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India shot down its own helicopter while trying to target Pakistani jets, killing 7 – report

Well, in a way it is good that the Indians are breaking the myth of the invincible and technologically advanced Israel. However, it also reflects Indian incompetence, so in short the Indo-Israeli nexus has taken a hit.
Its no nexus, its just money! Whoever is ready to cover the tracks can have our money
Or, were made into firing her own missiles into her own assets!!! A time to panic....

Pak folks have infiltrated into the Israilli mindsets!!! Erstwhile it was the sole domain of Iblis from the Mahlukat...
i hear that Pakistan had jammed the IFF systems of indian's israeli SPYDER Air Defence missiles, thats how it ended up killing its own helicopter with 7 experienced pilots dead!

Its no nexus, its just money! Whoever is ready to cover the tracks can have our money
then what is Israeli pilot doing in our custody who was caught with Abhinandan? He was flying that second jet which was shot.
I do not agree to mi17 shoot down by Pakistan, there is no reason for it to happne
AIM-120can go faar behind to kill anything liek mi-17 . in fact mi-17 is a very very soft and 1000 times east traget for amraam .
AIM-120can go faar behind to kill anything liek mi-17 . in fact mi-17 is a very very soft and 1000 times east traget for amraam .
It is a soft target! Agreed ! But there is no reason to kill it when whole campaign is about we can do it but we wont! Nonsense of killing a copter with people . don't fit the bill. That's what i want to say
It is a soft target! Agreed ! But there is no reason to kill it when whole campaign is about we can do it but we wont! Nonsense of killing a copter with people . don't fit the bill. That's what i want to say
mistakes happen in war they may mistook it as SU-30
mistakes happen in war they may mistook it as SU-30
If its was killed by a mistake , i can take it. But imran khan ( guy i have faith in) is not going to down a troop transport without actual war. I still believe it was friendly fire , because of shock and awe , spur of the moment, surprise element or something like that ,that it was seen on Indian radar and shot down. it also highlight lack of theatre command .
mistakes happen in war they may mistook it as SU-30
Yes it would have a big radar footprint too just like su-30.

Could be we mistook the second kill to be the heli?

If its was killed by a mistake , i can take it. But imran khan ( guy i have faith in) is not going to know a troop transport without actual war. I still believe it was friendly fire , because of shock and awe , spur of the moment, surprise element or something like that ,that it was seen on Indian radar and shot down. it also highlight lack of theatre command .

Think about it, IAF hasn't seen air to air combat since 1971. Correct me if I am wrong.

We shot down 11 jets during the Afghan war. Shot down two migs during Kargil.

Also we made this mistake when we shot down our own F-16 when both F-16s were giving chase to the Afghan Mig. We learned from it. IAF will learn from this. It shouldn't have happened to begin with as I still can't get over the video of the wife of one of the pilots killed in the heli crash. She had her little baby in her hand. It was depressing to see her talk about him.

If IAF do it in future again than that would be shameful and to avoid it in future they must court marshal the individual that didn't follow the processes and procedures properly. Also improve training of ground staff plus SAM operators etc.
Yes it would have a big radar footprint too just like su-30.

Could be we mistook the second kill to be the heli?

Think about it, IAF hasn't seen air to air combat since 1971. Correct me if I am wrong.

We shot down 11 jets during the Afghan war. Shot down two migs during Kargil.

Also we made this mistake when we shot down our own F-16 when both F-16s were giving chase to the Afghan Mig. We learned from it. IAF will learn from this. It shouldn't have happened to begin with as I still can't get over the video of the wife of one of the pilots killed in the heli crash. She had her little baby in her hand. It was depressing to see her talk about him.

If IAF do it in future again than that would be shameful and to avoid it in future they must court marshal the individual that didn't follow the processes and procedures properly. Also improve training of ground staff plus SAM operators etc.
Training surely need improvement. Big time.
So my question is ... why did it take India this long to come to the blue-on-blue conclusion? (not the reasons behind it, IFF failure whatever). After all, they pretty quickly found the wreckage of an AIM-120 from some wilderness of Kashmir but didn't recover pieces of their own SAM from the Mi-17 crash?
Or were they trying to find any other AIM-120 wreckage and try to blame PAF for shooting down their helicopter as well?
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