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India successfully test fires hypersonic cruise missile

LY-80 is chinese and according to Indians chinese maal dont work only stuff indians buy or have is out of this world technology.

Too bad they used this out of this world technology and shot their own helicopter and killed their personel on 27 and these retards took 7 months to figure out they shot their own heli down,not to mention they cant even recover the black box till now.

I wont be surprised if they bomb themselves up with their own cruise missles.
To go more deep into the enemy and ground radars (Fixed) are easy targets for fighter jets (SEAD AND DEAD MISSION) and if all ground based radars had been destroyed in wars then another alternate option left @KhanBaba2
To go more deep into the enemy and ground radars (Fixed) are easy targets for fighter jets (SEAD AND DEAD MISSION) and if all ground based radars had been destroyed in wars then another alternate option left @KhanBaba2

Thank you for the information. Maybe you can also tell me why sea skimming cruise missiles skim over the sea instead of travelling at a height where their range is increased.

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