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India shouldn't expect Russia to come to its defence if China were to violate the Line of Actual Control, says US deputy NSA Daleep Singh

Why would we get involved in fighting 2 male elephants? We will simply do what we are doing now. Stay out of the way.
Because for years I kept seeing Indians online talking about how much they love Russia and how they are brothers and how they are true friends and Mr.Putin sir you are best leaders in worlds and Russia great contry and we are brother etc etc.

Just like what Indians say to the Israelis for example.
Pakistan could try to calm the Chinese after we capture occupied Kashmir and the Chinese are liberated northern Indian states from BJP tyranny.

I'm not promising anything to Indians but neither are the Americans, I can assure you 🤣
I understand you hate Indians with a bloody passion, but let’s try to have a civil talk here. An invasion of any country is hard.
Because for years I kept seeing Indians online talking about how much they love Russia and how they are brothers and how they are true friends and Mr.Putin sir you are best leaders in worlds and Russia great contry and we are brother etc etc.

Just like what Indians say to the Israelis for example.

Of course, we have a strategic relationship with them. Of course, we have close military ties with them. At the same time, we also have close people to people ties with the West. And we have old ties with the middle east. And ancient trade routes which went all the way yto the South East.

We have very good ties with Israel and the same happens to be true with France. But, why should we get involved in anybody else's war?
Because for years I kept seeing Indians online talking about how much they love Russia and how they are brothers and how they are true friends and Mr.Putin sir you are best leaders in worlds and Russia great contry and we are brother etc etc.

Just like what Indians say to the Israelis for example.
I think the things are becoming crystal clear in last 20 years that without an actual pact, everything you say is just talk be it India, US or Pakistan.
In my opinion, India has played out really well despite the pressure from the West and i don't think Indian expect Russian physical presence in case of any war with either Pakistan or China.
There are Indians on social media who would say anything and everything and there are seasoned Indian diplomat, policymakers, generals and politicians who know their limit and their realities hence are very pragmatic in their approach.
Of course, we have a strategic relationship with them. Of course, we have close military ties with them. At the same time, we also have close people to people ties with the West. And we have old ties with the middle east. And ancient trade routes which went all the way yto the South East.

We have very good ties with Israel and the same happens to be true with France. But, why should we get involved in anybody else's war?
Then don't have your people talk all the time about "we are love you,we are best friends,we are allies" etc
Then don't have your people talk all the time about "we are love you,we are best friends,we are allies" etc

Then don't have your people talk all the time about "we are love you,we are best friends,we are allies" etc

When has any government official said we are allies? Could you please find me quote? The term used will always be partners. There are Indians who supported Iraq when the US invaded. There are Indians today who love America. There are Indian, i know of today who love Japan. Some love Turkey. Thats what a democracy is.

But the over riding factor is we love India more. And like I said, not our war. Not our battle.
Bizarre statement from US when the past shows otherwise

During 1971 war one of the reasons from Chinese not intervening despite India military being fully occupied was fear of a Soviet attack

Sino-Soviet border conflict

India noticed this and took advantage of it by integrating Chinese claimed state in 1975
How Did The Integration Of Sikkim With India Take Place?

Chinese response to above was militarily muted and some diplomatic whining

Its was only after Sino-Vietnam war of 1979 PRC was convinced USSR will not intervene
Sino-Vietnamese War

Chinese confident of no Soviet intervention decided to take advantage of Indian military being occupied post Siachen operations, Sri Lankan Civil War intervention and also Maldives
Operation Rajiv
1988 Maldives coup d'état attempt

Indian intervention in the Sri Lankan Civil War

Sumdorong Chu standoff

This backfired on Chinese again

While Russia post Soviet era is no longer in a position to directly confront the Chinese, they continue to aid India in subtle ways example assistance on Indian SSBN program
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India doesn't need to look further than 1971 and see how the US ran away with tails between its legs in the Bay of Bengal, didn't really leave a good impression then.

Indian's are shrewd people they'll milk the West for assets, but will never fight China as it really doesn't have a beef with China besides a border line and none is going to full scale war in this day and age over that as it makes no difference to India anyways.
Milk the west? We have paid our way for everything from c47 dakotas to P8I's, from Dassault Ouragons to Dassault Rafale.

