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India to buy 60-63 Rafales jets off the shelf from France; MMRCA deal off:

We are not sure of the Final numbers of Rafale, IAF will induct, but we know for sure now, India's IAF will get the RAFALE fighter jets.
But deal not signed in today's meeting.Negotiations will continue between official of both the nations.
yup..however a bit quicker and final...Modi is after this 36 which means that finally GOI has got some brains and have understood the gravity of situation IAF is facing...
I would like confirmation that 36 is not the final number before I celebrate as it stands 36 is barely a third of the conceived number and not enough at all.

But I am very confident this is just part 1 of any such deal, more are coming.
This is a separate FMS styled Govt to Govt deal, with MMRCA negotiations still carrying forward.
Is that what they are saying? How come OP is not mentioning that? If so, I'm ok.
Let's wait for more details to come out sir (hey if I get called this so are you ;) ) had the order been for 63 then I would have been more pessimistic given no further information has flown vis a vis follow on orders but at only 36 units order there is simply no way this is the end of the story and did you notice Modi mentioned "Make in India" when talking about the Rafale deal?

There are more coming.....
Where is my Bro @The_Sidewinder .... :D

Yup 18 each .

And why I get an impression that additional jets will be made in India ?

Am just guessing . No source to back my claim . Modi ji would have gone for it as stop gab solution . As negotiations for ToT will take more time.

And now we have more time to negotiate . If that's the what in his mind then it's a Master Stroke move :)

i guess the same..... it will give govt/DoD more time to negotiate..... as this deal is already 4years late and govt is under pressure... this buying is to release the pressure...

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