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India rushes to bridge missiles gap with PAF

Lol. You gotta love how Pakistanis find new excuses on this forum for their debacles. Nation states don't have to conterminous. Do you think people from Hawaii or Alaska feel less American? Did the Brits go to war with Argentina over far off Falklands or did they say - "hey that's not conterminous, let it go."

Of course you can form a nation with people of different races, DNA, genetics, linguistics. A Tamil or Gujarati or a Gurkha are testament to that.

But then again, you will look for excuses. Always have, always will.

tamil, gujarati and gurkha have more in common with each other in terms of race, DNA and genetics then they would with a Pakistani.

The biggest debacle came when gandhi failed to keep a united india in 1947. The pain of that is reflected even today in the form of obsessive and abnormal hatred indians have for Pakistan and Pakistanis. We don't have those sentiments for bangladesh and bengalis so 1971 means very little to us. In 1971, a race that was completely different to Pakistani people and that was nearly 3000 kms away from us, gained there own nation. Nothing more. In 1947 the same thing happened with us with regards to india.

PS indians will always look for excuses for losing 35% of their former territory and not being able to do ANYTHING about it..........that india has been a superpower since 2012.........always have done, always will do........:azn:
tamil, gujarati and gurkha have more in common with each other in terms of race, DNA and genetics then they would with a Pakistani.

The biggest debacle came when gandhi failed to keep a united india in 1947. The pain of that is reflected even today in the form of obsessive and abnormal hatred indians have for Pakistan and Pakistanis. We don't have those sentiments for bangladesh and bengalis so 1971 means very little to us. In 1971, a race that was completely different to Pakistanis and that was nearly 3000 kms away from us, gained there own nation. Nothing more. In 1947 the same thing happened to us with regards to india.
Not really. Very different in terms of race. A Gujrati has more in common with a Sindhi in Pakistan than any other part. A Punjabi in Pak is genetically, linguistically closer to a Punjabi in India. This is just common sense.
And I don't hate Pakistan. I had many Pak friends when I used to live abroad. But yes, lots of hatred online since the last few years.
Not really. Very different in terms of race. A Gujrati has more in common with a Sindhi in Pakistan than any other part. A Punjabi in Pak is genetically, linguistically closer to a Punjabi in India. This is just common sense.
And I don't hate Pakistan. I had many Pak friends when I used to live abroad. But yes, lots of hatred online since the last few years.

Complete BS...............:lol:....................In Pakistan, Sindhi is more of a linguistic term rather than a genetic or racial one. There is NO similarity between a gujerati and ANY Pakistani groups.........:lol:..............The Punjabis of Pakistan are racially different to the Punjabis from india. This is due to Pakistani Punjabis intermarrying with other Pakistani ethnicities within our Northern and Western regions. Similarly, many indian Punjabis have been interbreeding with dravidian indians who are the majority in india. Punjabi is now also a linguistic rather than racial or genetic term in Pakistan. Even that is neither here nor there. Punjabis make up no more than 3% of india, and only a small minority of that 3% have any racial or genetic connections to Pakistan. So at least 97% of indians have NO racial, genetic or cultural links with Pakistan. bangladeshis and Sri Lankans have A LOT more in common with indians in terms of race, genetics and culture. They are the closest to indians.
Complete BS...............:lol:....................In Pakistan, Sindhi is more of a linguistic term rather than a genetic or racial one. There is NO similarity between a gujerati and ANY Pakistani groups.........:lol:..............The Punjabis of Pakistan are racially different to the Punjabis from india. This is due to Pakistani Punjabis intermarrying with other Pakistani ethnicities within our Northern and Western regions. Similarly, many indian Punjabis have been interbreeding with dravidian indians who are the majority in india. Punjabi is now also a linguistic rather than racial or genetic term in Pakistan. Even that is neither here nor there. Punjabis make up no more than 3% of india, and only a small minority of that 3% have any racial or genetic connections to Pakistan. So at least 97% of indians have NO racial, genetic or cultural links with Pakistan. bangladeshis and Sri Lankans have A LOT more in common with indians in terms of race, genetics and culture. They are the closest to indians.

You can keep lying. It won't alter reality.
You can keep lying. It won't alter reality.

Sure sure. So says the person who belongs to the race and nation who are the biggest purveyors of propaganda and who are also the biggest liars on planet earth:


Dishonesty, lying, falsehood and deception are traits that are hard-wired into the DNA of indians. More so than all other races on earth.
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