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India should forget about AJK, time has come to get rid of old occupation. DG ISPR

Why are we Pakistanis ALWAYS SO DISMISSIVE. India has a professional standing army. With their mechanized divisions and war doctrines. How can you say stupid things like that only indicate our mentality of burying our heads in the sand.

Same Pakistani mindset led to abrogation of 370 and 35A. We thought O they would never really do it. Oh sane voices in India will stop them. Oh the international community will stop them.

Still wanna bury your head in sand when the threat is so serious???

Oh please i dont wanna listen this from a person who doesnt even live here
All this fear mongering wont do anything its just a way for the current gov to divert attention from the economic crisis of this country
Sure the situation in kashmir is the worst in 3 decades
But whats pakistan gonna do?
Chest thumping?
Go to the UN?
Fire up the LOC?
Send fighters across the LOC?
All of these have been tried and tested at points where pakistan had the best economic,political and foriegn leverage ?
What make you think somethin will happen now..
We are a nation run by emotions ,not by laws or common sense and so are you
Too much dependence on China. Not very wise.
Pak army and PLAF is in waiting for any false flage from India and thn that false flag will be changed in to real war, and this time key military establishments within Jammu, kashmir and ladakh region will be targeted roughly very roughly, PLAF will make sure to hve a no flying zone over tht area thus pak ill be free to capture as much as thy want and thus time india has to fire its nukes or to give up, and if it fires nuke then pak and china IL make it sure there won't be any country name india on plannet earth Thts what dg ISPR meant today!
IMO, Pakistan shall preempt, whenever the opportunity arise or the situation favors.
It's about time that Pakistan shall call Indian nuclear bluff.
Thy r stupid, thy could hve used it as a diplomatic option bt now more thn pak, bells rang to China, and hope u know thy don't talk much thy shoot frist, and now both China and pak r waiting india brings any false flag tht I'll be the time, when both ill act with lighting speeds with tactical weapons on the front lines
even if Pakistan try to avoid war today it will prop up again bcoz of some new actions by subhumans, for example Ugly bhangi have plan to make illegal settlements for ex service men in Kashmir to change demographic, we unfortunately have Inferiority stricken Israel wanna be shakha fanatics and our hands are forced, we shamelessly tried to appease them but now it seems there is realizations even among our liberal lobby that you can't deal with these pests in any civilized dialogue.
Too much dependence on China. Not very wise.
Actully it's not dependence, it's need of the hour works for both China and pak well specially when stupid Indian defence minsters nuclear threat, what u think China will sit and watch it happening no, thy will hit frist may before pakistan???
One thing is sure, Tht this Indian nazi govt is about to hit India hard by poking both China and pak at same time, and it's about time thy should come to thier senses if not India stands no chance against China Pakistan joint military strikes, while Russia looking all of tht with popcorn in its hands?
Oh please i dont wanna listen this from a person who doesnt even live here
All this fear mongering wont do anything its just a way for the current gov to divert attention from the economic crisis of this country
Sure the situation in kashmir is the worst in 3 decades
But whats pakistan gonna do?
Chest thumping?
Go to the UN?
Fire up the LOC?
Send fighters across the LOC?
All of these have been tried and tested at points where pakistan had the best economic,political and foriegn leverage ?
What make you think somethin will happen now..
We are a nation run by emotions ,not by laws or common sense and so are you
If it was just pakistan thn it maybe like what u think bt u poke China into tht and remember it was China which took it into UNSC now its our turn to do a false flag and hit u hard asap we can, go into kashmir destroy all of ur key millitary installations, which I'll be PLAF job and take as much ur troops prade them in Islamabad as attacking forces while China vetoing any of ur dam diplomatic moves, thn let khalistan and Nagaland announce thier independence from inda, there is jst one WY u can stop it, push the dam button and strike today both pak and China? R u ready for tht?????? Lolzzz
Ur stupid defence minster, has opened last of ur options lolzx and now u got nothing?
If it was just pakistan thn it maybe like what u think bt u poke China into tht and remember it was China which took it into UNSC now its our turn to do a false flag and hit u hard asap we can, go into kashmir destroy all of ur key millitary installations, which I'll be PLAF job and take as much ur troops prade them in Islamabad as attacking forces while China vetoing any of ur dam diplomatic moves, thn let khalistan and Nagaland announce thier independence from inda, there is jst one WY u can stop it, push the dam button and strike today both pak and China? R u ready for tht?????? Lolzzz
Ur stupid defence minster, has opened last of ur options lolzx and now u got nothing?
I am from pakistan ....

