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India’s Foreign Debt Grows 13% to $390 Billion

LOL ...you are important only in your own eyes. ...no one else care for your old posts.

Perfect!! You can accuse others because of their religion, their view points and when ask about proof, you just run away with these kind of quotes.. Shame on you, liar..

This very statement is what identifies you as a christian religious bigot who votes for congress due to religious bias.

Most of the maids that are being sent to SA are going to be muslims. SA is now deporting Indian men due to their new nitaqat law but are importing women to abuse. I opose this as I do not want Indian women to be subject to abuse in SA. THey are amont the most poor and vulnarable sections in India.

You are dismissing this because you are eager to support all sick and evil actions of congress so that your conscious is not bothered while you continue to vote for congress.

That is the difference between you and me.

:lol: Dont have anything to argue, you can start name calling like congress supporter, religious begot and what not.. Get a grip man, Do you even know what the bloody "nitaqat " is?? And what the reasons they are deporting people from there?? You just know some words and very well used to blame people and government.. You are totally loosing it..

Good luck with that.

Ohh, well I dont have any hope.. You are a lost cause..
Perfect!! You can accuse others because of their religion, their view points and when ask about proof, you just run away with these kind of quotes.. Shame on you, liar..

:lol: Dont have anything to argue, you can start name calling like congress supporter, religious begot and what not.. Get a grip man, Do you even know what the bloody "nitaqat " is?? And what the reasons they are deporting people from there?? You just know some words and very well used to blame people and government.. You are totally loosing it..

Ohh, well I dont have any hope.. You are a lost cause..

There is only facts and conclusions that can be drawn from those facts. Too bad the facts don't make you look good.

You on the other hand has nothing to say about Indian govt. pimping slave girls at a reduced rate to make a few dollars. Only denial to see the facts.

Mouthing platitudes is the best you can do to compensate for your lack of empathy.
There is only facts and conclusions that can be drawn from those facts. Too bad the facts don't make you look good.

You on the other hand has nothing to say about Indian govt. pimping slave girls at a reduced rate to make a few dollars. Only denial to see the facts.

Mouthing platitudes is the best you can do to compensate for your lack of empathy.

Then again, you are loosing it.. Where did I support government about pimping girls like you mentioned?... Re read my posts again and if you have any idea what this is all about, talk to me.. You mind is restless and thinking many unwanted things..
@bronxbull, it will be easy for me to reply to you if you quote me or mention me..I didnt know that you already replied to me..
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Then again, you are loosing it.. Where did I support government about pimping girls like you mentioned?... Re read my posts again and if you have any idea what this is all about, talk to me.. You mind is restless and thinking many unwanted things..

:coffee: more platitudes to hide your hypocrisy. You need to re-read your old posts to see how easily you dismissed congress govt. move to send slave girls to SA.
:coffee: more platitudes to hide your hypocrisy. You need to re-read your old posts to see how easily you dismissed congress govt. move to send slave girls to SA.

Since you have hard time understanding things I will help you out... The topic was about India's forgeign debt and you bring topic about sending girls as maid and here is my reply..

India is the only country which undertake these kind of mass development apart from China.. And what it has to do with sending women abroad as maid?? Are you just bashing for the sake of it..

Tell me where you find from this quote that I am a christian religious bigot who votes for congress due to religious bias??

Where did I say that I am supporting government for pimping girls??

You do know that you are making a complete idiot of yourself with these pathetic rant??

They wont be,so what?

I want those temples not next to a masjid,simple a sthat.

Other countries ll always do it as they want,if u stay weak they ll see it as a bigger oppurtunity.

If it is obvious that the only language they understand is action on the ground,thats what you should do.

Talking to Javed Akhtar/Shabna Azmi on twitter wont help.

I dont know how you feel about things but UP is a very very holy place for us hindus and especially for us brahmins.

so,it is very important to avenge the blood of our forefathers.

We are not asking you to join,NSS and SNDP ll protetc you on the street along with CPM,u stay indoors and protect uour family.

My family has army men,police and acpable of defending ourself and if need be i ll go and defend people.

so,nothing to be scared and trust me people of UP/Hyderabad are also more than ready/willing to defend themselves.

If you want security in Kerala,we ll provide you.

The honour has to be kept by all means,whatsoever.

The problem in truth are not muslims but the Congress.

if they have balls,then things ll be in order.

The bolder part says it all.. This kind of sore looser attitude have to be changed.. You want to avenge for your forefather lose.. For that you are ready to have a blood bath in this country and even ready to divide this country.. tell me.. What does that really makes you???
Country wont be divided for anything and my forefathers and their sacrifices are what makes me,if that's a loser attitude,i ll rather be a loser.

Like i said,you want to let go of things,u r free to do so,we ll protect u and not antagonize you.

Just dont get caught in the crossfire.
Since you have hard time understanding things I will help you out... The topic was about India's forgeign debt and you bring topic about sending girls as maid and here is my reply..

Tell me where you find from this quote that I am a christian religious bigot who votes for congress due to religious bias??

Where did I say that I am supporting government for pimping girls??

And since you have a hard time understanding things let me help you out and repeat what I said ....."You need to re-read your old posts to see how easily you dismissed congress govt. move to send slave girls to SA."

You glossed over the shameful actions of the congress govt. to compensate for failing the economy and attempted to divert the attention onto mass transit in china :rolleyes:

You attempted to ignore the real actions of the govt. while alluding to some hypothetical fantasy about the debt being due to mass transit projects :disagree:

This is classic deflection. The reasons for doing so ? .....people can draw the own conclusion.
After all the boasting, it turns out India has been spending way beyond its means. Now the rupee is collapsing. All investment is leaving India. Supa-powa dreams shattered. Permanent hunger is returning just like British Raj days.

Hi HongWu ... I notice you never talk about the "tent" in your posts these days...

Why so? :laugh:
After all the boasting, it turns out India has been spending way beyond its means. Now the rupee is collapsing. All investment is leaving India. Supa-powa dreams shattered. Permanent hunger is returning just like British Raj days.

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