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India rushes to bridge missiles gap with PAF

The platforms left that needs PAF clobbering are Mig29 and M2ks
M2K is a strike aircraft primarily and one of the best that IAF has got, Mig-29's are dedicated AD fighters. Even with the presence of Su30, IAF used M2k for strike, putting SU30 on AD.

This is absolutely incorrect ! Reason why M2k was used for strike is simple ! Spice and Cristal Maze has only been integrated with M2K so far. Su 30 is undergoing that integration.
So for the mission profile that IAF wanted to execute - M2K was the best fit.
This is a debatable statement since F-16 has:
1. Low RCS (compared to SU30) so longer radar range of SU30 doesnt get advantage.
2. EW systems for jamming/deceiving/confusing radar
3. Targeting pod for IR tracking of SU30 by switching OFF F-16 radar further probability of detection.

Infact due to higher RCS and radiating a powerful radar, there are significant chances that SU30 will be picked off on radar at the same time by F-16 if not earlier.

That actually makes sense.

The window for showdown was very short. PAF put forth its best assets (F-16, JF-17) on the front. With around 240 SU-30 in service and roughly 60+ Mig-29's for CAP missions, IAF actually had Mig-21's on station on that fateful day. Even if its argued that 2-3 SU30 squadrons needed to be alert towards PLAAF all the time, that is around 60 SU30's at maximum, that still leaves 180 SU30's to face PAF.

PAF made available few F-16's from the strength of 76 F-16's, and few JF-17's from the strength of around 100 JF-17, for the mission conducted on 27th Feb. This ascertains that expected PAF response either stretched IAF's squadrons to their maximum limits that Mig-21's had to make a show to cover up numbers in the air OR PAF's planning took IAF completely by surprise as if PAF was waiting for the weakest gap in IAF CAP's to make the move for 100% mission success rate through constantly monitoring IAF movements from across the border.

IAF may find solace by raising Rafale squadrons, but now it feels that even 126 Rafales won't be enough when 240 SU-30 + 65 Mig-29 + 100 Mig-21 were unable to stop 4 or 6 or 8 or 10 PAF aircrafts.

Just wanted to check, Do you still by this post of yours ? If your thoughts have changed - then ignore !
Thanks for the compliment. In the arcane realm of covert intelligence, such remarks are compliments on how well the organization has hidden it's activities. I am so excited and thrilled.


You seem to be always excited and thrilled.:lol::lol::lol:
Thanks for the compliment. In the arcane realm of covert intelligence, such remarks are compliments on how well the organization has hidden it's activities. I am so excited and thrilled.


Its not hidden anymore, everyone saw it on Feb 27

Ist P.S. Are you ignoring me?
why havent you asked if I am Mohajir, in a long time

2nd P.S. RSS Gau Muttra curse back at you :)
I do it to many people.

Once @padamchen told me, "Why are you stalking me man?"

Once @sinait told me, "Why do you like to tag me?"

Once @I S I told me, "Stop tagging me for no reason."

Once @fitpOsitive told me, "Had hai yaar."

Once @PAKISTANFOREVER told me, "You will be reported for harassment."


I don't mind you tagging at all.

But if you want a response then you need to share a bit of your own mind with me first.

Its not hidden anymore, everyone saw it on Feb 27

Ist P.S. Are you ignoring me?
why havent you asked if I am Mohajir, in a long time

2nd P.S. RSS Gau Muttra curse back at you :)

99% of Pakistanis do not unders6 the significance of February '19.

I had said it then. Read my posts if you are so inclined.

The first (not the last) casualty of Feb '19 was Aug '19.

It's not going to stop now. They are playing for keeps.
Pakistan have a long history to pull out of wars, under political pressure... so i doubt anyone in Indian army is worried a bit about experimenting war with Pakistan.

More accurate description would be - Pak has long history of getting into wars it can't win and then pulling out in the face of failed objectives.
India also needs to improve its communications structure so the next time they face the PAF, their entire communications apparatus does not collapse and end up shooting down their own helicopters.

But Pakistan shooting down their own if 17 is ok.
More accurate description would be - Pak has long history of getting into wars it can't win and then pulling out in the face of failed objectives.

A bit like how you and your ilk also claimed to have killed exactly 350 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16...........:lol:

The reality is that india has a long history of being militarily humiliated by a nation that is more than 7× smaller than it despite having the full backing of the West and Russia........:lol:.........:azn:.........and then being too weak and powerless to do ANYTHING about it.......:azn:
A bit like how you and your ilk also claimed to have killed exactly 350 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16...........:lol:

The reality is that india has a long history of being militarily humiliated by a nation that is more than 7× smaller than it despite having the full backing of the West and Russia........:lol:.........:azn:.........and then being too weak and powerless to do ANYTHING about it.......:azn:

And this is said by a guy who lost all wars and his country got broken vertically into two.
And this is said by a guy who lost all wars and his country got broken vertically into two.

So says the little-weiner man who's country lost 35% of it's former territory to a Muslim minority, 7× smaller than it on August the 14th 1947...........and there is NOTHING indian kind can do to get that conquered territory back again.........:azn:
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