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India & Russia Sign Intention Protocol For Prelimnary Design Work of Sukhoi Su-35S Super Flanker

its not a similar project. the S35 is a nearly fully developed platform.

Instead of placing orders for more super 30's, it makes sense to buy the 35's with higher payload. it will be perfect for bramhos alcm.

You want to buy Su35 just because they are a better platform for brahmos ? Sounds like you want to buy KFC for a burger
Sounds like pressure tactic to corner Rafale & negotiate a better deal. India is already involved in FGFA project with Russia..why would they want to get into another similar project? Makes no sense!

It's our stop gab fighters so we can have sufficient number of Squadrons to fight two front war . So I don't think Rafale Deal will be cancelled . Or we can replace Rafale 4th gen with this brand new customised 5th gen fighters . What is wrong .
How Many Projects.......?o_O
Tejas MK2
Tejas MK3
and Now this Su35S
:o:..... Very Confusing..............:wacko:......
I don't we think we have MK3 for the next decades AMCA and MK2 will be the combination.

On topic : Now this is something everyone wanted but no one knew that we already working on this for 2 years . Really pure Hollywood stuff . A great twist in the Indian tale
Sounds like pressure tactic to corner Rafale & negotiate a better deal. India is already involved in FGFA project with Russia..why would they want to get into another similar project? Makes no sense!

India will go for Super MKI
But why to make new Super Sukoi ? When 250+ Sukois will be updated to Super Sukoi standards. Which I belive will be similar to Su35S of the Indian variants . Like MKI and Russian MKI. So Super will be for upgrading . New sneaky deal on Su35S based fifth generation fighter for our airforce . If true then get ready for age of Indian domination in the Asia
su 35 is more powerful than su 30mki and certainly will be better than super sukhoi after upgrade. I would rather like to go for upgraded su 35 than rafale without full tot. Also 35 is much better air superiority than rafale
Now Russian will also get upgraded Su35S for their future needs .And Indians prity good at creating a beast .With Indian money Win Win for both at 80 million this ll be the cheapest aircraft for the future .

Thales SPECTRA, the tactical advantage for Indian Air Force pilots

SPECTRA (Système de Protection et d’Évitement des Conduites de Tir du Rafale) is a integrated defensive aids suite for Dassault Rafale developed by Thales Group. Modern air warfare pose a different challenge on aircraft self-defense capabilities. SPECTRA provides complete automated system directly integrated into the Rafale. SPECTRA ensures efficient electromagnetic detection, laser warning, IR detection for missile warning, jamming and chaff/flare dispensing, even in the most demanding multi-threats environment.
SPECTRA is divided into different modules and sensors strategically positioned throughout the airframe to provide all-round coverage. The latest advances in micro-electronic technology have led to a new system which is much lighter, more compact and less demanding than its ancestors in terms of electrical and cooling powers.

All elements of the Thales SPECTRA system are built into the airframe, have high levels of automation and system integration. SPECTRA includes radar detectors, laser warning receivers and infrared missile approach warning. Active elements of the system include chaff and flare dispensers, and radio frequency jamming. SPECTRA also has ELINT functions, for recording and analyzing the characteristics of hostile emitters and their locations.

Its advanced digital technology, provides passive long-range detection, identification and localization of threats, and allows the pilot or system to react immediately with the best defensive measures: jamming, decoys, evasive manoeuvrings and/or any combination of these actions. SPECTRA features accurate Direction-finding and reduced time for signal identification. Offering unique high sensitivity detection and multiple threat capability, and operating smart data fusion between multi-spectral sensors.

By virtue of its fully passive situational awareness capability, SPECTRA is a major contributor to the low observability concept of Rafale. Thales Group and Dassault Aviation have mentioned stealthy jamming modes for the SPECTRA system, to reduce the aircraft’s apparent radar signature. It is not known exactly how these work or even if the capability is fully operational, but it may employ active cancellation technology, such as has been tested by Thales and MBDA. Active cancellation is supposed to work by sampling and analyzing incoming radar and feeding it back to the hostile emitter out of phase thus cancelling out the returning radar echo.

The proliferation of new generation weapons such as man-portable surface-to-air missiles has raised concern among key decision makers. Both laser and IR missile warning systems have been mounted on the fighter. They provide 360 degree coverage and ensure detection/warning of incoming threats. The IR missile warning ensures high probability of detection and low false alarm rate, even against totally passive IR-guided weapons. Four upward-firing launcher modules for various types of decoys – are built into the airframe, and the Rafale is equipped with internal chaff dispensers. The exact location and types of systems detected by Spectra can be recorded for later analysis, giving Rafale operators a substantial built-in SIGINT/ELINT capability while completing specialized dedicated intelligence platforms.

The first Spectra flight on-board a Rafale took place in September 1996, after M02 prototype had been retrofitted. Since then, the system has been thoroughly tested in very complex electronic warfare scenarios and environments. For instance, Rafale M02 was pitted against a wide variety of the latest IR-defence systems during the NATO Mace X trial organized in August 2000 in Southwest France, and its self-defence suite performed flawlessly. It is now in full production, and is already entering operational service on-board French Navy Rafale. Spectra, a particularly cost effective system, has been designed with growth in mind to keep the Rafale abreast of emerging threats.


Source: Thales SPECTRA, the tactical advantage for Indian Air Force pilots | Defence Aviation
This is important:

"All this has gained urgency since India feels French aviation major Dassault is being needlessly intransigent over the pricing mechanism in the final negotiations for the over $20 billion MMRCA (medium multi-role combat aircraft) project. Under it, the first 18 Rafale fighters were to be delivered off-the-shelf, with the remaining 108 being produced in India.

"But Dassault's costing for the 108 Rafales to be built by HAL has undergone a major hike. It amounts to changing the price line that led to Rafale's selection over Eurofighter Typhoon as the L-1 (lowest bidder) in the MMRCA competition," said the source.

"The MoD simply cannot sign the contract if the L-1 price is altered. Dassault should relent and stick to its commercial bid submitted in response to the original RFP (request for proposal)," he added."
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