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India shot down its own helicopter while trying to target Pakistani jets, killing 7 – report

Black box of Mi-17 chopper that crashed in Srinagar, goes missing
PublishedMar 30, 2019, 9:49 am IST
UpdatedMar 30, 2019, 11:39 am IST

The Mi-17 had taken off from Srinagar on February 27 around the time when the Pak Air Force aircraft launched an aerial attack on India.

The helicopter that crashed near Budgam on February 27 killing six personnel on board, is missing and the Indian Air Force is searching for it. (Photo: ANI)
New Delhi: The crucial black box, flight data recorder, of the Mi-17 helicopter that crashed near Budgam on February 27 killing six personnel on board, is missing and the Indian Air Force is searching for it.

“The black box has gone missing after the crash and we are trying to locate it. It is possible that it has been taken away by the hostile locals, who have taken away many other parts as well,” sources in the Air Force said.

The Mi-17 had taken off from Srinagar on February 27 around the time when the Pakistan Air Force aircraft launched an aerial attack on India but failed to strike any targets due to a swift response by India.

The black box of an aircraft is crucial to know the sequence of events before an accident or a crash as it provides complete details of the happenings.
Recently, the reason for the crash of a Mirage-2000 was found out after the data in the black box was extracted in France.

“On 27 February 2019, one Mi-17 V5 helicopter of Indian Air Force got airborne from Srinagar airfield at 1000 hrs for a routine mission. The helicopter crashed around 1010 hrs near Budgam, J-K. All six air warriors on board the helicopter suffered fatal injuries. A court of inquiry has been ordered to investigate the accident,” the Air Force had stated in its statement.

Media reports have suggested that an air defence missile had been fired from Srinagar soon before the crash of the Mi-17 took place.

The reports suggest that the investigation in the matter is trying to connect the dots in the entire episode.

IAF officials said the court of inquiry into the accident is still going on and has not yet concluded about the real cause of the accident.

Inquiry is prdered like all other accidents. In India, you can not cover up any such mistake. If it is true, it will come out.
Don't take it otherwise ,i am totally against war, but a sustained long term conflict will find Pakistan wanting, that is my assessment.
According to India's own assessment, it cannot fight war for more than 10 days whe for Pakistan its around 7 days. I don't think that's a decisive edge. Also Pakistan has a very large number of auxiliary forces (militants) it can call upon to fight war.
We will fight India with the help of their own forces and defeat them
Mistakes from Indian side(official)? Please share a few? The only mistake i see is that they took freaking hours before they open their mouth...I mean for god sake, when you took initiative then you are expected to maintain it. We lost perception warfare right there and then. As said, i am sure this is friendly fire case and IAF has lot of instropection to do...First of all, i still don't understand why our fighter went into P-O-K and got shot down. Secondly, i am still not getting why MKI's were busy in countermeasures and not firing upon the PAK fighters. I mean i understand they F-16's fired AMRAAM's but what about our BVRM's? I haven't heard anything about them...wish someone with knowledge can tell us.

Well, easy to understand. Indians intruded in Azad Kashmir because they thought they are super power and Pakistan is no more than Palestinians, thus they can bomb them to submissions. Wrong assumptions. As a consequences they got their arses spanked in broad daylight. They were helpless and clueless how to stop the intruders, while PAF taking complete control of the air theater. That's why your MKi's were busy in counter measures, i.e. trying to avoid missiles fired by PAF on the tails of their jets than aggressively chasing Pakistani jets.
Why you think Modi and others are mentioning that story would have been different if we had Rafales'.
Your BVRM's didn't work because PAF EM were in total control of the war theater.

The damage to the Indian's ego and capabilities is far more than what idiotic Indian media makes their audiences believe. I have never seen a media so much detached from the reality. Honesty is not their strongest suite.
Despite that , shear numerical supriority and collosal large economy still gives India a favourable chance to India. For few low intensity battles on loc or IB ,i guess Pakistan can match , but sustained high tempo operations for 3 months and longer ,i think countries economy and capacity to fill the gaps will start taking toll on Pakistan. Don't take it otherwise ,i am totally against war, but a sustained long term conflict will find Pakistan wanting, that is my assessment.

Pakistan do not need three months to cripple Indian infrastructure. Just few days would be enough considering the amount of fire power, standoff weaponry with pin point accuracy is at its disposal, a fact proven during 27th Feb surgical strikes.

This debate of bigger economy doesn't hold much value in bigger scheme of things. India being bigger country got more infra and hence more targets for Pakistan to hit. Ofcourse India can hit back but it wont have as many targets to hit as Pakistan will. Hopefully, if we don't cross the nuke threshold and call it a day after trying to knock each other out conventionally, India will be left with a huge bill to repair the damage then Pakistan. Which will eventually even things out.
Pakistan do not need three months to cripple Indian infrastructure. Just few days would be enough considering the amount of fire power, standoff weaponry with pin point accuracy is at its disposal, a fact proven during 27th Feb surgical strikes.

