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India shame story: Israeli paedophile adopts girl through surrogate mother

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About 90% of posters on here are idiots, do you idiots not think that this **** happens all over the world? There are ******* evil creatures in every country on Earth so you Pakistanis should stop acting like fools and blaming one or two countries.

Yes, a pedophile can adopt a kid without a background check and legal processing for atleast 2 years.

This happens all around the world, didn't you know?

:chilli: :flame:
Yeah does not happen in Pakistan then, I guess nothing happens there, no terrorist, or pedophiles, just Pure people in the Land of the Pure.
Abe pendu...the girl wasn't indian? why her mother hand her to a paedophile?

Its was not written on his face that he is a Paedophile............Or ab thoda tammez se peshayo............
jew pedophiles, italian housewives, anglosaxon colonists - all these people must mean well for yindu!
Thank God i am not a hindu and we got a different nation since human and animals live separatly.
Now let talk about identity all for what you guy's are know all around the world is because of Muslim rule over you or your very famous smell from your kitchen ----all your cities architecture, language influenced, cuisine, even cloths are bring from central Asia. You guy's were our slaves and then slaves of british----you guys were just good in slavery and thats your destiny.
I think i am talking with a stupid uneducated key board hindu warrior since he doesn't know most of the modern day pakistan was buddist not hindu.
Talking about who is standing in gutter, you must be ashmed,don't you? :lol: look at this link---you belong to world largest dirty country from this univers Bringing toilets and dignity to India's poor - CNN.com
Now look at your shinning MAbharat where prostitution of young girls is legalised, and religious practiced

You don't deserve to be a Hindu/Buddhist but a coward convert :lol:

LOL a whole generation of converts talking about esteem and calling others slaves.First British then US and now China.

Modern age Pakistan??? :omghaha: The one who is in serious IDENTITY CRISIS or modern day converts who feared fighting Islamic invaders.Buddhists? You are posing as Indians in western countries since you are considered terrorists and under profiling.You think you are some Arab or Persian :rofl:

So why you are not Buddhist? feared execution and converted like pussies in masses? :lol:

I can also post tonnes of sources where your holy books authorizes pedophilia and killings but as I said you stay in gutter since you like swimming in it and ingesting it as well.We all know world famous Islamic Mujra girls from Pakistan :woot:

You stay in the gutter and play with the crap Mr Modern Day Convert.As I said whenever a keyboard Pakistani warrior has nothing to defend he starts poor/toilet etc. :omghaha: :wave:
But we certainly not legalised prostitution and authorised religious prostitution as sexual ritual consisting of sexual intercourse or other sexual activity performed in the context of religious worship, often as a form of fertility rite.
We certainly not have as big prostitution citys like calcutta, Agra, Bombay...

so what ? what's wrong in legalizing prostitution ? in my country, prostitution is legal , still people from Pakistan comes here & not the other way around, sex is a gift of nature & it should be enjoyed there is absolutely nothing shameful about it

sex is not a thing to be ashamed of, "impotency" is

on topic : the paedophile should be arrested, & the girl should be rescued
well at least have a background check who you let adopt the baby-
Its was not written on his face that he is a Paedophile............Or ab thoda tammez se peshayo............

Dear it was you fellow coutryman who was abusive first---once again thanks for your gratful advice.

so what ? what's wrong in legalizing prostitution ? in my country, prostitution is legal , still people from Pakistan comes here & not the other way around, sex is a gift of nature & it should be enjoyed there is absolutely nothing shameful about it

sex is not a thing to be ashamed of, "impotency" is

on topic : the paedophile should be arrested, & the girl should be rescued

You are a canadian and it's completly normal for you guys---it's very different in south asia----in other words, it's considered as matter of shame.
I was informed, in year 2000 that Indians are using Afghani sperms to hatch their new generation.
Quite ironic, considering Afghans were known as hindukush and all the hate against Pakistan is based on the same history.
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