Russia won't come to your defence if China breaches LAC,' US warns India​

Speaking in New Delhi, US Deputy National Security Adviser Daleep Singh said Russia has declared China as its most important strategic partner, by extension, that has real implications for India

Press Trust of IndiaMarch 31, 2022 20:56:46 IST
'Russia won't come to your defence if China breaches LAC,' US warns India

Foreign Secretary Harshvarshan Shringla met US Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics & G20 Sherpa Daleep Singh. Twitter/@MEAIndia
New Delhi: The US on Thursday said there will be consequences for countries that actively attempt to "circumvent or backfill" American sanctions against Russia and said it would not like to see a "rapid" acceleration in India's imports from Russia including energy and other commodities.
US Deputy National Security Adviser Daleep Singh also referred to the "no limits" partnership between Moscow and Beijing and said no one believes that Russia would come running to India's defence if China breaches the Line of Actual Control.
Singh said India's current import of Russian energy doesn't violate any of the American sanctions as the US had given exemption on the flow of energy from Russia, but at the same time added that Washington would like to see its allies and partners find ways to reduce their reliance on an "unreliable supplier".
The US Deputy NSA, who played a key role in designing American sanctions against Russia, arrived in New Delhi on Wednesday on a two-day visit in the backdrop of increasing disquiet among Western powers over India not criticising Russia over its attack on Ukraine.
"We would not like to see mechanisms that are designed to prop up the rouble or to undermine the dollar-based financial system or to circumvent our financial sanctions," he told a small group of reporters.
His comments came on a day Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov begins his two-day India visit that could see discussions on a rouble-rupee payment mechanism for bilateral trade including New Delhi's purchase of Russian oil.
"What we would not like to see is a rapid acceleration of India's imports from Russia as it relates to energy or any other exports that are currently being prohibited by the US or by other aspects of the international sanctions regime," he said.
Singh was asked about India's decision to purchase discounted oil from Russia.
He said the US stands ready to help India in meeting its requirement for energy and defence equipment.
"So the conversation I've had here is that we stand ready to help India diversify its energy resources, much like is the case for defence resources over a period of time," he added.
Referring to cooperation under the Quad framework, Singh said there has been a recognition in the coalition that China is a strategic threat to a free, open and secure Indo-Pacific.
"If you set that against the reality that China and Russia have now declared a no limits partnership, and that Russia has said that China is its most important strategic partner, by extension, that has real implications for India," Singh said.
He said Russia is going to be the junior partner in this relationship with China.
"And the more leverage that China gains over Russia, the less favourable that is for India. I don't think anyone would believe that if China once again breaches the Line of Actual Control, Russia would come running to India's defence," he said.
"And so that's the context in which we really want the democracies across the world, and specifically the Quad, to come together and voice their shared interests and their shared concerns about the developments in Ukraine and the implications for the Indo-Pacific," Singh said.
The US Deputy NSA said the impact of the Russian aggression if not checked will be devastating.
"Think of the chilling effect that would cause the uncertainties that would be raised, the signal that would be sent to autocrats all over the world that might wish to exert their own sphere of influence, bully their neighbours, perhaps right on India's doorstep. And those are costs that we are not willing to accept," he said.
Asked about possible consequences of an attempt to circumvent the sanctions, Singh said "that's the subject of private discussions that I am not going to share publicly."
Singh said the US is having an "honest dialogue" with the government officials on the Ukraine crisis.
"The truth is that there are core principles at stake in our judgement. Core principles that underpin peace and security all over the world, the principle that you can't redraw borders by force, the principles that you can't subjugate the will of the free people, that countries have the right to set their own course and choose their own destiny.
"And (Vladimir) Putin is violating all of those principles. And that's why we're imposing these sanctions. That's why we're supporting Ukraine's fight for freedom," Singh said.
The US official said the democracies must stand up to protect the core principles that underpin peace and security all over the world.
"When democracies don't stand up in solidarity and defend those principles together, the costs and risk to all of us become that much larger," he said.
"So it is critical that we move in as broad a coalition as possible because this is not a unilateral exercise in brute American force. That's not what this is," he added.
Bizarre statement from US when the past shows otherwise

During 1971 war one of the reasons from Chinese not intervening despite India military being fully occupied was fear of a Soviet attack

Sino-Soviet border conflict

India noticed this and took advantage of it by integrating Chinese claimed state in 1975
How Did The Integration Of Sikkim With India Take Place?