A nation run by emotion
Oh please i dont wanna listen this from a person who doesnt even live here
All this fear mongering wont do anything its just a way for the current gov to divert attention from the economic crisis of this country
Sure the situation in kashmir is the worst in 3 decades
But whats pakistan gonna do?
Chest thumping?
Go to the UN?
Fire up the LOC?
Send fighters across the LOC?
All of these have been tried and tested at points where pakistan had the best economic,political and foriegn leverage ?
What make you think somethin will happen now..
We are a nation run by emotions ,not by laws or common sense and so are you

Few things these dumb Pakistanis need to get through their head. If India cannot get AJK then how the hell we will conquer IoK with huge disadvantage in conventional warfare. All so called Huriat separatists like Yasin Malik etc aka former militants trained in Pakistan and then turned in to Gandis are against J&K joining Pakistan. Hell they are even against GB joining Pakistan, case in point Yasin Malik wrote to Nawaz when there was talks of GB being declared province as per demand of locals. So forget about finding any local support in IoK.

Im pretty sure no one in establishment would want to see GB go in referendum. Since Kashmiris don't want to join Pakistan why the hell should Pakistanis die for them? Hence why you see government is very careful and is only talking about war in defensive scenario and not to conquer IoK and liberate Kashmiris who are apparently waiting to join Pakistan as per many fools on PDF. Maybe finally establishment have learned lesson from 48, 65 and 99.
Pakistan highlight the Kashmir issue in UNSC to solve the problem but they didn't so now world can't blame us about any adventure. Pakistan will do what need to be done.
World now should put *** in his mouth and let us do the talking which india understands russia us france etc if call me as pm i ask tgem go lick modis ***
Few things these dumb Pakistanis need to get through their head. If India cannot get AJK then how the hell we will conquer IoK with huge disadvantage in conventional warfare. All so called Huriat separatists like Yasin Malik etc aka former militants trained in Pakistan and then turned in to Gandis are against J&K joining Pakistan. Hell they are even against GB joining Pakistan, case in point Yasin Malik wrote to Nawaz when there was talks of GB being declared province as per demand of locals. So forget about finding any local support in IoK.

Im pretty sure no one in establishment would want to see GB go in referendum. Since Kashmiris don't want to join Pakistan why the hell should Pakistanis die for them? Hence why you see government is very careful and is only talking about war in defensive scenario and not to conquer IoK and liberate Kashmiris who are apparently waiting to join Pakistan as per many fools on PDF. Maybe finally establishment have learned lesson from 48, 65 and 99.

As i have said that we are a nation run by emotions
And unfortunatley our handsome prime minister is the same.
Hence i said 70% is chinese claim. Heck even hunza was in original claim of chinese territory but we signed agreement with them in 1963. Ladakh is mainly 70% chinese territory. While kashmir valley and some parts around siachen west are pakistani claims.

Simply put muslim areas are to pakistan. Buddist areas are to china. Jammu is mixed hence hard to take.
Yes, Pakistan suffers, pakistan pays the costs and Chinese get free land. Pakistan takes ALL of Kashmir

As i have said that we are a nation run by emotions
And unfortunatley our handsome prime minister is the same.
If I remember correctly your were also talking gibberish a few months back. Why the nationalistic stance, now? All traitors should be let go the enemy
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