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India: the US doormat into Asia?

I wish some Indians would try to read the article and comment on the article rather than making abusive ad hominem attacks on all and sundry cos they do not agree with their diplomats view of India as an American doormat. Guys this was written by an Indian and he is quoting Indian diplomats

No India is an American doormat according to the eminent Indian writer and Indian diplomats

Even if two Indian Diplomats have said what they said does not make India a US proxy or a doormat.. It is plain stupid that you continue on your line as it is
Ok, Let me say this - India will definitely have relation with US but India will never be Pakistan.. Pakistan is the lone to keep trading alliances, the trait non-existent in India/Indians..
Lot more than two Indian diplomats are saying it. A former Indian ambassador is saying as much here

Answer for the post which has been asked for

I will quote for you again
Aryan Dude
You need help with english comprehension and some lesson on humor. I suggest you take helpfrom your school English Teacher tonmorrow. Just take this article to your english teacher and ask the teacher to explain the article, context and what Indian Diplomat meant.

In hinglish it means " American Diplomat Panetta India ka Chutiya kaatne aaya and Indian Diplomat laughed amongst them and deciphered what he actually meant".

It does not mean India is Doormat/***** / Sanitary Napkin /cheap fuk etc like a neighboring country by even the wildest imagination.......

Aryan ...you are very funny indeed. But keep up the good work. You bring smile to many of our face.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/iranian-defence/188191-india-us-doormat-into-asia-14.html#ixzz1yBFCSupw
Lot more than two Indian diplomats are saying it. A former Indian ambassador is saying as much here


I know your sole intention is to troll so I am not getting frustrated yet, but you are conveniently avoiding responses to valid points like reading the article and understanding its true meaning. If someone were to start deleting useless posts on this forum, I doubt you will have anything left as a count. Please start adding value to this forum as I am sure you do in real life.
I know your sole intention is to troll so I am not getting frustrated yet, but you are conveniently avoiding responses to valid points like reading the article and understanding its true meaning. If someone were to start deleting useless posts on this forum, I doubt you will have anything left as a count. Please start adding value to this forum as I am sure you do in real life.

Yes, he does.. He is an esteemed Law practitioner in UK..

But judging by the kind of time he spent on PDF trolling, one can easily guess that only visitors to him are mosquitoes..
Lol man seriously pakistanis are saying this they killed your soldiers what did you , you dint do jack *** about it they kill your men daily through drones what do you do nothing you guys say they destroyed your economy and you could not have done any thing to stop them you sold your country for a few f16 and yet tou guys have guts to say this ****
Yes, he does.. He is an esteemed Law practitioner in UK..

But judging by the kind of time he spent on PDF trolling, one can easily guess that only visitors to him are mosquitoes..
Sharia law does requires some motivationaal reading of anti-india, anti-west
Lol man seriously pakistanis are saying this they killed your soldiers what did you , you dint do jack *** about it they kill your men daily through drones what do you do nothing you guys say they destroyed your economy and you could not have done any thing to stop them you sold your country for a few f16 and yet tou guys have guts to say this ****
I think Aryan is talking about Indians in general, not just your governement. Indians (at least here) are supporting their governement policies regarding this issue (Zionist --- kissing).

However, Pakistanis are blaming their government for the problems that exist. They, the people, are against any form of foreign intervention in their country or the region. So Aryan has every right to say what he said. :azn:
Where do you think Aryan has gone when asked about the context of the article and the context in which the diplomats said that.. even if he comes back reading he will be go on in the same way.... Some Elite Member!
Where do you think Aryan has gone when asked about the context of the article and the context in which the diplomats said that.. even if he comes back reading he will be go on in the same way.... Some Elite Member!

do not worry Aryan is here.

I am entitled to put the interpretation that I wish. You are entitled to rebut it or not agree.

However, Pakistanis are blaming their government for the problems that exist. They, the people, are against any form of foreign intervention in their country or the region. So Aryan has every right to say what he said. :azn:

Absolutely agree with you. Our leaders in the past have been as much door mats. This time with elections in the near future they dare not allow American's the freedom they have had in the past in Pakistan because they know Pakistani population is against American unjust actions
do not worry Aryan is here.

I am entitled to put the interpretation that I wish. You are entitled to rebut it or not agree.
Interpretations should be reasoned. If your english is poor why interpret before understanding the article!

There is nothing to prove or even suggest that India actually is either US Proxy or whatever you call it. The relations you see are called the convergence of interests, we also have our share of driving the economy of the world so if it is hard for you to understand the whole scenario you should not come out shouting Eureka.

Now, since you have replied please also reply to the one post by Nalanda which I have quoted.
I think Aryan is talking about Indians in general, not just your governement. Indians (at least here) are supporting their governement policies regarding this issue (Zionist --- kissing).

However, Pakistanis are blaming their government for the problems that exist. They, the people, are against any form of foreign intervention in their country or the region. So Aryan has every right to say what he said. :azn:
Let me make it clear,We do not support becoming a proxy of the USA in any way..............................you seem to have some misunderstanding
However good relations do not hurt anybody and only bring profit..........................For example,Despite being highly suspicious of China, we ignored the strategic issues, and opened our trade barriers with them. And now look!!Our relations may not be all gooey and luvy-dovey, but the huge trade acts as a buffer between any heatening of relations......It gave a new direction to the bilateral relations................
You should know, the world isn't divided between friends and enemies...............
Interpretations should be reasoned. If your english is poor why interpret before understanding the article!

Clearly I have hit a raw nerve on this point for you Indians. I must however point out that abusive ad hominem attacks on me do not add any gravitas to your assertions. I stand by my assertion that when push comes to shove India is with America. No doubt you will remember that Indians voted against Iran at the UN
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