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India’s unwise military moves : Global times Editorial

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I have my own opinions and you are expecting me to change my opinions by threatening me? OK what can you do? Be clear... You do not know who you are talking to. You do not have any ***** idea. And you are showing muscle power... You slanged Islam, Pakistanis and Chinese... so? Who the hell are you? Are you gonna kill me? You think, you can do that? You can do that? Can you?

And again, if you have problems with my opinion, comment on my opinions, I will appreciate your arguments. If I posted any opinion, I gave evidence there. You can counter my arguments by giving evidences. Thats very constructive and argumentative.

But the way you are choosing naa, is... you will regret...

Finally, please do not comment on me. If you have any problem, report the mods.

hahah ignored......communists dont lie my dear,and you just did a whole lot of that.......btw,bring it in!!! AND YES I HAVE OFFICIALLY JOINED THE 'IGNORE COMMUNIST CLUB'........
Pakistan, Indians! With China on her side, Pakistan can not be touched, ever! :china::pakistan:

Yes it cannot be touched. But can be bombed by drones un-touchingly, can be bombed by Taliban on daily bases, can ask for money from US's public. Yes China we know you are with Pakistan, and it cannot be touched.
hahah ignored......communists dont lie my dear,and you just did a whole lot of that.......btw,bring it in!!! AND YES I HAVE OFFICIALLY JOINED THE 'IGNORE COMMUNIST CLUB'........

That's the spirit. He is a habitual troll, the likes of him are better left ignored.
hahah ignored......communists dont lie my dear,and you just did a whole lot of that.......btw,bring it in!!! AND YES I HAVE OFFICIALLY JOINED THE 'IGNORE COMMUNIST CLUB'........

I also wanted that. Thanks.
Commenting on posters is against the forum rules.

I can show you my real face to you at your place if I wish. Do not provoke me. Do not comment on me. I am damn serious. :angry::angry::angry:

are you kidding...from what i gather you dont even live in a communist country and are afraid to disclose your identity...and u threatening people to show up at their doorsteps..
well baby i got one word for ya....SHOOOOO.....:rofl:
^^ Guys leave him alone. His fellow COMMRADES are getting killed in Lalgargh by Maoists. Tough day for the Communists. (Assuming he is from India)
^^ Guys leave him alone. His fellow COMMRADES are getting killed in Lalgargh by Maoists. Tough day for the Communists. (Assuming he is from India)

those ******* maoists are enemies of india..,....our brave leaders and country men have been killed there by those evils.......and they are gonna pay for every blood that they took away from our fellow comrades,wb police,and crpf jawans are almost there............btw,gabbar,the man concerned here my no sane mentality a true 'communist'......gabbar,you are a very good gentlemen,i earnestly request you to go through the position in lalgarh,before commenting on these sensible matters.....thanks
Indeed and the F***ing Maoists will be killed and hunted like rats by our forces but you have to admit that Communist government in WB droped the ball on the Maoists problem. They should of requested and central forces way back and should of listend to tribal people's problems. Because of that maoists are getting help from tribal people.

My appologies for going off topic.
Indeed and the F***ing Maoists will be killed and hunted like rats by our forces but you have to admit that Communist government in WB droped the ball on the Maoists problem. They should of requested and central forces way back and should of listend to tribal people's problems. Because of that maoists are getting help from tribal people.

My appologies for going off topic.

seriously,what can you do when one of the main congress ally(trinamool) support the maoists?? You don't know the situation here brother,that mamata is a *****.......she is doing dark politics here,she is flaming the maoists to kill our fellow comrades........
Fair enough Jako. You are right I dont know the ground situation there and I am getting most of my info from the newpapers and tv news. But there were lapses by Left in WB some where. This couldn't of out of hand with out some upper government people screwing it up at the first place.
Gabbar,a thread has been opened on the issue....lets not derail the thread furthur!!! Btw,yes you are right,the wb govt was incorrect when it hesitated to ask the centre for forces.....we didn't think this wd go so far,sponsored by the opposition
In 1962 China actually showed India mercy during the conflict. If they wished the could have continued to pulverize you and penetrate deeper into "Indian territory".

Before you become arrogant and brazen think about this point, you are right, this is not 1962. We are now living in a time were the power and military power disparity between China and India is even greater than it was before in 1962 (esp. in the conflict zone)

A brief war between China and India is to occur soon, I am letting you know now the war maybe over before most Indians even hear about. War maybe over before you can even rally your troops and deploy them properly. The war will be fast and deadly and this is the war pace and rhythm China will defeat you to.

In the next conflict you will lose further territory, perhaps 100 sq. miles or more.

hmm... interesting story :hitwall:
You are foolish because you think these are random thoughts.

What you fail to see is China's preparations and the methodology they wish to pursue in warfare.

This is not a mere prediction, this is a educated analysis based on a years of reading, readings from Chinese Defense analyst, newspapers, historical precedent and more...

Continue to live in ignorance, it doesn't bother me.

You (India) were warned before 1962, and look what happened, you fail to see fail to read the signs.

You are foolish because your analyses depends on chinese defence analysts and newspapers. And your ignorance bothers nobody too, i was just hoping you were actually predicting the future and would give me some stock market tips. turns out its just some religious mumbo jumbo like your other posts.
Actually Indians do not lie about their defeats. If defeated, we humbly accept it, and try to improve our strength. Kindly remember these words next time you start boasting about '48, '65, '71, '84 and '99. Will help surely.

Unfortunatly you guys always do lie... Ok 48 who atarted the war? if india did then what did india gain? did she gain her objectives? if no then its Indian defeat! 65 India wanted to capture lahore but couldn't instead went on giving up her part of land so who lost? Pakistan? :woot: 71 yes we lost it but i can explain you how and why. but yes Pakistan lost. 84????????????????????? 99 pakistan didnt loose it we wanted to wake India up to reality that now the game has changed. You can resiste but can't go on all out war with Pakistan from this date on. Pakistan wanted to bring India to peace table which she always rejected so Pakistan had to do something which will wake India up. "you only sharpen your sword with another piece of Iron" So technically Pakistan won her Objective so why crying. I will add that right now Pakistan was loosing in proxies war with india in our Balochistan and swat but we are pushing the enemy and soon we will be victorious.:pakistan::china::police:
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