This debate of bigger economy doesn't hold much value in bigger scheme of things. India being bigger country got more infra and hence more targets for Pakistan to hit. Ofcourse India can hit back but it wont have as many targets to hit as Pakistan will. Hopefully, if we don't cross the nuke threshold and call it a day after trying to knock each other out conventionally, India will be left with a huge bill to repair the damage then Pakistan. Which will eventually even things out.

Also, what people forget to highlight is all the foreign investment that would run away from India for good.

See how we lost our textile export contracts to Bangladesh in the past decade. That would happen to india across it's services sector, call centres etc etc.

An Indian soldier next to the wreckage of Indian Air Force's helicopter in Kashmir February 27, 2019 © Reuters/Danish Ismail

In a scene that could have come right out of ‘Top Gun’, India seems to have knocked its own helicopter out of the sky with a missile aimed at intruding Pakistani jets, according to media reports.
A little over a month after Indian authorities claimed that 25 Pakistani fighter jets were detected attempting to breach Indian airspace, sources say a defensive missile fired during the incident may have seriously missed its mark.

India’s Economic Times (ET) reports that the missile was fired shortly before an Mi-17 V5 helicopter on a routine mission crashed, leading to speculation that India accidently destroyed its own aircraft. Six air force personnel were killed in the crash, along with one civilian who was hit by the debris.

The final moments preceding the crash, including if the IFF (Identity, Friend or Foe) systems were switched on or not, are being carefully looked at to determine what went wrong,” ET reported. Their sources say that it is well within the realm of possibility that a malfunction could have resulted in the targeting systems mistaking the helicopter for a low-flying unmanned attack vehicle. Eyewitnesses also heard a “loud explosion” in the air at the time the chopper went down.

The sturdy $17 million Mi-17 V5 helicopter has not been prone to any serious technical failures. The equipment is also fairly new, the first of the choppers entered into service in 2012.

Aside from looking into possible technical malfunctions with the Israeli-made missile, “highly placed sources” among the air force told ET they are also investigating if any personnel may have been responsible, threatening a possible court martial over the fatal mishap.

The alleged cross-border aerial assault took place a day after an Indian air raid on suspected terrorist infrastructure in Pakistani territory. India has long accused Pakistan of harboring militants from the terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), who they blame for a car-bombing which killed 44 members of the Central Reserve Police Force earlier in the year.

Islamabad denies that JeM has any infrastructure set up in the areas New Delhi has indicated as possible terrorist training-camp locations, even offering to allow Indian officials to inspect suspected sites themselves.

Budgam: Indian missile fired before Mi17 V5 chopper crash
Preliminary findings show system was activated after Mi17 V5 showed on radar; IAF for tough action.


A slow moving target like the Mi 17 V 5 helicopter could potentially be mistaken for a low flying armed UAV homing into an air base, according to these sources.

NEW DELHI: Investigators have found that an Indian air defence missile was fired shortly before the crash of a Mi17 V5 helicopter at Budgam, near Srinagar on February 27, which resulted in the deaths of six air force personnel and a citizen on ground. The investigators are examining the sequence of events which preceded the crash.

The final moments preceding the crash, including if the IFF (Identity, Friend or Foe) systems were switched on or not, are being carefully looked at to determine what went wrong. The air force brass, highly placed sources told ET, has made it clear that it would not shy away from initiating court martial proceedings against personnel if they are found blameworthy in the inquiry.

ET has learnt that the focus of the investigation now is to determine if multiple layers of safeguards meant to protect assets from friendly fire failed and how systems need to be improved to prevent any such incident in the future. Sources said that the missile – believed to be of Israeli origin – was activated after an air defence alert was sounded over Jammu and Kashmir, besides other parts of the border, after a over 25 Pakistani air force jets were detected along the border on the morning of February 27.

The alert, sources said, indicated that Pakistani jets may be trying to breach the border for a strike on Indian military targets and there were concerns that armed UAVs available with that country may also have been deployed. A slow moving target like the Mi 17 V 5 helicopter could potentially be mistaken for a low flying armed UAV homing into an air base, according to these sources.

“When an air defence alert is sounded, several things take place. There are a set of rules that transport aircraft and helicopters need to follow and there are set entry and egress routes demarcated for aircraft flying. Also, aircraft are to switch on their IFF (Identify, Friend or Foe) systems,” sources told ET.

They added that all angles are being probed to determine if lapses took place and where. A senior officer is conducting the court of inquiry into the crash and has been given access to all inputs available with ground controllers as well as the actions of the helicopter in the ten minutes that it was in the air. As reported by ET, the chopper crashed in the 10-minute span when IAF jets were engaged in an aerial battle with the Pakistan Air Force fighters, along the Line of Control in the Nowshera sector, and air defence systems were on operational alert. Command and control systems were under immense pressure as reports of attempted intrusions were sounded along the border.