Chinese response to above was again muted

Its was only Sino-Vietnam war of 1979 PRC was convinced USSR will not intervene
Sino-Vietnamese War

Chinese confident of no Soviet intervention decided to take advantage of Indian military being occupied post Siachen operations in 1987
Operation Rajiv

Sumdorong Chu standoff

This backfired on Chinese again

While Russia post Soviet era is no longer in a position to directly confront the Chinese, they continue to aid India in subtle ways example assistance on Indian SSBN program
What you say is absolutely correct, but Russia can't help us the way it helped in 71'. It was easy for Russia to choose then. Not anymore.

Russia did provide us with emergency assistance even during the latest standoff against China, but India also rebuffed their "offer" to act as a "mediator" b/w India and China. Highly likely because we saw what was coming.

Just like India, Russia also has very close military ties with China.
China has gained significant leverage on Russia, and that leverage acts as an assurance that Russia will not short change China.

As of today, if war breaks out- we will get assistance from Russia, and so will China. We should not expect Russia to come to India's aid at the expense of China. Same as they will not come to China's aid at the expense of our multi decadal worth ties and goodwill. Putin isn't going to ditch India because of a newly found rich friend. It's not worth it in the long run.

This is the maximum flexibility we can expect from Russia as of now. Anything more is obviously welcome but I would not bet on it.
As of today, if war breaks out- we will get assistance from Russia, and so will China. We should not expect Russia to come to India's aid at the expense of China. Same as they will not come to China's aid at the expense of our multi decadal worth ties and goodwill. Putin isn't going to ditch India because of a newly found rich friend. It's not worth it in the long run.

This is the maximum flexibility we can expect from Russia as of now. Anything more is obviously welcome but I would not bet on it.
Friends are between equals. It is always the case, both in personal and international relationships.

China and Russia are not equals today. After the invasion of Ukraine, Russia is nothing more than a client state for China. For instance, the Ukrainians have posted videos that show the parts inside downed Russian drones in their territory. Almost all electronics and optical components of the drone are consumer grade electronics imported from US, Japan and China. Now that the other countries have blocked electronics into Russia, with what electronic components will Russia manufacture weapons? Russia's manufacturing industries rely heavily on western technology. With that supply chain completely cut off, Russia will have no other option than to switch to China as long as Putin remains in helm.

This is a tragic geopolitical development for India. I'm sure that the policy makers in GOI are worried at this. Just a matter of time before the realization trickles down to everyone who refuses to admit that Russia is just another client for China in this polarized world.
Milk the west? We have paid our way for everything from c47 dakotas to P8I's, from Dassault Ouragons to Dassault Rafale.

You were in the Russian camp abet silently, many things were off limits but not the case anymore. Heck, you guys are being more pampered than the Pakistani's were.

Friends are between equals. It is always the case, both in personal and international relationships.

China and Russia are not equals today. After the invasion of Ukraine, Russia is nothing more than a client state for China. For instance, the Ukrainians have posted videos that show the parts inside downed Russian drones in their territory. Almost all electronics and optical components of the drone are consumer grade electronics imported from US, Japan and China. Now that the other countries have blocked electronics into Russia, with what electronic components will Russia manufacture weapons? Russia's manufacturing industries rely heavily on western technology. With that supply chain completely cut off, Russia will have no other option than to switch to China as long as Putin remains in helm.

This is a tragic geopolitical development for India. I'm sure that the policy makers in GOI are worried at this. Just a matter of time before the realization trickles down to everyone who refuses to admit that Russia is just another client for China in this polarized world.

That's what I've been saying in the other thread. Russia has been reduced for a lack of better word a prostitute that offers some benefits.
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