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India’s Truck, China’s Ferrari

No i'm perfectly aware. The end result is the same. No one starves in China despite huge corruption. Millions starve in India due to corruption.

There are only 96 billion from China in the swiss banks. There are 1500 billion from India in the swiss banks.

Your leaders behave like 3rd world African dictators. When will Indians wake up and take their country back?

Can't help but agree here.

But what are we discussing exactly ?

That China is ahead of india ? Isnt it obvious ?

About the distant future , I dont think anyone can tell .
No i'm perfectly aware. The end result is the same. No one starves in China despite huge corruption. Millions starve in India due to corruption.

There are only 96 billion from China in the swiss banks. There are 1500 billion from India in the swiss banks.

Your leaders behave like 3rd world African dictators. When will Indians wake up and take their country back?

Million's dont starve in India due to corruption but due to mismanagement.

1000's of tons of grains rot in India due to lack of proper storage facilities and distribution system.
Rather than distributing it for free to the poor public Indian Govt choose to destroy it by throwing it into sea because distribution is more costly.

I would be happier if all this lines by you were actually genuine concerns by a wealthy Chinese for Indian poor's but your obvious signs of contempt are visible here.every time you mention Indian poor(almost in every thread i can see it)you are not making mockery of Indian democracy,its leaders or its netizens but those poor people who in your mindset are just some rats to insult.

No nation is perfect,not mine,not yours also

By tampering the bottom line of the article that a truck can never chase a car or mentioning Indian poverty every time if you think that flawless then you are mistaken.

Just like one of my compatriot said,what good is about your govt which dont allow its citizens to die due to starvation,but kill more with some great leaps and cultural genocides.
Million's dont starve in India due to corruption but due to mismanagement.

1000's of tons of grains rot in India due to lack of proper storage facilities and distribution system.
Rather than distributing it for free to the poor public Indian Govt choose to destroy it by throwing it into sea because distribution is more costly.


Corruption in India's ration system

PHOTOGRAPHING CORRUPTION IN INDIA – Tom Pietrasik Photography | Documentary & Portrait Photographer India & UK

Corruption & distribution

In India the granaries are full but the poor are hungry | World news | Guardian Weekly

Corruption limiting poverty reduction in India says world bank

ABC Asia Pacific News:Stories:Corruption limiting poverty reduction in India says World Bank
Western and Indian media don’t miss a chance to talk about China's economic investments around the world, whether in Africa or in South Asia. Indeed, South Asia has generally been dubbed a battleground between the two countries, with China inevitably getting most of the attention due to its economic prowess and military power.

More recently, Africa has been talked up by the Indian media as the second battleground for these two Asian powers. Fortunately, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has exhibited greater maturity, dismissing suggestions that India is trying to compete with China in Africa. Singh has instead noted that globalisation presents opportunities to every country and that every nation has the right to avail itself of such chances. He has also stuck publicly to his earlier assertions that the world has enough space for both China and India to grow.

Yet despite such measured rhetoric, a number of sensational stories in the Indian press covering Singh's recent visit to Africa that have focused on competition between India and China have shifted attention away from the more interesting fact that India is now so keen to invest in Africa.

It is, of course, difficult to ignore the huge economic leaps made by China. But regardless of this rapid progress, India should focus on increasing its economic influence and utilising its soft power in emerging regions, no matter what China is or isn’t doing.

Also, while viewing China through the prism of economic rivalry is unhelpful, so is judging it based on relations with neighbouring countries. Doing so is distracting, and makes India look insecure, with a developing country mind-set rather than that of aspiring superpower. So, while India's worries about China's alliance with Pakistan are legitimate, China's entry into other regions should still be looked at with a degree of maturity that allows for more nuanced relations. Economically, for example, relations between India and China have grown closer over the past few years, while on climate change the two were on the same page at Copenhagen. Meanwhile, India must be prepared to cultivate political ties with countries that aren’t necessarily friendly to China, if it is in our national interest to do so.

More broadly, though, it’s important that India abandon its 'China-centric’ mentality or else there will be a tendency to focus only on regions where China is extending its sphere of influence. The dangers of this mind-set among our media were evident in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. Egypt has sought India's help in conducting elections, yet our media has been so pre-occupied with covering the Indo-China 'competition' in Africa and the US-Pakistan relationship that only negligible column space has been devoted to this heartening recognition of India's institutions and democratic traditions.

Sadly, Indians are all too willing to ignore the benefits of such institutions. Indeed, these institutions are often presented as one of the pivotal causes of India's relatively slower growth trajectory compared with China. Indian scholars, for example, don’t miss an opportunity to present democratic traditions as an impediment to growth, conveniently forgetting that while China might have all the money in the world, when it comes to institution building, it’s India's assistance that is sought in Afghanistan and now in the new laboratories of democracy in the Arab world.

