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India rushes to bridge missiles gap with PAF

Su - 30 can detect f - 16 from a farther range but the r 77 doesnt have the range to engage and its pretty fucking old bvr , dont know why they used it. Wake up call and things have already been done, for example the r-37 bvr, asta mk1 and mk 2 and brahmos ng. S o dont worry, if we here in a forum can see this, they have taken into account that too. And we didnt have that many awacs as you guys becoz we didnt buy as we were trying to develop our own. It will take a few years but indigenous awacs are necessary, our import bill is already huge. This type of asymetric warfare doesnt tell you the whole picture though , i hope u understand that. A full scall war vs such skirmish has different dynamics. I would happily say that PAF got the better of IAF that day and we should learn from those mistakes. Taking anything more than that would be foolish.

Please you seem like a learned person..do not insult your own intelligence by saying Su-30MKI and Mirage 2000i are Garbage! its just that your guys are not trained in enough and do not have exposure of real war! hence requires spirit of fight!

let me remind you something "Its not the size of the Dog in the fight ..its size of fight in Dog that matters"

Your Armed forces are new in high tech warfare - green horns...you can improve but it will take time...and time is just what we dont have.. :)
Please you seem like a learned person..do not insult your own intelligence by saying Su-30MKI and Mirage 2000i are Garbage! its just that your guys are not trained in enough and do not have exposure of real war! hence requires spirit of fight!

let me remind you something "Its not the size of the Dog in the fight ..its size of fight in Dog that matters"

Your Armed forces are new in high tech warfare - green horns...you can improve but it will take time...and time is just what we dont have.. :)
FIRST of all i tlked by the r-77 missile and not any jet and i didnt even mention mirage. Did you even read ? And next , we know about the fight in the dog from 90,000 POWs.
And we are new to hi tech warfare !! thats why we lost in 1947 ? 1965 ? 1971 ? 1999 ? People who understand have a hard time boasting and inflating their ego like you.
Su - 30 can detect f - 16 from a farther range but the r 77 doesnt have the range to engage and its pretty fucking old bvr , dont know why they used it. Wake up call and things have already been done, for example the r-37 bvr, asta mk1 and mk 2 and brahmos ng. S o dont worry, if we here in a forum can see this, they have taken into account that too. And we didnt have that many awacs as you guys becoz we didnt buy as we were trying to develop our own. It will take a few years but indigenous awacs are necessary, our import bill is already huge. This type of asymetric warfare doesnt tell you the whole picture though , i hope u understand that. A full scall war vs such skirmish has different dynamics. I would happily say that PAF got the better of IAF that day and we should learn from those mistakes. Taking anything more than that would be foolish.

Sorry! but i cant help reading your name ..its bleed right and 1st thing that comes in mind is "Do you Bleed Super Man! funny!
FIRST of all i tlked by the r-77 missile and not any jet and i didnt even mention mirage. Did you even read ? And next , we know about the fight in the dog from 90,000 POWs.
And we are new to hi tech warfare !! thats why we lost in 1947 ? 1965 ? 1971 ? 1999 ? People who understand have a hard time boasting and inflating their ego like you.
Oh dear. You were doing so well.....you lost and your excuses are pitiful.
FIRST of all i tlked by the r-77 missile and not any jet and i didnt even mention mirage. Did you even read ? And next , we know about the fight in the dog from 90,000 POWs.
And we are new to hi tech warfare !! thats why we lost in 1947 ? 1965 ? 1971 ? 1999 ? People who understand have a hard time boasting and inflating their ego like you.

Its not about ego! i am sorry you feel bad. but when you are talking about a weapon its part of weapon system.. Su-30MKI is a weapon system..and Su-30MKI is much much better then Mirage 2000i if you are to say any thing bad about R77 like that you make whole system a peice of Junk!

Haha, actually most people go for women menstruating with my name, finally something better :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

I am at loss for words... :eek:
season...is around the corner...today even Rat is out of the hole...did you read what bipin said?

Unless Pakistan releases the "REAL TRUTH " of 27th FEB to humiliate rats soon , Rats will try mess with Pakistan once again.
We already have AIM-120-C series. American are reluctant to give us D series.

Currently even if US sell C-7 version of AIM-120 to Pakistan it will boost F-16s fighting capacity, but its highly unlikely.

I am quite certain that India is seriously planning to do some mischief, in near future, to avenge Feb 27 humiliation. Their try would be that the attack should be such, that it cannot be retaliated by Pakistan and then they can use it for chest thumping and gloating.

If you check history then you will know that you may be very right.
Haha, actually most people go for women menstruating with my name, finally something better :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Keep your pants on son, no need to show profanities or your up bringing on a civilized forum.

season...is around the corner...today even Rat is out of the hole...did you read what bipin said?
I really look for your posts about 2/27 and enjoy your posting style. What's up with the 27 days time line you mentioned somewhere?
When will these primitive brown indians understand, its not a weapon that gives an upper hand in battle, its mentality and quality of men.

India needs to catchup in mentality and quality of soldiers.
Currently even if US sell C-7 version of AIM-120 to Pakistan it will boost F-16s fighting capacity, but its highly unlikely.
Turkey, UAE and Saudia already enjoy the use of AIM120C7. THE D version has range of up-to 180 km.

There are rumors of PL15 integration on JF-17 BlockII. This may indicate that like its western counterparts, PL15 may also possess a fire and forget mode and may even be guided by AWACS after launch.

Got this off of a Sina article a few days ago with shoddy google translation:


May be a picture of the dragon mounted with the PL-15 for testing.
You tried, we replied next day.
We replied, you will wait 1 whole year before replying?

Be prepared in Feb 2020, for "Crushing Session".:p::p::p:

Please calculate how much time elapsed from 10 August 1999 to Feb 27, 2019 .
Then think about the inadvertent insults you have heaped upon your own PAF .....

Really, there needs to be a minimum age limit to post in this forum.
Please calculate how much time elapsed from 10 August 1999 to Feb 27, 2019 .
Then think about the inadvertent insults you have heaped upon your own PAF .....

Really, there needs to be a minimum age limit to post in this forum.

Oh you mean the 26 feb 2019 wasn’t due to Pulwama ? But Moodi, bipin, news anchors were all barking I mean they said...

Make up your mind man.

Yes by age limit, I suppose you were talking about you. It’s so obvious.
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I am quite certain that India is seriously planning to do some mischief, in near future, to avenge Feb 27 humiliation. Their try would be that the attack should be such, that it cannot be retaliated by Pakistan and then they can use it for chest thumping and gloating.

You should let go off the defeatist attitude. India is not doing Pakistan any favors by not retaliating and Pakistan is not some weak power that survives due to the mistakes of its enemies. It survives due to superior planning, preparedness and application of firepower. This will not change even if the IAF upgrades its entire assets and strategy. For once, Pakistanis need to feel secure. The events of February 27th showed on an international scale how Pakistan dominated each step of the conflict and forced India and the Hindu nationalists to turn tail and concoct fictitious accounts of shooting F-16s as face saving exits.

India will not retaliate because the consequences of misadventure even in the conventional domain is exponentially cost prohibitive.
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