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India rushes to bridge missiles gap with PAF

Su - 30 can detect f - 16 from a farther range
This is a debatable statement since F-16 has:
1. Low RCS (compared to SU30) so longer radar range of SU30 doesnt get advantage.
2. EW systems for jamming/deceiving/confusing radar
3. Targeting pod for IR tracking of SU30 by switching OFF F-16 radar further probability of detection.

Infact due to higher RCS and radiating a powerful radar, there are significant chances that SU30 will be picked off on radar at the same time by F-16 if not earlier.

We have a lot of problems with hardware
That actually makes sense.

The window for showdown was very short. PAF put forth its best assets (F-16, JF-17) on the front. With around 240 SU-30 in service and roughly 60+ Mig-29's for CAP missions, IAF actually had Mig-21's on station on that fateful day. Even if its argued that 2-3 SU30 squadrons needed to be alert towards PLAAF all the time, that is around 60 SU30's at maximum, that still leaves 180 SU30's to face PAF.

PAF made available few F-16's from the strength of 76 F-16's, and few JF-17's from the strength of around 100 JF-17, for the mission conducted on 27th Feb. This ascertains that expected PAF response either stretched IAF's squadrons to their maximum limits that Mig-21's had to make a show to cover up numbers in the air OR PAF's planning took IAF completely by surprise as if PAF was waiting for the weakest gap in IAF CAP's to make the move for 100% mission success rate through constantly monitoring IAF movements from across the border.

IAF may find solace by raising Rafale squadrons, but now it feels that even 126 Rafales won't be enough when 240 SU-30 + 65 Mig-29 + 100 Mig-21 were unable to stop 4 or 6 or 8 or 10 PAF aircrafts.
It was a good wake up call for the DoD, better to have a setback now than in an actual war.

Pakistan have a long history to pull out of wars, under political pressure... so i doubt anyone in Indian army is worried a bit about experimenting war with Pakistan.
Nothing before the Rafales get here. Possibly also the ASRAAMs and the DERBY-ER. But the next session is a crushing certainty for PAF. They did something needless in Feb. '19. Might pay for it in Feb' 20.
Just stating my opinion.

Might also change your flags back to your mother india? Atleast your skills with the language speak for it.
You should let go off the defeatist attitude. India is not doing Pakistan any favors by not retaliating and Pakistan is not some weak power that survives due to the mistakes of its enemies. It survives due to superior planning, preparedness and application of firepower. This will not change even if the IAF upgrades its entire assets and strategy. For once, Pakistanis need to feel secure. The events of February 27th showed on an international scale how Pakistan dominated each step of the conflict and forced India and the Hindu nationalists to turn tail and concoct fictitious accounts of shooting F-16s as face saving exits.

India will not retaliate because the consequences of misadventure even in the conventional domain is exponentially cost prohibitive.

I think that you have misread my post. First thing is that it doesn't display any defeatist frame of mind. Secondly, I have said that they are planning and thinking; not that they have decided. In my view, the real question, on which they are pondering, is that what kind of attack it should be, which cannot be retaliated by Pakistan, in all probability. What I fundamentally wanted to emphasize in that post is that this humiliation is such that they are not ready to forget and forego it.

Except, for what I have clarified in my this post, I agree with your post.
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While quoting me and @Vortex, you have given the above statement. I am already 61. May be, you meant some maximum age limit.:p::p::p:

No uncle je, he was speaking about himself.

@Telescopic Sight is linking 27 feb with what happened in 1999. He is the the only one indian doing that.

In other words he is forgetting that the 27 feb came just one day after the 26 feb.

I don’t know to which disease’ this symptom is. Maybe being indian is a disease by itself.

FYI I’m below 61 but over 16 :partay:. I’m was sent by Allah in 73. As I didn’t learn algebra so far, so I’m sure by giving [61-16] range I won’t be wrong :enjoy:
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I don’t know to which disease’ this symptom is. Maybe being indian is a disease by itself.
Ouch! Modulation of little bit leniency and politeness will convey your message much deeper and further and will draw more blood. This way the message gets lost a bit in the harshness of the reply.
India has top of the line weaponry and there is no missile gap whatsoever. India uses weapons imports to keep its diplomatic clout in west so nothing new here.
All the weapons in the world and indians would still shoot down their own helicpoters
It was a good wake up call for the DoD, better to have a setback now than in an actual war.
Someone in the govtt should take IAF to task. You dont just discard your whole missile inventory based on one event. If they are so bad why did you not upgrade them before. So either someone was grossly negligent or using this opportunity to make more commission.
My own thinking is this remains a training issue amongst the pilots.
But Pakistani ideas still not good enough to prevent CPEC.

CPEC is going fine against the wishes of UAE, IRAN, INDIA and US....4 against one
Can India handle 4 against one? you cant even control one without help from White Daddy
CPEC is going fine against the wishes of UAE, IRAN, INDIA and US....4 against one
Can India handle 4 against one? you cant even control one without help from White Daddy
Read again. I said PREVENT CPEC. CPEC was inflicted on Pakistan by India.
I think that you have misread my post. First thing is that it doesn't display any defeatist frame of mind. Secondly, I have said that they are planning and thinking; not that they have decided. In my view, the real question, on which they are pondering, is that what kind of attack it should be, which cannot be retaliated by Pakistan, in all probability. What I fundamentally wanted to emphasize in that post is that this humiliation is such that they are not ready to forget and forego it.

Except, for what I have clarified in my this post, I agree with your post.

Why would Pakistan not retaliate to future attacks?
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