There’s no doubt that China will continue to race away like a Ferrari, while India will chug along like a truck. But there’s no reason why the truck needs to chase the Ferrari -- it should instead find its own route to prosperity and success. To take the metaphor further, the Arab world, for example, sometimes needs rickety trucks that have the capacity to carry the sometimes heavy burdens of public opinion and free speech.

By adopting a pro-active foreign policy in the Arab world, India will hugely enhance its own status. But only if the country’s foreign policy mandarins and media have the wherewithal to look forward, rather than perpetually focusing on India's rivalries.


i m glad india is waking up,they realised the hare and the tortoise story is just a fairy tale and it aint going to happen.

the India’s Truck, China’s Ferrari is more appropriate but it also means india will never catch up with china.

The only problem with this article is that it equates some of these over zealous journalists and some of the over zealous members of this and similar forums with the general population of India. The vast majority of educated Indians do not see China as a rival. This rivalry is more of a western creation. Indians are a laid back people. If some one says says that China or some other nation has achieved some very important economic milestone, the answer most frequently heard will be " Kih farak painda?" (what difference does it make to us). Not that Indians are not competitive, we are. But there is no dislike or malice where China is concerned. Yes, we know that 1962 can never ever be repeated again and so the military needs to be suitably equipped to defend the nation. But that is about all.
your leaders starve Indian citizens to death!

Your countries massacred your people during the Communist Regime in Hungary (especially in the uprising of 1956) and Gen.Franco's regime in Spain. You will know about it if you really belong to these countries, which I doubt.

Hey BRICS, why you choose this name even though your countries are not included in this association.

---------- Post added at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 PM ----------

your leaders starve Indian citizens to death!

Your countries massacred your people during the Communist Regime in Hungary (especially in the uprising of 1956) and Gen.Franco's regime in Spain. You will know about it if you really belong to these countries, which I doubt.

Hey BRICS, why you choose this name even though your countries are not included in this association.
Million's dont starve in India due to corruption but due to mismanagement.

1000's of tons of grains rot in India due to lack of proper storage facilities and distribution system.
Rather than distributing it for free to the poor public Indian Govt choose to destroy it by throwing it into sea because distribution is more costly.

I would be happier if all this lines by you were actually genuine concerns by a wealthy Chinese for Indian poor's but your obvious signs of contempt are visible here.every time you mention Indian poor(almost in every thread i can see it)you are not making mockery of Indian democracy,its leaders or its netizens but those poor people who in your mindset are just some rats to insult.

No nation is perfect,not mine,not yours also

By tampering the bottom line of the article that a truck can never chase a car or mentioning Indian poverty every time if you think that flawless then you are mistaken.

Just like one of my compatriot said,what good is about your govt which dont allow its citizens to die due to starvation,but kill more with some great leaps and cultural genocides.

Kill MORE? I don't think its possible to kill more than the Gandhi regime which butchered 120 million Indians since independence! Your regime is the cause of problems in India. It suppresses those with solutions to its problems. There is no hope for India until you overthrow your regime and its genocidal policies against India's poor.

Or is it that your regime believes in social darwinism and is using natural selection to reduce the amount of low IQ losers in India?
Kill MORE? I don't think its possible to kill more than the Gandhi regime which butchered 120 million Indians since independence! Your regime is the cause of problems in India. It suppresses those with solutions to its problems. There is no hope for India until you overthrow your regime and its genocidal policies against India's poor.

Or is it that your regime believes in social darwinism and is using natural selection to reduce the amount of low IQ losers in India?

Once again the IQ figures came out of nowhere.

Dont know why Chinese lack proper deliberation skills,that that have to every time rely on diversion tactics to change the subject.

On your question Gandhi dictatorship does not have the impressive records like Great kill forward and Cultural genocides:lol: unlike the democratic,secular Mao.

Even during emergency during Indira's period tanks were not rolling on the chest of Indian citizen's.

So if you have enough of your comparison,we can talk about the topic from next time.
Kill MORE? I don't think its possible to kill more than the Gandhi regime which butchered 120 million Indians since independence! Your regime is the cause of problems in India. It suppresses those with solutions to its problems. There is no hope for India until you overthrow your regime and its genocidal policies against India's poor.

Or is it that your regime believes in social darwinism and is using natural selection to reduce the amount of low IQ losers in India?

We rather would prefer be be in a democratic set up and resolve our problems n a dmocratic ways... Yes there are obstacles and hurdles and there are people which our country dont need ... only time and people of India will decide their faith ... And we all Indians love our freedom ...

Our truck is slow rite now but it can carry the burden of 1.2 billion people of India with room there for everybody ... Soon our truck will be faster and more efficient then the ferrari...
hey indians -- can't you even for one day control your trolling tendencies? Why all these immature one-liners?
hey indians -- can't you even for one day control your trolling tendencies? Why all these immature one-liners?

Because the thread is started in a way and named in a way to be flamed and trolled but to be honest most Indians kept their cool on this thread and took it in a humourous and sensible way ...
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