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India should forget about AJK, time has come to get rid of old occupation. DG ISPR

Some of these so called over educated idiots, would never agree to whatever found realities may be?
Thy Jst like to live in thier dam dream worlds, hvimg huge degrees bt just to get a job and bieng paid like slaves every month Thts thier mentality is?

Destruction makes a way for construction!
Bring ur 100 times more support to kashmiris freedom fighters, tell the world, Tht indian occupation is illegal and we will support as much as we can and all the ways we can, and thy hve right to remain dam silent, untill India stops its illegal occupation, detaintion, and torture to its kashmiris, Sikhs, dallits and all other communities
Thn we can think of any negociations which must be soughted only by Indians???
Sort out expert teams which can go in the Occupied kashmir volunterly, and can destroy bigger indian military installations thn give kashmiris bigger weapons to deal with Indian army and thn watch tht fight with alertness?
and when ever we feel tht india is getting upper hand go in and destroy tht hand, keep tht situation for Jst a year, u ill find modi Jee, appealing and begging whole world for negociations
Yes man I am tired of the same old bullcrap like talks etc diplomatic efforts and "shadeed muzammat"
As the saying goes " jab ghee seedhi ungli see naa nikle you ungli teerhi Kar lo"
We need some bloody action against occupying forces in IOK to make them cry.
Even if UN pass a resolution in our favor that won't end indian occupation in Kashmir,UN passed several such resolutions in favour of Palestine but did they end the isreali occupation??UN is the most useless institution in this world.American and Western hypocricy controls UN.
No one here is ready to accept that it's our war and we must fight it.No excuses about the current economy bla bla just action .
Yes man I am tired of the same old bullcrap like talks etc diplomatic efforts and "shadeed muzammat"
As the saying goes " jab ghee seedhi ungli see naa nikle you ungli teerhi Kar lo"
We need some bloody action against occupying forces in IOK to make them cry.
Even if UN pass a resolution in our favor that won't end indian occupation in Kashmir,UN passed several such resolutions in favour of Palestine but did they end the isreali occupation??UN is the most useless institution in this world.American and Western hypocricy controls UN.
No one here is ready to accept that it's our war and we must fight it.No excuses about the current economy bla bla just action .
Actions will be done this time bt there won't be much media coverage, and it's better so the govt keeps its attacks on diplomatic level anf it has adopted correct line by really exposing Hitler minded modi and his RSS backers tht is cracking ranks and files in other states of India where ppls has started to ask questions tht are thy next?
Indian Punjab and Nagaland ppls r getting itchy and may comes out against modis fascist govt if properly backed up?
Let see if he Army walk the Talk this time. Waqt to 70 sal say a chaka hy.
Army can't do everything it's own, it's the responsibility of the civilian govt to provide all nesscery links and situations on which army can act swiftly?
If a civilian govt, is bringing tht issue to the world like what we hve seen since, past 15 days thn it ill be very ezy for army to go under cover and do its jobs?
Past govts were too involved with thier own personal agendas tht thy didn't have time for issues like kashmir?
Army can't do everything it's own, it's the responsibility of the civilian govt to provide all nesscery links and situations on which army can act swiftly?
If a civilian govt, is bringing tht issue to the world like what we hve seen since, past 15 days thn it ill be very ezy for army to go under cover and do its jobs?
Past govts were too involved with thier own personal agendas tht thy didn't have time for issues like kashmir?
When it comes to defense of any country, military establishment of the country is ultimately responsible. Civil leadership jobs is to chose the best option, from the list of options their military can exercise. If military is weak or not ready for a long conflict that it not much civil govt can do. Might is right, in this world. When you have a big bamboo at home, UN, US and OIC all will pay attention to your PM and FM.
When it comes to defense of any country, military establishment of the country is ultimately responsible. Civil leadership jobs is to chose the best option, from the list of options their military can exercise. If military is weak or not ready for a long conflict that it not much civil govt can do. Might is right, in this world. When you have a big bamboo at home, UN, US and OIC all will pay attention to your PM and FM.
In a sense yes u right, but with a bamboo u need a carrot too, if not then Jst only a war hasn't solved any of conflicts by themselves?
It just bring a side to a table with best of its negociating options, yes we hve to face india bt let civilian govt do as much as possible and world trust us tht it's not we who the agreesors, it's the other facists side?
Once it's done thn, we ill have a clear military option with clear objectives and I think we r heading fast to tht point
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