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India shot down its own helicopter while trying to target Pakistani jets, killing 7 – report

Indians have effed up everything!!!

Now they want rafales to save themselves

In future they will need the F-35 to save themselves when they shoot down their Rafale as well :rofl:

I have heard that despite the state of art fly by wire system the Rafale is quite difficult to handle.
Maybe they will crash one from the first batch already. That would be holarous. :cheesy:
Mistakes made during press brief from both sides , possibly to maintain one up manship both were too quick to jump to conclusions. Like initially it was declared mine17 fell due to technical fault but we know now,( although IAF is yet to officially acknowledge Sam hit) probably both sides made errors based on eye witness accounts . most eye witness claimed several parachutes ( white smoking, slower falling debris can look like parachute for sure to untrained eyes) .
India claimed to hit and down a PAF fighter and Paf claimed to down two jets. i am willing to believe them as soon as they showcase proof of their claims. Until then ,whats already available is what happened.
Mistakes from Indian side(official)? Please share a few? The only mistake i see is that they took freaking hours before they open their mouth...I mean for god sake, when you took initiative then you are expected to maintain it. We lost perception warfare right there and then. As said, i am sure this is friendly fire case and IAF has lot of instropection to do...First of all, i still don't understand why our fighter went into P-O-K and got shot down. Secondly, i am still not getting why MKI's were busy in countermeasures and not firing upon the PAK fighters. I mean i understand they F-16's fired AMRAAM's but what about our BVRM's? I haven't heard anything about them...wish someone with knowledge can tell us.
Loray lagna = being indian

Mistakes from Indian side(official)? Please share a few? The only mistake i see is that they took freaking hours before they open their mouth...I mean for god sake, when you took initiative then you are expected to maintain it. We lost perception warfare right there and then. As said, i am sure this is friendly fire case and IAF has lot of instropection to do...First of all, i still don't understand why our fighter went into P-O-K and got shot down. Secondly, i am still not getting why MKI's were busy in countermeasures and not firing upon the PAK fighters. I mean i understand they F-16's fired AMRAAM's but what about our BVRM's? I haven't heard anything about them...wish someone with knowledge can tell us.
Mistakes started from saying we have all pilots accounted for in official brief , although i know it was a shrewd choice of words , accounted for includes Prisoners and Pows , but the way it was said in response to question of downing of iaf jet was plain and simple lie.

Pakistan on same day officially said 2 jets down and another report of aircraft down but they have nothing to do with the 3 one. IKs agenda was to showcase fire power but with responsibility, he could not claim downing a transport Heli away from air battle and maintain " do not want war" tag
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Mistakes from Indian side(official)? Please share a few? The only mistake i see is that they took freaking hours before they open their mouth...I mean for god sake, when you took initiative then you are expected to maintain it. We lost perception warfare right there and then. As said, i am sure this is friendly fire case and IAF has lot of instropection to do...First of all, i still don't understand why our fighter went into P-O-K and got shot down. Secondly, i am still not getting why MKI's were busy in countermeasures and not firing upon the PAK fighters. I mean i understand they F-16's fired AMRAAM's but what about our BVRM's? I haven't heard anything about them...wish someone with knowledge can tell us.
you can always release satellite imagery of two different crash sites and prove us wrong
meanwhile the whole world believes and are raising questions about your narrative
Not even US govt supported your narrative
Indians are really giving bad name to almost all major weapon supliers.
During past few years we saw a new Bae Hawk trainer crash followed by a brand new Lockheed C-130J. Few months ago a newly built MKI crashed upon delivery followed by a lethal kill by JF-17 MKI Killer. A redurbiished M2K crashed last summer and now they've fcuked up the Spyder and the Spice.

To sum up, British, American, Russian, French or Israeli systems, India will crash them all. What an amazimg achievement. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
@DavidSling @dani191 @500 @Natan @sammuel congratulations for the kill
btw is it spyder's first official kill?

You know , there have been other contribution of my nation to the world , other than weapon production ...

Like this prophetic words by the prophet Isaiah :

And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.

( Isaiah chapter 2 , verse 3 )

May this come upon us soon.


I am convince now of few things.

1- Pakistan had full air superiority over Indian skies in IoK on 17th Feb.
2- Pakistan EW worked well and blinded the Indians completely. Even in broad day light.
3- We definitely had more than one confirmed kill of Mig21/
4- The Mi17 was also shoot down by PAF, without shadow of a doubt. This admission of India is for the sole reasons that to admit it was shoot down by PAF would be even more embarrassing.
Indians are really giving bad name to almost all major weapon supliers.
During past few years we saw a new Bae Hawk trainer crash followed by a brand new Lockheed C-130J. Few months ago a newly built MKI crashed upon delivery followed by a lethal kill by JF-17 MKI Killer. A redurbiished M2K crashed last summer and now they've fcuked up the Spyder and the Spice.

