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India successfully test fires hypersonic cruise missile

what the fool you are we have able to track your if not all but most of your missiles, and we can intercept some of your missile with HQ-16 like Your vedic BRAHMOUSE @KhanBaba2 :agree:

LY-80 has a range of 12 km against low flying subsonic cruise missile. It can protect 450 sq km from subsonic cruise missiles. You have 9 LY-80 protecting 4000 sq.km. of Pakistan. Pakistan is 881913 sq.km. You have protection for 5% of Pakistan from subsonic cruise missile.

LY-80 cannot protect you from ballistic missiles.

LY-80 also cannot protect you from supersonic cruise missiles.
LY-80 has a range of 12 km against low flying subsonic cruise missile. It can protect 450 sq km from subsonic cruise missiles. You have 9 LY-80 protecting 4000 sq.km. of Pakistan. Pakistan is 881913 sq.km. You have protection for 5% of Pakistan from subsonic cruise missile.

LY-80 cannot protect you from ballistic missiles.

LY-80 also cannot protect you from supersonic cruise missiles.
kindly provide a reliable source/link that ly-80 has range of 12 km against subsonic cruise missiles,Pakistan army especially bought ly-80 for defense of supersonic missiles, i feeling sad for your retard thinking, your vedic BRAHMOUSE will fire from our Eastern borders or maybe across the LOC international border and LOC spans 1500 km enough for our defense your brahmouse won't fire at our western or northern border, and do research before you post,and your AAD & PAAD will stop very few pakistani BMs at the case of full fledged nuclear war, we are moving step by step our next purchase will be a version of hq-29 or hq-26 with a similar capability of US THAAD or PAC-3 @KhanBaba2
1. Not exactly, because of lowered response time for interception or any other measures.
2. nothing wrong being prepared
3. Who knows future?
kindly provide a reliable source/link that ly-80 has range of 12 km against subsonic cruise missiles,Pakistan army especially bought ly-80 for defense of supersonic missiles, i feeling sad for your retard thinking, your vedic BRAHMOUSE will fire from our Eastern borders or maybe across the LOC international border and LOC spans 1500 km enough for our defense your brahmouse won't fire at our western or northern border, and do research before you post,and your AAD & PAAD will stop very few pakistani BMs at the case of full fledged nuclear war, we are moving step by step our next purchase will be a version of hq-29 or hq-26 with a similar capability of US THAAD or PAC-3 @KhanBaba2

Pakistani source for you https://www.suchtv.pk/pakistan/gene...cially-inducts-chinese-made-ly-80-lomads.html
Hi @KhanBaba2 so you have no reliable/solid proofs/links to give us that ly-80 is only effective to intercept subsonic missiles
No i don't have any better source but Pakistan military bought ly-80 especially for intercepting supersonic missiles here on PDF and elsewhere

You want everyone to give source and you don't have source for your statements.

Give a source that says the LY-80 can intercept supersonic cruise missiles.
You want everyone to give source and you don't have source for your statements.

Give a source that says the LY-80 can intercept supersonic cruise missiles.
Cruise missiles are very difficult to intercept in reality because extensive radar coverage is required, and very powerful radars at that. Some members are taking brochure statements way too seriously.
This is a stunning development. Sub continent is becoming an increasingly dangerous place.

So I am supposed to give you link. And you don't like links that are from news channel of your country. And then instead of giving me links for assertions you make, you tell me to google it, and that too in all caps.

The radar of LY 80 are at ground level. They cannot see a missile beyond 25 km if it is flying at 50 meters because of the curvature of the earth. The BRAHMOUSE covers that distance in 25 seconds. Not enough time for the LY 80 to acquire the radar signature, get a lock, send a signal to the AAD missile. The missile then has to eject from and ignite its engine and then turn towards the incoming BRAHMOUSE. And the BRAHMOUSE is doing the S turn. w

If you knew the workings of the air defense systems, you would not be making such statements.
So I am supposed to give you link. And you don't like links that are from news channel of your country. And then instead of giving me links for assertions you make, you tell me to google it, and that too in all caps.
i am want to reliable defense sites, news channels site are often unreliable, and doesn't knows any things about technicalities of military technology
The radar of LY 80 are at ground level. They cannot see a missile beyond 25 km if it is flying at 50 meters because of the curvature of the earth. The BRAHMOUSE covers that distance in 25 seconds. Not enough time for the LY 80 to acquire the radar signature, get a lock, send a signal to the AAD missile. The missile then has to eject from and ignite its engine and then turn towards the incoming BRAHMOUSE. And the BRAHMOUSE is doing the S turn. w
wow what a information you have ,:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:, your s-300 and AKASH SAMs radars (RAGHENDRA RADAR) are also on the ground based radars, so why those radar can detect/track targets 400 km/80 km and our US ground base AESA radar (MTP-77) and Chinese ground based AESA (YL-12C) have a detection/tracking range of 400/300 km respectively, if you know nothing about radar technologies then stay silent, curvature of earth effect after 300-400 km range, most of the Naval ship AESA/PESA radars just raised 100 feet or so and can detect/track targets 400-500 km away your upcoming S-400 main AESA just has range of 600 Km, its just raised 40-50 feet above the ground, over the horizon radars (AESA/PESA) of USA/Russia have just raised 100-200 feet above the ground and can detect/track thousand of miles away

LY-80 is based on buk system buk radar range is 100+ km , so we assume that LY-80 radar's range is similar to buk system, and gere you go
S-Band 3-D passive phased-array radar; range of 140 km

and your BRAHMOUSE has big IR and RADAR RCS (Radar cross section) that means, it can be detected by various long range Pakistanis ground based radar/AWACS and send this information to LY-80 command posts through various nodes and indigenous data links so LY-80 this capabilty known as NETWORK CENTRIC CAPABILITY so LY-80 can intercept supersonic missiles in timely manner

and dude do research before you post its sincere advice for you @KhanBaba2

So I am supposed to give you link. And you don't like links that are from news channel of your country. And then instead of giving me links for assertions you make, you tell me to google it, and that too in all caps.
ok but this links of only says capable of intercepting Cruise missiles, you assume yourself that its only capable of intercepting subsonic cruise missiles @KhanBaba2 :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:

The radar of LY 80 are at ground level. They cannot see a missile beyond 25 km
And why you assume that give me technical reason for that, and don't say that because of curvature of earth, its effect only after 400-500 km @KhanBaba2 :crazy::crazy::crazy:

If ground based radar can give 400 km range and that could be increased even more by giving it more power, why would anyone go to the trouble to send radars up in planes.
If ground based radar can give 400 km range and that could be increased even more by giving it more power, why would anyone go to the trouble to send radars up in planes.
To go more deep into the enemy and ground radars (Fixed) are easy targets for fighter jets (SEAD AND DEAD MISSION) and if all ground based radars had been destroyed in wars then another alternate option left @KhanBaba2

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