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India Successfully Fires Electromagnetic Railgun (Mach 6) Test Shot

"According to the state-owned Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), a 12 mm square bore EMRG has been successfully tested"

Next in line is a projectile with 10 mega Jules. do you know what it means?
It is hard to find the original sources of these experiments because these experiments were done in 1980s, an age that people did not always upload articles on internet. Fortunately, I got a 1994 report about NON-US ELECTRODYNAMICS LAUNCHERS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. It describes the development of EMG of Russia, German, UK, Japan and China.

This is the description about Chinese 303EMG and other EMG device: "The best performance given for the square-bore gun was 3.2 km/s with a 30.2-g projectile and, for the round-bore gun, greater than 3 km/s with a 100-g projectile." (Page III-5)

If you see the report that I posted and other reports from IEEE, maybe you will believe the "chinese shit".

The issue is not about believing. The issue is that in order for any weapons defense related project to be successful, there must be weapons trials. There will be failures but this will provide an opportunity to learn, repair and change course in weapons design.

For you or anyone else to think India is the only nation that has failures in such projects, reveals you're totally clueless. This is not pointed at you specifically but in general to folks on this tread who think so..
The issue is not about believing. The issue is that in order for any weapons defense related project to be successful, there must be weapons trials. There will be failures but this will provide an opportunity to learn, repair and change course in weapons design.

For you or anyone else to think India is the only nation that has failures in such projects, reveals you're totally clueless. This is not pointed at you specifically but in general to folks on this tread who think so..

I never think it is a fail project. I had said "it is a great achievement" in #37. I am not a troll. I had view a same thread about this, but I do not say anythins. I comment this thread because some members may see this as a military prototype.
I never think it is a fail project. I had said "it is a great achievement" in #37. I am not a troll. I had view a same thread about this, but I do not say anythins. I comment this thread because some members may see this as a military prototype.

Sorry I did not notice. What starts of as a civilian project will also have a military application if it is in the best interest of national security. I think this project would evolve accordingly.
Next in line is a projectile with 10 mega Jules. do you know what it means?

Of course I know. It is the boundary between a principal prototype and a military prototype.
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Sorry I did not notice. What starts of as a civilian project will also have a military application if it is in the best interest of national security. I think this project would evolve accordingly.

A great indian scientist who design component of railgun for US Army Research Laboratory -- Dr. Sikhanda Satapathy


Dr. Sikhanda Satapathy and Dr. Jun Li got the 2012 Peter Mark Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Electromagnetic Launch Technology.
Give me the links of Chinese rail Gun project and so as others you claimed.
There you go, instead of link, here is a pic.:cheesy:
There you go, instead of link, here is a pic.:cheesy:

He just asked for several countries' early rail-gun projects in last century, and India also had one. Moreover, this Chinese rail-gun is still a prototype. We even do not know its power. According to Chinese paper on IEEE, it may not higher than 32 MJ.
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Ya US just tested 2-3 years back and these chinese trols are saying that many countries have mad iit 2 decades back. So far as lying is concern, nobody cam natch these short guys with long claims.

You may want to watch your foul mouth when you belittle China and brag about India, it made both you and India look bad. Never learnt the lesson of "Indian 132.5 exaflops super-supercomputer by 2017"?

2017 India: 12x12 projectiles, M6 (2058m/s), 1-2 meter long rail;
1994 China: 25x25 projectiles, 3200m/s, 3-3.5 meter rail, 3 MJ Capacitor.

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Why argue with them. When China has this operational on the next 055 in like a few years they will still say they are ahead somehow. The thing is with delusional people no amount of proof or logic will change their opinion.

Like in just another thread they are still saying they have better fighter aircraft when we are inducting J-20s when they still using MKIs. Like what could convince people like that?
You may want to watch your mouth when you belittle China and brag about India, it made both you and India look bad.

2017 India: 12x12 projectiles, M6 (2058m/s), 1-2 meter long rail;
1994 China: 25x25 projectiles, 3200m/s, 3-3.5 meter rail, 3 MJ Capacitor.


India test the 12x12 projectiles in 1990s.

You may want to watch your foul mouth when you belittle China and brag about India, it made both you and India look bad. Never learnt the lesson of "Indian 132.5 exaflops super-supercomputer by 2017"?

2017 India: 12x12 projectiles, M6 (2058m/s), 1-2 meter long rail;
1994 China: 25x25 projectiles, 3200m/s, 3-3.5 meter rail, 3 MJ Capacitor.


When it comes to bragging, there is simply no match for Indians. By their President, India is already a supa powa by 2012. While we are 5 times bigger economy, our goal is to become moderate developed by 2030.

Why argue with them. When China has this operational on the next 055 in like a few years they will still say they are ahead somehow. The thing is with delusional people no amount of proof or logic will change their opinion.

Like in just another thread they are still saying they have better fighter aircraft when we are inducting J-20s when they still using MKIs. Like what could convince people like that?

Exactly, we put a real prototype on the ship to test already. These guys claim in the china em gun thread we have a inferiority complex. :rofl: And make everything we do is about India :rofl:

Actually except PDF Chinese has some knowledge of them, 99.9999% Chinese don't know and don't give a shit about supa powa 2012
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Why argue with them. When China has this operational on the next 055 in like a few years they will still say they are ahead somehow. The thing is with delusional people no amount of proof or logic will change their opinion.

Like in just another thread they are still saying they have better fighter aircraft when we are inducting J-20s when they still using MKIs. Like what could convince people like that?
We are not arguing with them. We are humiliating them :enjoy:

There are others who can see the light and who is the real one and who is the pretender. Indian strategy is to misled as much people as possible. But if their trick is see through. It will makes more mockery of Indians.
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