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India rushes to bridge missiles gap with PAF

Unless Pakistan releases the "REAL TRUTH " of 27th FEB to humiliate rats soon , Rats will try mess with Pakistan once again.
Real truth like - We are winning (today) - then the fall of Dhaka (next day). Come on out with the facts and shame your enemies out in the open rather than pulling the dildo of REAL TRUTH day in and day out.
What is the point of buying all these expensive toys when one is impotent of using them, ,maybe instead of missiles if shud try buying cohones for a change
Just another reason to buy more. Next time they will not launch MiG 21 or Su 30 it will be Rafael.
They do have Mirage 2000 but do not know why 21 was sent for interception. Guess it is the interceptor so it was sent due to the Superiority complex India has
Yes, upgraded Mig 21s although effective against other assets of Pakistan, is not a match against multiple f16s.
This will only lead to a better equipped IAF in the future.
Indians do have a habit of learning from previous engagements, while Pakistan repeats the same mistakes again and again.
Why would Pakistan not retaliate to future attacks?

You are right. I think that I didn't properly phrase, what I really wanted to express. I used the verb "retaliate", in a wrong sense. What I wanted to say is that, in my opinion, India is seriously pondering over a limited attack scenario, whose overall result is, clearly and demonstrably, in favor of India, in order to undo or neutralize the humiliation of Feb 27.
This is a debatable statement since F-16 has:
1. Low RCS (compared to SU30) so longer radar range of SU30 doesnt get advantage.
2. EW systems for jamming/deceiving/confusing radar
3. Targeting pod for IR tracking of SU30 by switching OFF F-16 radar further probability of detection.

Infact due to higher RCS and radiating a powerful radar, there are significant chances that SU30 will be picked off on radar at the same time by F-16 if not earlier.

That actually makes sense.

The window for showdown was very short. PAF put forth its best assets (F-16, JF-17) on the front. With around 240 SU-30 in service and roughly 60+ Mig-29's for CAP missions, IAF actually had Mig-21's on station on that fateful day. Even if its argued that 2-3 SU30 squadrons needed to be alert towards PLAAF all the time, that is around 60 SU30's at maximum, that still leaves 180 SU30's to face PAF.

PAF made available few F-16's from the strength of 76 F-16's, and few JF-17's from the strength of around 100 JF-17, for the mission conducted on 27th Feb. This ascertains that expected PAF response either stretched IAF's squadrons to their maximum limits that Mig-21's had to make a show to cover up numbers in the air OR PAF's planning took IAF completely by surprise as if PAF was waiting for the weakest gap in IAF CAP's to make the move for 100% mission success rate through constantly monitoring IAF movements from across the border.

IAF may find solace by raising Rafale squadrons, but now it feels that even 126 Rafales won't be enough when 240 SU-30 + 65 Mig-29 + 100 Mig-21 were unable to stop 4 or 6 or 8 or 10 PAF aircrafts.

You forgot to add M2Ks of IAF in this picture.

india doesnt have quality pilots

Don't underestimate your enemy.

Yes, upgraded Mig 21s although effective against other assets of Pakistan, is not a match against multiple f16s.
This will only lead to a better equipped IAF in the future.
Indians do have a habit of learning from previous engagements, while Pakistan repeats the same mistakes again and again.

Pakistan already taken right steps as there are rumors that PL-15 already integrated with JFT block-2.
This is a debatable statement since F-16 has:
1. Low RCS (compared to SU30) so longer radar range of SU30 doesnt get advantage.
2. EW systems for jamming/deceiving/confusing radar
3. Targeting pod for IR tracking of SU30 by switching OFF F-16 radar further probability of detection.

Infact due to higher RCS and radiating a powerful radar, there are significant chances that SU30 will be picked off on radar at the same time by F-16 if not earlier.

That actually makes sense.

The window for showdown was very short. PAF put forth its best assets (F-16, JF-17) on the front. With around 240 SU-30 in service and roughly 60+ Mig-29's for CAP missions, IAF actually had Mig-21's on station on that fateful day. Even if its argued that 2-3 SU30 squadrons needed to be alert towards PLAAF all the time, that is around 60 SU30's at maximum, that still leaves 180 SU30's to face PAF.

PAF made available few F-16's from the strength of 76 F-16's, and few JF-17's from the strength of around 100 JF-17, for the mission conducted on 27th Feb. This ascertains that expected PAF response either stretched IAF's squadrons to their maximum limits that Mig-21's had to make a show to cover up numbers in the air OR PAF's planning took IAF completely by surprise as if PAF was waiting for the weakest gap in IAF CAP's to make the move for 100% mission success rate through constantly monitoring IAF movements from across the border.

IAF may find solace by raising Rafale squadrons, but now it feels that even 126 Rafales won't be enough when 240 SU-30 + 65 Mig-29 + 100 Mig-21 were unable to stop 4 or 6 or 8 or 10 PAF aircrafts.
I think IAF didnt expect such a reaction too. And it didnt have well enough numbers either. Its a mix of factors and IAF needs to fill the holes for future more asymetric warfares.
Yes, upgraded Mig 21s although effective against other assets of Pakistan, is not a match against multiple f16s.
This will only lead to a better equipped IAF in the future.
Indians do have a habit of learning from previous engagements, while Pakistan repeats the same mistakes again and again.
Well sometimes PAF surprises India. India drums the super power status so much that they start believing their own lies.
Never underestimate your enemy.
Didn't know that one morning would make them their awakening a nightmare
They tested k-77 which is new Russian missile with it's own aesa seeker and range much greater than amraam.also British short range missile also ordered.they are even buying more su-30s.pakistan must integrate pl-15 on at least block 2.they already tested couple of missiles.during Trump Khan meeting,imran Khan should ask Trump to provide either amraam c-7 or amraam d series.we need new missiles for our f-16s fleet.
As on date, some say pakistan doesn't have pl-15
As on date, some say pakistan doesn't have pl-15

PAF will not acknowledge it.
Rumors that P-15 deliveries rushed to Pakistan and inducted on Block-2. Even if just a rumor fact is PAF will eventually induct PL-15 once Block-3 enters service.
You forgot to add M2Ks of IAF in this picture.
M2K is a strike aircraft primarily and one of the best that IAF has got, Mig-29's are dedicated AD fighters. Even with the presence of Su30, IAF used M2k for strike, putting SU30 on AD.
We have a lot of problems with hardware, more than yours, i dont think the soldiers in both the countries are any different, courageous, ready to sacrifice and respect each other in times of war unlike the western forces who have no morals. But this skirmish on 27th gave a wake up call for the good, that will only make things better. Like you had better and more AWACS and long range BVRs. I dont know if you should be happy or sad about it :p::p: There must be many lessons for your army too i am sure.

The Indian Air Force has been using BVR missiles for decades, well before Pakistan Air Force ever got their hands on them. The Indian Air Force had decades to master BVR engagements. However, the results of the 27th February air-battle tells a dismal story. It isn't a wake up call, it is a scramble. Where in the media, they have told lies to save their disgraceful performance. The reality is incompetence, plain and simple.
M2K is a strike aircraft primarily and one of the best that IAF has got, Mig-29's are dedicated AD fighters. Even with the presence of Su30, IAF used M2k for strike, putting SU30 on AD.

M2ks are used as multirole platform which they are, there is a reason IAF have integrated R-73s on them.
so they will learn about it next time. Its actually western strategic analysts who fcuked Indian ego so high above the clouds that their radar stopped working.
Thanks for the compliment. In the arcane realm of covert intelligence, such remarks are compliments on how well the organization has hidden it's activities. I am so excited and thrilled.

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