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India’s unwise military moves : Global times Editorial

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btw recently india has been quite agressive towards china. and i think there was not much need for that as relations bw the two have never been this gud (atleast thats wat i use to hear).

wat was the need of sendin more troops and all those statements? im not sayin india doesnt have right to defend themselves. but y do it when there not much need and u know it will upset the opponent.

Troop ratio is still 3:1 in China's favour in that region and infrastructure is way better too. India is only trying to catch up. Aggresion would be if India was trying out number chinese troops.
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I do not think, China has sent a single army personnel in that disputed area let alone troops.

Well, India's troops are larger than that of China, if we take Assam and other NE states.
Troop ratio is still 3:1 in China's favour in that region and infrastructure is way better too. India is only trying to catch up. Aggresion would be if India was trying out number chinese troops.

Yes this is in response to Chinese buildup on the other side of the border which has been going on for some time. A look via google earth will show you chinese setup near the border.

China has been doing this for some time and will it listen to India saying not to construct roads in Tibet? Quite a joke if India is not supposed to counter Chinese moves.
btw recently india has been quite agressive towards china. and i think there was not much need for that as relations bw the two have never been this gud (atleast thats wat i use to hear).

wat was the need of sendin more troops and all those statements? im not sayin india doesnt have right to defend themselves. but y do it when there not much need and u know it will upset the opponent.
Well India has been reciving tech and assistence from USA, Which doesn't come free. World will witness that how USA uses Indian blood against chines. Which is sad. All these moves has been dictated to indian by mighty USA and all i can say is. wait and watch, If you notice things has started to unfold after N-DEAL of USA and India,...:pakistan::china::usflag::police:
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I do not think, China has sent a single army personnel in that disputed area let alone troops.

Well, India's troops are larger than that of China, if we take Assam and other NE states.

Chinese have 15 divisions and 2 mechanized core tank divisions. Plus not to mensions air support. Please do diligence before posting. :smokin:
Chinese have 15 divisions and 2 mechanized core tank divisions. Plus not to mensions air support. Please do diligence before posting. :smokin:

Communist was saying that they don't have any military personnel in the "disputed area". But he fails to understand AP is not disputed as per India. And they have military presence in undisputed Tibet area, and they want no military presence in AP.. so that it becomes free for all territory..!!! Pretty wishful thinking.. i might say..!!!!:coffee:
btw recently india has been quite agressive towards china. and i think there was not much need for that as relations bw the two have never been this gud (atleast thats wat i use to hear).

wat was the need of sendin more troops and all those statements? im not sayin india doesnt have right to defend themselves. but y do it when there not much need and u know it will upset the opponent.

Its not about why to increase military troops when at present its not needed, but its about being prepared or avoide any future mishap from happening. :agree:
Its not about why to increase military troops when at present its not needed, but its about being prepared or avoide any future mishap from happening. :agree:

then i guess u r preparin urself with a far greater speed than required. this will obviously effect the relations bw two sides. furthermore we have got many statements comin from indian side as well.
i hope things dont get messy in comin yrs.
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I do not think, China has sent a single army personnel in that disputed area let alone troops.

Well, India's troops are larger than that of China, if we take Assam and other NE states.

Where did you get that from??? The Chinese papers!!!! Grow up kid, stop humoring us on such a regular basis.
Where did you get that from??? The Chinese papers!!!! Grow up kid, stop humoring us on such a regular basis.

Indians are asking for humiliations again. I hope Indians sending more troopers into disputed border areas, instead of another pathetic 60,000 and only 4 Su30MKI. It's no fun any more just to completely destroy you again. There are many voices already in Chinese BBS websites asking for complete wipeout of Indian troops there, no matter how many, to guarantee border peace for another 50 years. Send more troopers, Indians. Make a full figure by the way. It's earlier to count and remember dead/casualties that way. :rofl:
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Nobody is talking bout war,speeder....,its just a reaction to the huge chinese buildup on the other side of the border........btw,a whole squadron of su30mki wd be brought up in the north east,for your info.........and in case of any war,india wd surely not be the aggressor......regards
Nobody is talking bout war,speeder....,its just a reaction to the huge chinese buildup on the other side of the border........btw,a whole squadron of su30mki wd be brought up in the north east,for your info.........and in case of any war,india wd surely not be the aggressor......regards

What Chinese build-up, you ignorant? From Indian Paper??

Everywhere in the world knows that Indians started this escalation by sending 60.000 troops and airplanes without any provocation into DISPUTED areas. Check up BBC, CNN, Times, The Telegraph...!

I only hope you send more. 1962 was the weakest period of PLAAF, and they were still worried about the US and Soviet reactions at that time. Now? :D
What is the big deal here , 4 MKI's have landed at Tezpur and such a big deal is made of it . Herein lies the fundamental difference between india and China.

China makes very little noise but does a lot of work and India makes a lot of noise but very little work , so the noise is taken to be rhetoric but there is little on the ground to back it up.

Chinese have good infrastructure across the border like roads , airfields , regular supplies etc etc.

India should aspire for such infrastructure too but the amount of sensationalist enthusiasm regarding one airbase and eloquent plans is not un-necessary.
What Chinese build-up, you ignorant? From Indian Paper??

Everywhere in the world knows that Indians started this escalation by sending 60.000 troops and airplanes without any provocation into DISPUTED areas. Check up BBC, CNN, Times, The Telegraph...!

I only hope you send more. 1962 was the weakest period of PLAAF, and they were still worried about the US and Soviet reactions at that time. Now? :D

i know this wd fall on deaf ears,still,1-yes there is a definite chinese buildup on the otherside....2-what you called disputed,is actually an INTEGRAL part of india,so why do you care,what the indians are doing in their territory,when you are doing the same thing......3-in 1962,india had no proper army,as nehru never wanted that,and the army sent in the indo-chinese border were scarcely armed,yes china has grown its military muscle but so has india........regards
My Chinese brothers, please do not get provoked by Indians. They are provoking you so that you do a mistake and they can report you to the mods. They are in search of that opportunity. They play this dirty game and kill the Chinese members. So please refrain from attacking anyone personally. If you find their provocation too much irritating, report the mods. The report button is below the profile of the member.

As far as India's provocation is considered, I am sure, China will take care of those Indians. Still China is showing restrain as a responsible member of the global community. But there is a limit, hope Indians do not cross that limit.
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