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India’s Truck, China’s Ferrari

China = ferrari, India = a truck ???? well ,well a rather innovative and fresh try at useless comparison, must say .

India having all these democratic hurdles would be expected to be slower than China in development. The good thing is that we enjoy to freedom to choose which official officiates over us , to remove him if he is corrupt/communal/inept etc . We enjoy the right to have as many children as we want , the right to Google and uncensored news and personal protection against random arrest and incarceration, by the law.

Now who would wanna give up all that for a F1 RACE TRACK and the chance to watch a speeding Ferrari from the sidelines ???? not many I believe ....

So INDIA ROCKS !!!!! :tup: :tup: :tup:
We need more people in India to think like the author. No need to keep on obsessing over another country. Just keep on doing your work as hard as you can. All that really matters in the end is your country improving. If both China and India improves, what is the big fuss?
LOok siegecrossbow ,

India is growing fast . what more do your want ?

India had 51 % population living below poverty line in 1990 and by 2015 it will be 22% according to the world bank. Now every country cant be as fast as china.

China has reaches where it is today after 30 years of rapid growth , india has seen only 8 years of rapid growth yet.What do you expect can happen in just 8 years? For god's sake give us some time .

The CHinese model wont work in India and the reasons have already been told to you on this forum before. This is the best system for a country like india that we have today and it has started working .We just need some time . You guys took 30 years , give us atleast 20 to see some tangible changes if you haven't seen some already as shown by the world bank reports.
China vs India is a reality. They are going to fight for resources with one another. Just because China started its reform process 15 years before India doesn't make China a Ferrari and India a Truck.
No i'm perfectly aware. The end result is the same. No one starves in China despite huge corruption. Millions starve in India due to corruption.

There are only 96 billion from China in the swiss banks. There are 1500 billion from India in the swiss banks.

Your leaders behave like 3rd world African dictators. When will Indians wake up and take their country back?

No, it should be " I am perfectly unaware"....After all, you missed the 127.4 million undernourshed people in China, how did that happen???

Oh wait....you were too obsessed watching India's poor....:lol:

Total population (millions): 1 320.5
Life expectancy at birth: 71
Urban population: 40%
Agricultural labour force (thousands): 849 417
Number of people undernourished (millions): 127.4
Proportion of undernourished in total population: 10%
Per capita daily calorie intake: 2 980
Per capita daily protein intake (% kcal): 12%
Child malnutrition, underweight: 7%
Child malnutrition, stunting: 11%
Child mortality rate (per 1000 live births): 37
UN Link
Jim Rogers is shorting India. Chanos has been shorting China since forever. It will be interesting to see who is proved right.

My bet is on the proven macro trader and not the corporate short seller.
Jim Rogers is shorting India. Chanos has been shorting China since forever. It will be interesting to see who is proved right.

My bet is on the proven macro trader and not the corporate short seller.

Isn't Chanos' whole company about bubble spotting and shortselling? You know what they say, when you are a hammer everything looks like a nail... besides Rogers is not uniformly bullish on China.
Isn't Chanos' whole company about bubble spotting and shortselling? You know what they say, when you are a hammer everything looks like a nail... besides Rogers is not uniformly bullish on China.

The "range" of a professional money manager is surprisingly narrow and very limited. When they start to deviate from core styles, it's time to pull money.
The "range" of a professional money manager is surprisingly narrow and very limited. When they start to deviate from core styles, it's time to pull money.

Because they themselves know there is something wrong with their strategy ?
Because they themselves know there is something wrong with their strategy ?

Because successful managers are all one trick ponies. Even Buffett is a one trick pony (value investing). When you see Buffett doing special situations (buying bankrupt companies), it's time to take your money and run. Most hedge fund managers are running the exact same strategy they did from their investment bank days. Chanos is not a macro investor, trying to "short" China is just embarrassing because he is so far from his core competency. For Rogers, macro/commodities/currencies is his core.

^^ india old truck



^^ chinese ferrari

You be the judge who will win the race LOL
India will be a winner if it is able to provide its own citizens with a decent standard of living.

There is a competition as most pitch it to be, but in reality I think it is a race of who reaches first as a developed nation. But as long as both do I am happy with it and both will be winners ... It will be a remarkable achievement for humanity as a whole if it is possible. With shrinking resources the last mile will be tough.
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