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India’s Foreign Debt Grows 13% to $390 Billion

what concerns?

People of UP know about Ram Janmasthan Masjid for time in memorial and now they wanted it out,

Next Mathura/kashi.
Have you ever been to kashi?? There are equal no. of muslims living with the hindus near the Holy Ghats of Ganga.
My point is even if there are people demanding for Ram Mandir in the ayodhya or UP it is the part of BJP's vote bank politics to make this as a matter of great concern to them. Wanting to have the leverage of Indian Hindu's being the major community in India is serving no good to the country
I have been to kashi and the mosque there stands like a sore point next to the vishwanath temple and what are mozzies doing in kashi.

I also know enough UP people who dont like or want mozzies in Kashi/Mathura/Haridwar/Ayodhya.

They can go to Lucknow/Meerut.
what concerns?

People of UP know about Ram Janmasthan Masjid for time in memorial and now they wanted it out,

Next Mathura/kashi.

Then you can see the whole India burning..People killing people..Innocent women getting raped irrespective of the religion and the whole nation getting polarised.. You can watch with pride from Australia through television that how you achieved your dream Hindu land which will be terrorised by bomb blasts and communal riots each now and then.. Offcource, you still can sleep without fear in a secular country, it only the others who is going to suffer...
I know what you are saying,but not doing anything ll be even worse.

And trust me i have family in the Sangh,they ll be out on the streets if there is anything.

what about Prof Thomas who lost his hands,guess there is nothing wrong,eh?

In 1993,people were under prepared,this time if anything happens dawood ki bund phaad denge.
I know what you are saying,but not doing anything ll be even worse.

And trust me i have family in the Sangh,they ll be out on the streets if there is anything.

what about Prof Thomas who lost his hands,guess there is nothing wrong,eh?

In 1993,people were under prepared,this time if anything happens dawood ki bund phaad denge.

Dude, why are you thinking I am bashing Hindu radicals only here?? I am talking about every radicals in this country, no matter which religion they belong to..You really think Muslims will be sit silent if a mosque is destroyed.. They have radicals in their religion too.. And it will be an opportunity for other country's to fund these kind of movements.. Another problem is that innocent people who have nothing to do with any of it will be forced to take weapons because of fear or urge to protect thier loved ones.. You have family in Sangh, so what? You want them to be killed by any one? Is any one wanted their relatives to be killed by fanatics.. You think god wanted that? Ask yourself.. You wanted to restore your culture through bloodshood which will be a permanent black mark to this country.. Do you need your country to be divided again in the name of religion?? Its easy for someone to talk about taking Mathura and Kashi.. What you dont have a clue what this country have to pay for some peoples stupidity..
They wont be,so what?

I want those temples not next to a masjid,simple a sthat.

Other countries ll always do it as they want,if u stay weak they ll see it as a bigger oppurtunity.

If it is obvious that the only language they understand is action on the ground,thats what you should do.

Talking to Javed Akhtar/Shabna Azmi on twitter wont help.

I dont know how you feel about things but UP is a very very holy place for us hindus and especially for us brahmins.

so,it is very important to avenge the blood of our forefathers.

We are not asking you to join,NSS and SNDP ll protetc you on the street along with CPM,u stay indoors and protect uour family.

My family has army men,police and acpable of defending ourself and if need be i ll go and defend people.

so,nothing to be scared and trust me people of UP/Hyderabad are also more than ready/willing to defend themselves.

If you want security in Kerala,we ll provide you.

The honour has to be kept by all means,whatsoever.

The problem in truth are not muslims but the Congress.

if they have balls,then things ll be in order.
Congress is no way a secular party and that is a true fact they always tries to see the opportunities in any conflict between two communities but still they fear the constitutional law of the country same is with the BJP they aren't any good either. But by going with what you said in your post above you are not only just agreeing with what some radical elements of the country thinks but you are also disagreeing with the concept if India.
This country wont be as powerful as it is now if everyone and everything goes by what you said. All the muslims are not the hardliners neither all the Hindus are extreme,it is a democracy and its natural that some conflicts will arose but its upto us how we deal with them,we can go by either what you says or we could follow the concept of India
Why does every single thread on this forum eventually turn in to a religious argument?? Seriously Mods should look in to this.. Create a separate forum for all the zealots to get their hand bags out and slap each to their hearts content.. Majority of the people here i'm sure doesn't give a shyt for who your god is.. So leave the rest of us to discuss matters of real concern in the world and shove your religious d!cks down each others throats
Dude, I know BJP supports who support it because they hate congress scams. This sankranti guy is different. You know some people who have more direct stakes- coz they/ their uncles etc. are standing for elections from BJP side? THis guy is more like that. A very rabid and direct kind of hatred- nothing to with a principled stand.

.... you telling me my uncle is from BJP ? ...actually I am related to ex-congress Kerala Chief Minister K Karunakaran. Go figure :lol:

You have to try harder at slander ....to bad you don't have CBI in pdf to file false cases against me :lol:
In otherwords you are not able to find any.. you just farted some gas and it blown right on your face..
LOL ...you are important only in your own eyes. ...no one else care for your old posts.

India is the only country which undertake these kind of mass development apart from China.. And what it has to do with sending women abroad as maid?? Are you just bashing for the sake of it..

This very statement is what identifies you as a christian religious bigot who votes for congress due to religious bias.

Most of the maids that are being sent to SA are going to be muslims. SA is now deporting Indian men due to their new nitaqat law but are importing women to abuse. I opose this as I do not want Indian women to be subject to abuse in SA. THey are amont the most poor and vulnarable sections in India.

You are dismissing this because you are eager to support all sick and evil actions of congress so that your conscious is not bothered while you continue to vote for congress.

That is the difference between you and me.

Yep! I am talking to one!! :coffee:

Good luck with that.
Why does every single thread on this forum eventually turn in to a religious argument?? Seriously Mods should look in to this.. Create a separate forum for all the zealots to get their hand bags out and slap each to their hearts content.. Majority of the people here i'm sure doesn't give a shyt for who your god is.. So leave the rest of us to discuss matters of real concern in the world and shove your religious d!cks down each others throats

You are right mate this thread is about the country's foreign debt increase and the reason's responsible for it. I was trying to highlight the failed govt. policies as one of the main reason for it but unfortunately is was turned into a Congress vs BJP and later secular vs extremist thread.
You are right mate this thread is about the country's foreign debt increase and the reason's responsible for it. I was trying to highlight the failed govt. policies as one of the main reason for it but unfortunately is was turned into a Congress vs BJP and later secular vs extremist thread.

Failed govt. policies is exactly what is congress v/s BJP.

...and as per 'secular' parties .......congress v/s BJP is ....secular v/s extremist.
Socialist freeloading lechers have introduced Right to food bill in parliament........

Wait for sometime. The country would go complete bankrupt to finance wholesale vote buying scheme of Congress.........

Seig Sonia.........
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