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India successfully test fires hypersonic cruise missile

Can you provide any credible source to back up your claims?

Sure. india talks big about attacking and destroying Pakistan but in reality they never do anything about it. indians don't even move an inch. Even though india is more than 7× bigger than Pakistan.......:azn:
If they weaponise it, it'll be a game changer.
Pakistan is already next to India, Speed of Mach 6 may be necessary to reach far off places but we are already in the neighbourhood so not much difference for Pakistan.

No point to discuss or explain to these Pakistanis because the majority of them are fanboys.
These fanboys sealed your rear hole well and proper on 27th Feb of this year. Remember or forgot ?

Who? Do u seriously consider Indians on this forum to be the decision maker? :laughcry:
Which govt official or military man suggested that? Our new Air chief even said he fully backs AMCA and wont be considering any foreign 5th gen options.

Lol, India has never bragged about strategic weapons and platforms before they were tested successfully. Didn't brag about Agni V or ASAT before they were tested. Infact as per many defence experts, India did't show their full potential. ASAT is capable to intercept in higher orbits and Agni as per many has a range of about 8000Km whereas India reports 5000km.
If you are so capable why are you still buying missiles from Israel ? and your own PM Modi was saying they would have taught pakistan a lesson only if they had Rafale on 27 Feb, ha ha
We all know how capable you are, so stop bragging about yourself
Well pak shud start work on these and soon
Not really. It changes the rules only if you have a missile defense program. For Pakistan speed of missile does not matter as it cannot stop any type of missile.

Hopefully we will never have to see one. And if you see one you will not be able to post on pdf that you now believe.
These hypersonic glide vehicles surely are game changers, because:
1- India need not come close to Pakistan shores to.target vessels giving an edge to Indian vessels( Pakistan has acquired c -400 missile from china, making sea based ones useless)
2- all of pakistani territory is already covered
3. Difficult to track /interceptwith today's technology
These hypersonic glide vehicles surely are game changers, because:
1- India need not come close to Pakistan shores to.target vessels giving an edge to Indian vessels( Pakistan has acquired c -400 missile from china, making sea based ones useless)
2- all of pakistani territory is already covered
3. Difficult to track /interceptwith today's technology

All the above is null and void by the very fact that Pakistan has advanced MIRV technology.......:azn::


Also, considering that China is a superpower now, virtually on par with America and Russia; with China having hypersonic missle technology long before india; it won't be long before Pakistan has it too......:azn:......especially with China wanting to protect their billions invested in CPEC and their geo-strategic interests in Pakistan........:azn:
All the above is null and void by the very fact that Pakistan has advanced MIRV technology.......:azn::


Also, considering that China is a superpower now, virtually on par with America and Russia; with China having hypersonic missle technology long before india; it won't be long before Pakistan has it too......:azn:......especially with China wanting to protect their billions invested in CPEC and their geo-strategic interests in Pakistan........:azn:
Mirv is only for static targets
Second no country will give off their prized picession
Hopefully we will never have to see one. And if you see one you will not be able to post on pdf that you now believe.
lol yea sure
It would be pretty spooky if you lot wernt so incompetent
Develop tank import tanks from Russia
Develop ATGM import ATGM from Isreal
Develop fighter jet import fighter jet form France
etc etc etc
if India develops a weapon thats the last thing e should be worried about :cheesy::cheesy:
These hypersonic glide vehicles surely are game changers, because:
1- India need not come close to Pakistan shores to.target vessels giving an edge to Indian vessels( Pakistan has acquired c -400 missile from china, making sea based ones useless)
2- all of pakistani territory is already covered
3. Difficult to track /interceptwith today's technology

1 can be achieved with longer range missiles. No need for hypersonic.
2. Don't need hypersonic missile to cover all of Pakistan
3. Pakistan cannot track or intercept any of the missiles we already have. They also do not seem to have any program to develop the capability.
3. Pakistan cannot track or intercept any of the missiles we already have. They also do not seem to have any program to develop the capability.
what the fool you are we have able to track your if not all but most of your missiles, and we can intercept some of your missile with HQ-16 like Your vedic BRAHMOUSE @KhanBaba2 :agree:
1 can be achieved with longer range missiles. No need for hypersonic.
2. Don't need hypersonic missile to cover all of Pakistan
3. Pakistan cannot track or intercept any of the missiles we already have. They also do not seem to have any program to develop the capability.

Sure we don't and you have the evidence to prove it don't you?.........:disagree:........but then again the residents of the world's biggest open sewer also used to claim that It was impossible for Pakistan to EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance........and we all know what happened then.......:azn:
1 can be achieved with longer range missiles. No need for hypersonic.
2. Don't need hypersonic missile to cover all of Pakistan
3. Pakistan cannot track or intercept any of the missiles we already have. They also do not seem to have any program to develop the capability.
1. Not exactly, because of lowered response time for interception or any other measures.
2. nothing wrong being prepared
3. Who knows future?

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