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India Successfully Fires Electromagnetic Railgun (Mach 6) Test Shot

Guys, India has an experimental rail projectile almost 20 years old by Chinese standards. We managed to scale it up to a working gun after 2/3 decades of hard work. You need to remember these clowns don't even know how to make a decent rifle. So stop comparing, keep quiet and continue our work, in the end, we always win. Remember Doklam?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

You see the difference between us and them? We don't even officially announce anything, we don't go shouting about it. Just an amateur pic and it's enough to shock the world.
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We are not arguing with them. We are humiliating them :enjoy:

There are others who can see the light and who is the real one and who is the pretender. Indian strategy is to misled as much people as possible. But if their trick is see through. It will makes more mockery of Indians.

Bluffing , abusing and exposing ignorance is chinese trait and national identity. Yes, you are humiliating us. We saw how you humiliated us in DOKLAM. keep humiliating us like this. We like it. We tested rail gun and you humiliated us?

There you go, instead of link, here is a pic.:cheesy:

Is the ship in picture is a rail gun?
LOL at the Indian going bonkers with humiliation!!! :woot:

This is how our over excited Indian friend think about Indian "railgun": :partay:

This is the most significant technological achievement in the field of defense. This has put us in a totally different league of defense and at par with US and Russia and above most of the so called technologically advance countries.
just anther one of drdodo's high-tech projects that they pretend to work on.. given how long it took drdodo to make that simple insas rifle and not even work properly. this indian supa railgun will be ready in year 2200~ :D
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