The Indian side officially acknowledged the crash but has not mentioned it in official statements on the aerial battle and the current conflict with Pakistan. In its official statement, the Pakistani military acknowledged the aerial battle over Nowshera but said its fighters were not involved in the chopper incident.

Mi17V5 is one of the sturdiest choppers in service across the world and is not usually prone to technical faults of catastrophic nature. Eyewitness reported that a loud explosion was heard in the air before the chopper crashed in a trail of smoke, indicating a possible catastrophic external event contributed to the incident.


Incompetency at its finest...

And yet there are people who were going all high on the technical fault thingy, and not for once dared to question their government for the timing and proximity of the technical fault...
The maximum range of Spyder system is 50 kms at best while the military helicopter had an accident even at farther distance from pakistani aircraft....

Conspiracy theory at best but poorly framed
Budgam: Indian missile fired before Mi17 V5 chopper crash
Preliminary findings show system was activated after Mi17 V5 showed on radar; IAF for tough action.


A slow moving target like the Mi 17 V 5 helicopter could potentially be mistaken for a low flying armed UAV homing into an air base, according to these sources.

NEW DELHI: Investigators have found that an Indian air defence missile was fired shortly before the crash of a Mi17 V5 helicopter at Budgam, near Srinagar on February 27, which resulted in the deaths of six air force personnel and a citizen on ground. The investigators are examining the sequence of events which preceded the crash.

The final moments preceding the crash, including if the IFF (Identity, Friend or Foe) systems were switched on or not, are being carefully looked at to determine what went wrong. The air force brass, highly placed sources told ET, has made it clear that it would not shy away from initiating court martial proceedings against personnel if they are found blameworthy in the inquiry.

ET has learnt that the focus of the investigation now is to determine if multiple layers of safeguards meant to protect assets from friendly fire failed and how systems need to be improved to prevent any such incident in the future. Sources said that the missile – believed to be of Israeli origin – was activated after an air defence alert was sounded over Jammu and Kashmir, besides other parts of the border, after a over 25 Pakistani air force jets were detected along the border on the morning of February 27.

The alert, sources said, indicated that Pakistani jets may be trying to breach the border for a strike on Indian military targets and there were concerns that armed UAVs available with that country may also have been deployed. A slow moving target like the Mi 17 V 5 helicopter could potentially be mistaken for a low flying armed UAV homing into an air base, according to these sources.

“When an air defence alert is sounded, several things take place. There are a set of rules that transport aircraft and helicopters need to follow and there are set entry and egress routes demarcated for aircraft flying. Also, aircraft are to switch on their IFF (Identify, Friend or Foe) systems,” sources told ET.

They added that all angles are being probed to determine if lapses took place and where. A senior officer is conducting the court of inquiry into the crash and has been given access to all inputs available with ground controllers as well as the actions of the helicopter in the ten minutes that it was in the air. As reported by ET, the chopper crashed in the 10-minute span when IAF jets were engaged in an aerial battle with the Pakistan Air Force fighters, along the Line of Control in the Nowshera sector, and air defence systems were on operational alert. Command and control systems were under immense pressure as reports of attempted intrusions were sounded along the border.

The Indian side officially acknowledged the crash but has not mentioned it in official statements on the aerial battle and the current conflict with Pakistan. In its official statement, the Pakistani military acknowledged the aerial battle over Nowshera but said its fighters were not involved in the chopper incident.

Mi17V5 is one of the sturdiest choppers in service across the world and is not usually prone to technical faults of catastrophic nature. Eyewitness reported that a loud explosion was heard in the air before the chopper crashed in a trail of smoke, indicating a possible catastrophic external event contributed to the incident.


Incompetency at its finest...

And yet there are people who were going all high on the technical fault thingy, and not for once dared to question their government for the timing and proximity of the technical fault...
according to vedas the one questioning the great leader Modi ki g is a sinner and deserves his *** raped.
The maximum range of Spyder system is 50 kms at best while the military helicopter had an accident even at farther distance from pakistani aircraft....

Conspiracy theory at best but poorly framed

Lacking on brains or just too delusional to accept reality?
Any one who does't accept the same delusional stuff on blind faith has to be a conspiracy theorist? I'm sure these reporters know more than you where the missile came from and what range the helicopter was hit at? Or you will just make up things out of nowhere to stick to your zone of denial?

Do you know of the exact location the missile was fired from? And what place it hit the helicopter? And how long it took the helicopter to go down, knowing its an MI-17 and they are built for durability and to take some abuse?

I would prefer some one countering the facts with some logical fact. Not an illogical narrative to satisfy ones delusional mind.

Its quoting your own airforce sources ffs and they might go for a court martial if some one found culprit and here is an internet warrior trying to invent excuses...
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