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India successfully test fires hypersonic cruise missile

Just yesterday indians after looking at Chinese hypersonic weapons were giving suggestions to take Russian help and develop this technology and here indians are making big claims with no evidence.

Agree. India under Modi has a mind set of a college sorority. It will boast about changing a light bulb. Any and all programs exists for the purpose of boasting. If India plan to conduct such a test, it will brag about it to no end first. If there were no boasting, nothing happened.
pfft ill believe it when i see it
This definitely is a game changer in the region.
Not really. It changes the rules only if you have a missile defense program. For Pakistan speed of missile does not matter as it cannot stop any type of missile.

pfft ill believe it when i see it
Hopefully we will never have to see one. And if you see one you will not be able to post on pdf that you now believe.
So...since the failed Shurgikal ishtrike...India shot down a satellite, landed on moon and now hypersenonic glide vehicle.
To cover up one lie one has to invent many.
I think u.s is giving them such technology after china unveiled their hypersonic weapon on military parade

No one here cares about what you think, buzz off morons.

Propaganda news. They're all scared after seeing the Chinese HGV.

Just yesterday indians after looking at Chinese hypersonic weapons were giving suggestions to take Russian help and develop this technology and here indians are making big claims with no evidence.
Who? Do u seriously consider Indians on this forum to be the decision maker? :laughcry:
Which govt official or military man suggested that? Our new Air chief even said he fully backs AMCA and wont be considering any foreign 5th gen options.

If India plan to conduct such a test, it will brag about it to no end first. If there were no boasting, nothing happened.
Lol, India has never bragged about strategic weapons and platforms before they were tested successfully. Didn't brag about Agni V or ASAT before they were tested. Infact as per many defence experts, India did't show their full potential. ASAT is capable to intercept in higher orbits and Agni as per many has a range of about 8000Km whereas India reports 5000km.
No point to discuss or explain to these Pakistanis because the majority of them are fanboys.

Fan boys are those who believe without proof. We Pakistani believe in reality rather than photoshop studio world.

So seeing is believing is for a reason.
I wonder how long it will for there to be a misfire and blows up their own helicopter?
If they weaponise it, it'll be a game changer.

Not really. The Chinese are WAY ahead of india and have nearly caught up with the West and Russia. There are MANY ToT of advanced weapons systems projects from China to Pakistan going on at the moment to counter such threats. Pakistan has now virtually neutralized the indian military who are no longer a challenge for us.

Lol, this test was conducted back in June. I opened a thread only now while you can continue living in your lala land that every tech developed by India is donated by US, Israel or Russia

It is. Which is why 1.4 billion indians have NEVER EVER invented ANY advanced technologies and sciences like the White and Far Eastern races have done. Which is why india spends billions buying weapons from Russia, the West and Israel and can NOT produce them indigenously.
Meanwhile we still don't have a supersonic cruise missile.

True or not, this news is not THAT significant considering that we still don't have proven defensibility or equal capability against India's supersonic BrahMos.

Our focus should still be towards supersonic cruise missile. At the short term we can have an off the shelf solution from China. In the long term, partner with China/RSA for in house expertise and production.
Who? Do u seriously consider Indians on this forum to be the decision maker? :laughcry:
Which govt official or military man suggested that? Our new Air chief even said he fully backs AMCA and wont be considering any foreign 5th gen options.

Lol, India has never bragged about strategic weapons and platforms before they were tested successfully. Didn't brag about Agni V or ASAT before they were tested. Infact as per many defence experts, India did't show their full potential. ASAT is capable to intercept in higher orbits and Agni as per many has a range of about 8000Km whereas India reports 5000km.

Can you provide a link to ANY credible evidence to back up your claims? If what you said was true then indian wouldn't be spending billions buying weapons from the West, Russia and Israel. They would make it themselves which they don't.
Meanwhile we still don't have a supersonic cruise missile.

True or not, this news is not THAT significant considering that we still don't have proven defensibility or equal capability against India's supersonic BrahMos.

Our focus should still be towards supersonic cruise missile. At the short term we can have an off the shelf solution from China. In the long term, partner with China/RSA for in house expertise and production.

Trust me, the second india has a military advantage over Pakistan, they will attack. No doubt about it. The fact that they havn't speaks volumes in itself against india and indians.

Good, so you don't have MIRVs.

We do. As confirmed by the Americans and an American Jew:


Meanwhile we still don't have a supersonic cruise missile.

True or not, this news is not THAT significant considering that we still don't have proven defensibility or equal capability against India's supersonic BrahMos.

Our focus should still be towards supersonic cruise missile. At the short term we can have an off the shelf solution from China. In the long term, partner with China/RSA for in house expertise and production.

The above is of no consequence to Pakistan as we have had advanced MIRV capability/technology for over 2 years now:


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