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India’s nuclear submarine to trigger arms race: Pak Navy

Because nobody in this world have the ability to predict the future my friend.

It’s not a child game to play war.
American learn it the hard way .its not you won the war its what comes after the war .
American beat Iraq military easily then Americans bleed by Iraqi freedom fighters.
China will never attack India .but India is making situation of war by sticking their dirty noses in neighboring countries.
Who knows?? Its our business to be prepared for the future. And We getting ready for it.... They cannot tolerate the growth of India,China had secured favorable trade treaties in Eastern Asia to cut Indian products out. And they have been investing more on defense than any other country In Asia, Having pakistan as their strategic asset is very unfavourable condition for not only India but every country in this region

That the excuse Iran giving and they should be the one who should get nuke and everything. After all they are the American worst enemy.
It’s not a child game to play war.
American learn it the hard way .its not you won the war its what comes after the war .
American beat Iraq military easily then Americans bleed by Iraqi freedom fighters.
China will never attack India .but India is making situation of war by sticking their dirty noses in neighboring countries.

Who u r chinese president or something to give ur assurance to India inbehalf of China???lolz....Its not something u decide wether they attack India or not, first i suggest u to become the President of China then give the Indian highcommisioner a written letter stating "China will never attack India" with officail seal...so that we Indians can take ur words for granted!:lol:
It’s not a child game to play war.
American learn it the hard way .its not you won the war its what comes after the war .
American beat Iraq military easily then Americans bleed by Iraqi freedom fighters.
China will never attack India .but India is making situation of war by sticking their dirty noses in neighboring countries.

It's a simple as this: It all goes down to Ahkand Bharat -- that's why both Kashmir & NE region takes on a more important role than it should. If you examine carefully the reason India currently is relentless in allowing Kashmiris decide who they want to be is because India envisions a Greater India that extends BEYOND Kashmir. Specifically encompassing not only Pakistan but Afghanistan and 'frontier regions', as well as 'Aksai Chin'.

While in the NE, Bharat is continuing to genocide and ethnic cleans the area. Working with the Dalai Lama will ensure that if in the future Tibet ever becomes part of India it will be a 'legitimate transaction' approved by DL.

So it is not that other nations are 'invading' India, rather it is Bharat attempting to invade all her neighbors. This is the main reason of distrust and contention in PK, BD, NP, Bhutan, Myanmar, PRC, Maldives, Afghan, etc. Some may pretend to deny this but you see this written and said numerous times - it's an open secret.

So what is driving this? We can see it is the dream of being "the greatest superpower in the world" as well as an out-of-control population.

This is not anyone's suggestion, merely my own. The 'fair' solution I propose is that in exchange for respecting national integrity of other nations, India is supplied with (1) technologies she desperately needs. In addition, (2) since Europeans spread around the globe reproducing like crazy it is only fair that other races/ethnicities can do the same. In other words, the semi-free movement of peoples.

This has another added benefit to all parties involved. When Europeans are more exposed to other cultures and religions and thinking they will become more sensitive and respecting (or at least fearful of retaliatory response). This is true if you live in a multicultural nation, you can see areas that are dominated by whites and non-whites the "ATTITUDE" of people differ greatly!

This also benefits Europeans, since these large population of non-whites act as insurance against these cities being attacked. For example, if ABC nation decides to attack London, they will fear this will have a backlash not only among the English but also the Africans, Pakistanis and Indians who make it their home.

Over time people will (1) open up to different people, AND (2) inter-marry. The process will take about a few generations (say 20-to-50 years, depending on situation) for this to harmonized. Take for example: Say you are German, but your daughter is married to a Black man and your son is married to an Arab and your sister is married to an Asian --- so now your nieces/nephews and grandchildren are mixed blood. Even if you are a neo-nazi you can NOT help but to see the INNOCENCE and BEAUTY in your offspring, so your hatred and prejudice will slowing fade away. :cheers: You will slow become reluctant to view these "other" races as "inferior" because in doing so you will be degrading your very own grandchildren. :wave:
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Who u r chinese president or something to give ur assurance to India inbehalf of China???lolz....Its not something u decide wether they attack India or not, first i suggest u to become the President of China then give the Indian highcommisioner a written letter stating "China will never attack India" with officail seal...so that we Indians can take ur words for granted!:lol:

