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India should forget about AJK, time has come to get rid of old occupation. DG ISPR

We have already tried the diplomatic channel and asked the world to help it settle in a peaceful way.. But if the world stays indifferent and pegged to its petty interests then no one should blame us for doing the right thing.
And exactly what will happen after those typical bilateral talks offers by UN and world powers? Nothing
Even if the petition by UN goes in our favor it won't change the occupied condition of Kashmir.
The region is being stripped from it's special status, genocide and attacks on our kashmir part is coming and next month they are going to held fake elections in Kashmir.There is no room for talks after what India has done.The Kashmir region need to be separated from India after India illegally annexxed it and unfortunately that's only possible by war. Or avoid the war,witness the worst genocide of kashmiris,get your rivers blocked in IOK and next they are coming for GB and AJK.
I have got to hand it to the little dagger shaped country....small in size but big in achievement they may be evil but they achieved a lot. Pakistan is the counter to Israel. India is just a pawn. Hinduism is not a Abhrahamic faith. Thus they will remain pawns until converted in into one of the divine faiths. Israeli pilot or no pilot they are hell bent in scheming and conniving with the pawns. Those who dismiss it as a hoax are not in tune with the great game. This great game is all about religion and faith in the end. In devil they trust. In Allah we trust.
And exactly what will happen after those typical bilateral talks offers by UN and world powers? Nothing
Even if the petition by UN goes in our favor it won't change the occupied condition of Kashmir.
The region is being stripped from it's special status, genocide and attacks on our kashmir part is coming and next month they are going to held fake elections in Kashmir.There is no room for talks after what India has done.The Kashmir region need to be separated from India after India illegally annexxed it and unfortunately that's only possible by war. Or avoid the war,witness the worst genocide of kashmiris,get your rivers blocked in IOK and next they are coming for GB and AJK.
Pakistan is not looking for any bilateral talks since that is waste of time and a proven dilatory tool for the Bhindus. We are just letting the world community know and act if it can which it won't but then we can't be held responsible and the whole world may have to face the consequences if they do not stop this madness of Modi - the terrorist
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I am not an expert on this but can anyone shade a light about the complications for us to drop weapons for Kashmiri civilians in Kashmir in case of full fledged war that could multiply our force in that region? I think 1st thing here could well be how to penetrate into occupied territory with minimal loss?
Where are u going with this question ?
I dont not like to speak to monkeys on this forum and unless you tell the mods where you are from, so that they can verify your flags. You will not be getting any replies from me, on the accusation that you are an Indian monkey. Thus having no say in any of this matter.
Like I care for a reply from a low life scum like you, like I care that I need to verify myself to you to prove who I am ... I am who I am, a blessed person, who only answers to his lord and only works to please HIM, not to a imbecile like you... live in your gow Matra dream and have sleep less nights wondering who this person you are talking to... one clue I can give you, so you don’t have to take sleeping pills, go to my previous posts ... moron !
@waz @Dubious can we get an ip check on him? Or figure out where he is from
I am not an expert on this but can anyone shade a light about the complications for us to drop weapons for Kashmiri civilians in Kashmir in case of full fledged war that could multiply our force in that region? I think 1st thing here could well be how to penetrate into occupied territory with minimal loss?
Yup that's what I was thinking about.Its more a war of kashmiris than ours ,yes it affects us as well but affects kashmiris way more.If we invade them the world will see it as invasion ,if the locals put up a fight they will outnumber the occupying forces and that's what we call a indigenous war for freedom.Though we will send mujhaideen and provide them weapons to make them more stronger.
Yup that's what I was thinking about.Its more a war of kashmiris than ours ,yes it affects us as well but affects kashmiris way more.If we invade them the world will see it as invasion ,if the locals put up a fight they will outnumber the occupying forces and that's what we call a indigenous war for freedom.Though we will send mujhaideen and provide them weapons to make them more stronger.

Exactly and if war breaks out in other sector, we would be able to deploy more Jawans in other fronts.
And exactly what will happen after those typical bilateral talks offers by UN and world powers? Nothing
Even if the petition by UN goes in our favor it won't change the occupied condition of Kashmir.
The region is being stripped from it's special status, genocide and attacks on our kashmir part is coming and next month they are going to held fake elections in Kashmir.There is no room for talks after what India has done.The Kashmir region need to be separated from India after India illegally annexxed it and unfortunately that's only possible by war. Or avoid the war,witness the worst genocide of kashmiris,get your rivers blocked in IOK and next they are coming for GB and AJK.
Some of these so called over educated idiots, would never agree to whatever found realities may be?
Thy Jst like to live in thier dam dream worlds, hvimg huge degrees bt just to get a job and bieng paid like slaves every month Thts thier mentality is?

Destruction makes a way for construction!
Bring ur 100 times more support to kashmiris freedom fighters, tell the world, Tht indian occupation is illegal and we will support as much as we can and all the ways we can, and thy hve right to remain dam silent, untill India stops its illegal occupation, detaintion, and torture to its kashmiris, Sikhs, dallits and all other communities
Thn we can think of any negociations which must be soughted only by Indians???
Sort out expert teams which can go in the Occupied kashmir volunterly, and can destroy bigger indian military installations thn give kashmiris bigger weapons to deal with Indian army and thn watch tht fight with alertness?
and when ever we feel tht india is getting upper hand go in and destroy tht hand, keep tht situation for Jst a year, u ill find modi Jee, appealing and begging whole world for negociations
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