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India shouldn't expect Russia to come to its defence if China were to violate the Line of Actual Control, says US deputy NSA Daleep Singh

Oops! Should have secured more Rafales/ F21s before Ukraine fiasco started. I think they'd have to do with Tejas for foreseeable future. And if US wants they can screw up supply of F404 bringing India on the knees. Coz China isn't going to sell anything to Russia. Russian supplies are affected till foreseeable future. And US can block anything from US + European origins. Have to tread to thin line there.
Why should Russia care even?

Kashmir and South Tibet disputes are not Russia's problems.
We Indians value our independence because India got her Independence from the British on a platter without a fight.

Clearly, a full time basement dwelling troll like you operating out of a 2ft x 2ft workstation 24x7 is not expected to know anything about the freedom struggle. Nothing beyond the script handed over to you.

I am sure your masters give you one day off in a year. Use that one day to crawl out your basement and soak the sunlight. It cures both khujli and dementia.
Clearly, a full time basement dwelling troll like you operating out of a 2ft x 2ft workstation 24x7 is not expected to know anything about the freedom struggle. Nothing beyond the script handed over to you.

I am sure your masters give you one day off in a year. Use that one day to crawl out your basement and soak the sunlight. It cures both khujli and dementia.


Indian princes pleaded Lord Mountbatten not to leave.

Many Indians were in a state of shock on hearing the news that British decided to leave India.

Nehru and Indian elite gave the British a grand and tearful send off.

Why don't you ask @Joe Shearer if his father or Suhrawardy fought the British.

Most Indians were happy to work under the British.

Ambedkar's father served as a soldier in British Indian Army.

Thousands of Indians died fighting for the British in WW I and WW II.

All the elites like Tagore, Gandhi, Nehru, Ambedkar, Jinnah went to England to study.

At the outbreak of the Indian rebellion, on 10 May 1857, Sir Syed was serving as the chief assessment officer at the court in Bijnor. He stood by the British officers of Bijnor and saved the lives of many British officers and their family members from the revolting soldiers. That was enough for him to get the knighthood.

Indian princes pleaded Lord Mountbatten not to leave.

Many Indians were in a state of shock on hearing the news that British decided to leave India.

Nehru and Indian elite gave the British a grand and tearful send off.

Why don't you ask @Joe Shearer if his father or Suhrawardy fought the British.

Most Indians were happy to work under the British.

Ambedkar's father served as a soldier in British Indian Army.

Thousands of Indians died fighting for the British in WW I and WW II.

All the elites like Tagore, Gandhi, Nehru, Ambedkar, Jinnah went to England to study.

At the outbreak of the Indian rebellion, on 10 May 1857, Sir Syed was serving as the chief assessment officer at the court in Bijnor. He stood by the British officers of Bijnor and saved the lives of many British officers and their family members from the revolting soldiers. That was enough for him to get the knighthood.

There is only one group of people in India that peddles the narrative that we got our independence on a platter, without a fight. Guess who?

Mods can you please perma ban this troll? He does nothing but hop around the forum all day, taking a dump on every thread. There should be a limit to how much trolling is tolerated. This is an insult to the freedom fighters of the subcontinent who sacrificed so much, suffered prison sentences and even laid down their lives. Wish they knew they are doing it for POS like this.

@waz @LeGenD @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster
There is only one group of people in India that peddles the narrative that we got our independence on a platter, without a fight. Guess who?

Mods can you please perma ban this troll? He does nothing but hop around the forum all day, taking a dump on every thread. There should be a limit to how much trolling is tolerated. This is an insult to the freedom fighters of the subcontinent who sacrificed so much, suffered prison sentences and even laid down their lives. Wish they knew they are doing it for POS like this.

@waz @LeGenD @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster
lol as if Indian forums are any better.
There are a ton of false flags on Indian forums.
There is only one group of people in India that peddles the narrative that we got our independence on a platter, without a fight. Guess who?

Mods can you please perma ban this troll? He does nothing but hop around the forum all day, taking a dump on every thread. There should be a limit to how much trolling is tolerated. This is an insult to the freedom fighters of the subcontinent who sacrificed so much, suffered prison sentences and even laid down their lives. Wish they knew they are doing it for POS like this.

@waz @LeGenD @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster
There is only one group of people in India that peddles the narrative that we got our independence on a platter, without a fight. Guess who?

Mods can you please perma ban this troll? He does nothing but hop around the forum all day, taking a dump on every thread. There should be a limit to how much trolling is tolerated. This is an insult to the freedom fighters of the subcontinent who sacrificed so much, suffered prison sentences and even laid down their lives. Wish they knew they are doing it for POS like this.

@waz @LeGenD @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster

Friends are between equals. It is always the case, both in personal and international relationships.

China and Russia are not equals today. After the invasion of Ukraine, Russia is nothing more than a client state for China. For instance, the Ukrainians have posted videos that show the parts inside downed Russian drones in their territory. Almost all electronics and optical components of the drone are consumer grade electronics imported from US, Japan and China. Now that the other countries have blocked electronics into Russia, with what electronic components will Russia manufacture weapons? Russia's manufacturing industries rely heavily on western technology. With that supply chain completely cut off, Russia will have no other option than to switch to China as long as Putin remains in helm.

This is a tragic geopolitical development for India. I'm sure that the policy makers in GOI are worried at this. Just a matter of time before the realization trickles down to everyone who refuses to admit that Russia is just another client for China in this polarized world.

This is what I have been saying in the Ukraine-Russia war thread repeatedly: Pakistanis have no dog in this fight except for the potential gains for Pakistan's key ally China. India, on the other hand, has a lot at stake. The weaker Russia is, the more Russia reliant on China, the better for Pakistan, the worse for India. For example, IF a UNSC resolution is tabled against India over Kashmir and there is no more guarantee of a Russian Veto, then India would be totally reliant on America/UK/France for that Veto. And we know that UK/France are essentially American vassal states--BTW who are shamefully in the UNSC despite not earning it. And IF America decides to make India follow some American diktat then India would be in a very tough diplomatic, even strategic situation!!

Many Pakistanis in that Ukraine-Russia war threat have been reflexively anti-American and supporting Russia. There need not be such thinking. Pakistan arguably gains from a weaker Russia, just as India could gain from a stronger Russia.
But I still want the damn conflict in Ukraine to be over asap for humanity's sake.
There is only one group of people in India that peddles the narrative that we got our independence on a platter, without a fight. Guess who?

Mods can you please perma ban this troll? He does nothing but hop around the forum all day, taking a dump on every thread. There should be a limit to how much trolling is tolerated. This is an insult to the freedom fighters of the subcontinent who sacrificed so much, suffered prison sentences and even laid down their lives. Wish they knew they are doing it for POS like this.

@waz @LeGenD @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster

Stop distorting history. Indians didn’t fight for independence, but beg for one. Gandhi is seen as a peaceful leader as he succeeded in begging.

Did India even try to fight for freedom after 1858? Indians should be grateful that Britain created India. As India, just like America, was created by British colonialism.
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