I already clear in my last post that china will never attack India which mean that Indians should not do any thing funny.
Why china want to attack India without any reason.
Indian already had bad relationship with almost all its neighbors.
we keep good relationship with good neighbours and bad relationship with bad neighbours. We hope for the best..(read...all neighbours will be good..) and be prepared for the worst...(read.. if all turns to be bad...)...got the point.
we keep good relationship with good neighbours and bad relationship with bad neighbours. We hope for the best..(read...all neighbours will be good..) and be prepared for the worst...(read.. if all turns to be bad...)...got the point.

Yeah you got that right Pakistan are preparing for the worst.
Yeah you got that right Pakistan are preparing for the worst.

Oh please dont do that, let me get a Chinese dude to tell u "India will never attack Pakistan". remember what u assured me about china before. now it just bite u back.:tdown::agree:
No way , China cannot afford to fight a nation like India,At this moment, Global economic crisis has been badly hit in china my friend. And they cannot terrorize India now, They can just threaten us by laying roads to pakistan and making pakistan a strategic partner, For them pakistan is not more than a suicide bomber. And Yes, China has base In Srilanka,china laying route to pakistan, why??? Just to terrorise the asian countries, China wants asia under there controll, India is the only powerful country in asia according to them, so they using cheap tactics against India with pakistan as there strategic asset. They are using you, which pakistan claims it as a pride. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

1. What a cheap comment

2. India is the only powerful country in asia??? LOL, India's military capability is not even close to Top 3 in asia, yet claim to be the only powerful country by China?? LOL again, in China, Indian army is nothing but a joke, nobody gives a damn about your powerful country, do not overlook yourself, kid. BTW, not only in China, same thing here in US and Canada
1. What a cheap comment

2. India is the only powerful country in asia??? LOL, India's military capability is not even close to Top 3 in asia, yet claim to be the only powerful country by China?? LOL again, in China, Indian army is nothing but a joke, nobody gives a damn about your powerful country, do not overlook yourself, kid. BTW, not only in China, same thing here in US and Canada

Friend what capablity does china have? Cheap weapons coppied from russia?? Even russia laughs at it and says original the best. Indian army a joke? Than u should have anurachal pradesh as soon as possible. My friend i will be honest that china thinking india a soft target. All i can say is its time china to wake up and stop dreaming its 1962 my friend.
Oh please dont do that, let me get a Chinese dude to tell u "India will never attack Pakistan". remember what u assured me about china before. now it just bite u back.:tdown::agree:

I back from nothing. It’s India who is the real problem in the region. Pakistan, china, Nepal Bangladesh, Sirlanka, are Indians neighbors and India have a history with them.

If it’s one or two countries if India had a history then it’s normal. But this clearly show India attitude towards its neighbors.
do india does not copy russian weapons. u take help from them so it is copy too any way ur army is worst army in the world if bangladesh army have good weapons they can destroy ur army in matter of days weapon system of indian army is no way near to pakistan army for sure yes ur airfroce weapon is better than paf but ur army is dumb this is a fact and india never going to be super power of world or asia because pakistan is standing infront of india u know what we did with russia and what we can do with you and we did it so plz stop dreaming india is surrounded with enemies and still thinks it will be super power USA is a super power because 80 percent of countries bordering with USA all are USA friends
do india does not copy russian weapons. u take help from them so it is copy too any way ur army is worst army in the world if bangladesh army have good weapons they can destroy ur army in matter of days weapon system of indian army is no way near to pakistan army for sure yes ur airfroce weapon is better than paf but ur army is dumb this is a fact and india never going to be super power of world or asia because pakistan is standing infront of india u know what we did with russia and what we can do with you and we did it so plz stop dreaming india is surrounded with enemies and still thinks it will be super power USA is a super power because 80 percent of countries bordering with USA all are USA friends

Excellent ...you get first prize for making a useless rant.....


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