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India should forget about AJK, time has come to get rid of old occupation. DG ISPR

Decision has been made. We'll see the implementation soon.
Pakistan has no choice , 370 is the outcome of last 10 years failed policy. If you remember , 10 years ago India said, if insurgency stop , we ll talk about about Kashmir issue. But look at the result after all insurgency stopped. You can not trust Indian govt.
Pakistan has no choice , 370 is the outcome of last 10 years failed policy. If you remember , 10 years ago India said, if insurgency stop , we ll talk about about Kashmir issue. But look at the result after all insurgency stopped. You can not trust Indian govt.

Their goal is to get hold of and cut CPEC route by occupying Gilgit Baltistan. That's why all this drama.

What sort of a decision was made?

Walikum salam. You'll see soon.
Their goal is to get hold of and cut CPEC route by occupying Gilgit Baltistan. That's why all this drama.
CPEC is no go zone for India, that's for sure. Kashmiri says, India wants to takeover all Kashmir prime land and expel muslims and sell to Hindu investors and build tourism spots and bring India settlers. Plus, billions of dollar untouched mineral reserves.
Pakistan has no choice , 370 is the outcome of last 10 years failed policy. If you remember , 10 years ago India said, if insurgency stop , we ll talk about about Kashmir issue. But look at the result after all insurgency stopped. You can not trust Indian govt.

Is there ANY doubt left in anyone's mind that India is following the Israeli script? It's the same old BULLSHIT, almost verbatim. Stop terror. Protest peacefully. Dilute population. Get Veto protection from America or Russia when needed. Create Bantustans. Grab or plan to grab land. Mobilize your paid or unpaid bloggers on critical social media sites as needed.
9/11 was the biggest gift from the Arab terrorists to these two Fascist states!!
Their goal is to get hold of and cut CPEC route by occupying Gilgit Baltistan. That's why all this drama.

Walikum salam. You'll see soon.

They have no ability to mount such an offensive.
How will they transport troops and material?
How will they hold this region?
Is there ANY doubt left in anyone's mind that India is following the Israeli script? It's the same old BULLSHIT, almost verbatim. Stop terror. Protest peacefully. Dilute population. Get Veto protection from America or Russia when needed. Create Bantustans. Grab or plan to grab land. Mobilize your paid or unpaid bloggers on critical social media sites as needed.
9/11 was the biggest gift from the Arab terrorists to these two Fascist states!!
This Indian mantra has totally lost the value after abolishing 370. They have automatically triggered silent forces to wake up and start bleed again Indian forces. This time it go for very long. Cause IK is not going anywhere next 10 years.
CPEC is no go zone for India, that's for sure.

Watch and wait. I've been saying for years on here that India will attack GB whilst ISIS/Blackwater will come from Northeast into Chitral side. Now that this is about to happen, some still can't see it.

This has US blessing and Israel has been planning it all. Fascist Hindu wants it for Akhand Bharat. USA wants this to stop China and Israel wants it to neutralise a Muslim nuclear country.

Afghanistan is lost so all CIA/Mossad/RAW proxies will converge and attack from Northeast.

Plan A - Break Pakistan, cut off Balochistan and FATA. Failed

Plan B - Northern war.

Plan C - Full scale and Final War.
CPEC is no go zone for India, that's for sure. Kashmiri says, India wants to takeover all Kashmir prime land and expel muslims and sell to Hindu investors and build tourism spots and bring India settlers. Plus, billions of dollar untouched mineral reserves.
Hindus are waking up the Muhammad Bin Qasim, Mehmood Ghaznavi, Shahabuddin Ghauri in us...
If IA initiates the war, they will first try to keep it in Kashmir region , to give an impression that they are attacking those so called Terror Launch pads, while Pakistan army is protecting them hence we have to attack them as well, if the Tides turn into Pakistan favor's after the first Push of Indian strike groups, than IA will try to repeat the 1965 and open multiple front to divert forces from AJK to Punjab and Sindh, Pakistan is outnumbered and in dire need of ammunition and manpower .
If IA initiates the war, they will first try to keep it in Kashmir region , to give an impression that they are attacking those so called Terror Launch pads, while Pakistan army is protecting them hence we have to attack them as well, if the Tides turn into Pakistan favor's after the first Push of Indian strike groups, than IA will try to repeat the 1965 and open multiple front to divert forces from AJK to Punjab and Sindh, Pakistan is outnumbered and in dire need of ammunition and manpower .
Do you think they will send ground forces. I think it will be aerial attack
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