To sum up, British, American, Russian, French or Israeli systems, India will crash them all. What an amazimg achievement. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Despite that , shear numerical supriority and collosal large economy still gives India a favourable chance to India. For few low intensity battles on loc or IB ,i guess Pakistan can match , but sustained high tempo operations for 3 months and longer ,i think countries economy and capacity to fill the gaps will start taking toll on Pakistan. Don't take it otherwise ,i am totally against war, but a sustained long term conflict will find Pakistan wanting, that is my assessment.
Despite that , shear numerical supriority and collosal large economy still gives India a favourable chance to India. For few low intensity battles on loc or IB ,i guess Pakistan can match , but sustained high tempo operations for 3 months and longer ,i think countries economy and capacity to fill the gaps will start taking toll on Pakistan. Don't take it otherwise ,i am totally against war, but a sustained long term conflict will find Pakistan wanting, that is my assessment.

For that very reason, nuclear doctrine comes into play. Basically, they even out all the quantitative edge India has over Pakistan.
India blew up its own helicopter while trying to target Pakistani jets, killing 7 – report


An Indian soldier next to the wreckage of Indian Air Force's helicopter in Kashmir February 27, 2019 © Reuters/Danish Ismail
In a scene that could have come right out of ‘Top Gun’, India seems to have knocked its own helicopter out of the sky with a missile aimed at intruding Pakistani jets, according to media reports.
A little over a month after Indian authorities claimed that 25 Pakistani fighter jets were detected attempting to breach Indian airspace, sources say a defensive missile fired during the incident may have seriously missed its mark.

India’s Economic Times (ET) reports that the missile was fired shortly before an Mi-17 V5 helicopter on a routine mission crashed, leading to speculation that India accidently destroyed its own aircraft. Six air force personnel were killed in the crash, along with one civilian who was hit by the debris.

Read more
Pakistan deploys Chinese air defense systems, more attack & surveillance drones at India’s border
The final moments preceding the crash, including if the IFF (Identity, Friend or Foe) systems were switched on or not, are being carefully looked at to determine what went wrong,” ET reported. Their sources say that it is well within the realm of possibility that a malfunction could have resulted in the targeting systems mistaking the helicopter for a low-flying unmanned attack vehicle. Eyewitnesses also heard a “loud explosion” in the air at the time the chopper went down.

The sturdy $17 million Mi-17 V5 helicopter has not been prone to any serious technical failures. The equipment is also fairly new, the first of the choppers entered into service in 2012.

Aside from looking into possible technical malfunctions with the Israeli-made missile, “highly placed sources” among the air force told ET they are also investigating if any personnel may have been responsible, threatening a possible court martial over the fatal mishap.

The alleged cross-border aerial assault took place a day after an Indian air raid on suspected terrorist infrastructure in Pakistani territory. India has long accused Pakistan of harboring militants from the terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), who they blame for a car-bombing which killed 44 members of the Central Reserve Police Force earlier in the year.

Islamabad denies that JeM has any infrastructure set up in the areas New Delhi has indicated as possible terrorist training-camp locations, even offering to allow Indian officials to inspect suspected sites themselves.
India blew up its own helicopter while trying to target Pakistani jets, killing 7 – report


An Indian soldier next to the wreckage of Indian Air Force's helicopter in Kashmir February 27, 2019 © Reuters/Danish Ismail
In a scene that could have come right out of ‘Top Gun’, India seems to have knocked its own helicopter out of the sky with a missile aimed at intruding Pakistani jets, according to media reports.
A little over a month after Indian authorities claimed that 25 Pakistani fighter jets were detected attempting to breach Indian airspace, sources say a defensive missile fired during the incident may have seriously missed its mark.

India’s Economic Times (ET) reports that the missile was fired shortly before an Mi-17 V5 helicopter on a routine mission crashed, leading to speculation that India accidently destroyed its own aircraft. Six air force personnel were killed in the crash, along with one civilian who was hit by the debris.

Read more
Pakistan deploys Chinese air defense systems, more attack & surveillance drones at India’s border
The final moments preceding the crash, including if the IFF (Identity, Friend or Foe) systems were switched on or not, are being carefully looked at to determine what went wrong,” ET reported. Their sources say that it is well within the realm of possibility that a malfunction could have resulted in the targeting systems mistaking the helicopter for a low-flying unmanned attack vehicle. Eyewitnesses also heard a “loud explosion” in the air at the time the chopper went down.

The sturdy $17 million Mi-17 V5 helicopter has not been prone to any serious technical failures. The equipment is also fairly new, the first of the choppers entered into service in 2012.

Aside from looking into possible technical malfunctions with the Israeli-made missile, “highly placed sources” among the air force told ET they are also investigating if any personnel may have been responsible, threatening a possible court martial over the fatal mishap.

The alleged cross-border aerial assault took place a day after an Indian air raid on suspected terrorist infrastructure in Pakistani territory. India has long accused Pakistan of harboring militants from the terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), who they blame for a car-bombing which killed 44 members of the Central Reserve Police Force earlier in the year.

Islamabad denies that JeM has any infrastructure set up in the areas New Delhi has indicated as possible terrorist training-camp locations, even offering to allow Indian officials to inspect suspected sites themselves.
I am convince now of few things.

1- Pakistan had full air superiority over Indian skies in IoK on 17th Feb.
2- Pakistan EW worked well and blinded the Indians completely. Even in broad day light.
3- We definitely had more than one confirmed kill of Mig21/
4- The Mi17 was also shoot down by PAF, without shadow of a doubt. This admission of India is for the sole reasons that to admit it was shoot down by PAF would be even more embarrassing.
I do not agree to mi17 shoot down by Pakistan, there is no reason for it to happne
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