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India should forget about AJK, time has come to get rid of old occupation. DG ISPR


I am from pakistan ....

A nation run by emotion
Can't be sure u r from Pakistan cause ur thinking is like a Indian, yes a nation build by emotions, ran by emotions and living by emotions?
Bt tht make the difference, cause with all the high tech modernizations in Japan or in Germany thy live like slaves to usa cause thy killed thier emotions and chosen a robotic life bt still thy hve to obey the masters bt we with high emotions has the courage to say no when it's needed?

Few things these dumb Pakistanis need to get through their head. If India cannot get AJK then how the hell we will conquer IoK with huge disadvantage in conventional warfare. All so called Huriat separatists like Yasin Malik etc aka former militants trained in Pakistan and then turned in to Gandis are against J&K joining Pakistan. Hell they are even against GB joining Pakistan, case in point Yasin Malik wrote to Nawaz when there was talks of GB being declared province as per demand of locals. So forget about finding any local support in IoK.

Im pretty sure no one in establishment would want to see GB go in referendum. Since Kashmiris don't want to join Pakistan why the hell should Pakistanis die for them? Hence why you see government is very careful and is only talking about war in defensive scenario and not to conquer IoK and liberate Kashmiris who are apparently waiting to join Pakistan as per many fools on PDF. Maybe finally establishment have learned lesson from 48, 65 and 99.
In 65 war u lost it, u came to hve breakfast in Lahore while ending up lossing all of ur dam border areas not only in Punjab bt also in rajhistan sector?
Thn came 99, if our stupid PM has taken the stand and we hve passed 30 days u would hve come to talk?
So tht was a brave decesion by a camando genral Musharaf, who led pak with his sowrd. Bt right now it's jst not only about us, it's about ur father, and 100 times stronger then u yes China who u poke because to get ur support of ur dirty works in kashmir, u tried to gather support by poking China in ladakh so thn u ill get support from Russia and USA at same time bt look it went the opposite side and now u been marked by both China and Russia and u ill see in case of any war drama this time, China ill make sure u tht u ill be tied down and then get beaten by pak army for tht evn if thy hve to bring thier air force into action thy ill certainly do tht, so now be ready let's see how suppieor ur economy is in case of a war with both pak and China and how long u can remain in tht fight, and when u ill run for UNSC , where again u ill get a veto as a slap?
Yes, Pakistan suffers, pakistan pays the costs and Chinese get free land. Pakistan takes ALL of Kashmir

If I remember correctly your were also talking gibberish a few months back. Why the nationalistic stance, now? All traitors should be let go the enemy

Mind telling me which part of my post was gibberish
Never said that
Dont misquote me
Yes you did and then I accused you of not being from the north but an Indian or troll, that were saying those things. Then I asked you a series of questions, where to my surprise and disbelief, you were a person frm GB holding anti state beliefs.
Yes you did and then I accused you of not being from the north but an Indian or troll, that were saying those things. Then I asked you a series of questions, where to my surprise and disbelief, you were a person frm GB holding anti state beliefs.

I only said that GB should be give autonomey fromt the beaurocratic mess of the current set up ...which has left this region backwards
If you think raising my voice for my basic rights is anti-state go ask @WAJsal bhai if i am anti-state.
Fedrel government has abused our love for this country and for it stands for .. It has never given us the attention we need creating an institutional vacum.
Many people from GB are not satisfied with the current set and maybe if you just asked those living here then you might see the truth.
I only said that GB should be give autonomey fromt the beaurocratic mess of the current set up ...which has left this region backwards
If you think raising my voice for my basic rights is anti-state go ask @WAJsal bhai if i am anti-state.
Fedrel government has abused our love for this country and for it stands for .. It has never given us the attention we need creating an institutional vacum.
Many people from GB are not satisfied with the current set and maybe if you just asked those living here then you might see the truth.
Why autonomy and not provincial status
Why autonomy and not provincial status

Because we are not gonna get provincial status until kashmir issue is resolved which isnt gonna happen anytime soon.
Plus they tried giving some sort of provincial status to us during PLMN gov but got rejected due to strong opposition from ajk.
We have been given the false promise of provincial status for 70+ year what makes you think they might give it now?
Because we are not gonna get provincial status until kashmir issue is resolved which isnt gonna happen anytime soon.
Plus they tried giving some sort of provincial status to us during PLMN gov but got rejected due to strong opposition from ajk.
We have been given the false promise of provincial status for 70+ year what makes you think they might give it now?
Ok, I agree with you here. GB has nothing to do with Jk, unlike the kashmiris the people of GB fought for their freedom. They didnt throw stones. I completely reject this bs by the government, the same government that's paid by the fascists in Delhi.

All that said, I'm still not going to back down from what I saw you type. That was the same bs the people in ajk were saying before they were shut up, by the abolishment of the article.
Ok, I agree with you here. GB has nothing to do with Jk, unlike the kashmiris the people of GB fought for their freedom. They didnt throw stones. I completely reject this bs by the government, the same government that's paid by the fascists in Delhi.

All that said, I'm still not going to back down from what I saw you type. That was the same bs the people in ajk were saying before they were shut up, by the abolishment of the article.

The world does not care about cannon fodders ... it’s your war and you have to fight it alone with sweat and blood ..
Watch and wait. I've been saying for years on here that India will attack GB whilst ISIS/Blackwater will come from Northeast into Chitral side. Now that this is about to happen, some still can't see it.

This has US blessing and Israel has been planning it all. Fascist Hindu wants it for Akhand Bharat. USA wants this to stop China and Israel wants it to neutralise a Muslim nuclear country.

Afghanistan is lost so all CIA/Mossad/RAW proxies will converge and attack from Northeast.

Plan A - Break Pakistan, cut off Balochistan and FATA. Failed

Plan B - Northern war.

Plan C - Full scale and Final War.

Very well put.

Plan B would also bear no fruit, you will see.

Plan C would take place after/around 2023. Though Pakistan would be in a far better state than today, under presidential democracy.
Now a military escalation is needed for a formal UNSC meeting on Kashmir.
India knows that, that's why the talk about scrapping NFU
It's a battle of nerves, a little miscalculation by either side and things may spiral out of control.
And that exactly is what the US wants, they want to drag China into it
Yanlish hesaplar Ba’dat-tan doner - Wrong calculations return from Baghdad...
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