF Rafales are going to built in India the 108 figure is set in stone- this is the figure HAL and Dassualt have been working to for the past three years, cut the order to 90 and the local content of the Rafales will go down, the costs of the ones built in India will go up and the return on investment for setting up of the Rafale production line in India will be less also.

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