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India refuses visa to Musharraf

India should convince him to go back to pakistan.
Also note, we let Advani in after he attempted to kill Jinnah, so its only a matter of how much stomach India has to take him head on, nothing else.
both were President of the two different nations and the most powerful person of their respective countries

Oh yes... 1 Gora hai... doosra South Asian

Faraq hai.... baaqi government ex-President ki respect ke liye uske mulk ki economy nahi dekhti - even the former President of Kenya is well respected if he pay a visit to this subcontinent

Why didnt you mention him as Arab/Turkish/Persian Tall fair and handsome ?

Lets be fair -
The enemy is afraid of him, that's a big compliment to him...

Reason why India denied Mushy Visa.

1) India does not want Mushy to speak against India in India.
2) India does not belive in Mushy nor trust him - India thinks he is a big Liar.
3) India knows if Mushy is allowed to speak in India (Mushy will come back to power in Pakistan)
4) Lot of elements in Pakistan wanted India to block Mushy from giving speech in India.
5) Again Publicity which Mushy will get in pakistan just for being in India is enough for Mushy to Snowball him to grab power in Pakistan.
6) Americans do not trust Mushy either nor the Pak Army wants him.

So yes Mushy is noone to india nor pakistan, his political career just bit the dust in one Visa Rejection, Feel free to disagree.

This is my own analysis.
I think it could be due to
1. Mushi's recent comments, GOI wants to show the displeasure in open. We did same for Iran( after their top mullah's remarks)


2. Civilian govt in pakistan wanted India not to entertain him, and India obliged.

If he had kept low profile and not started a political party, I dont think he would have had any problem. He could even join "big boss" and add to the fun.
The enemy is afraid of him, that's a big compliment to him...

Right now he is afraid ... more than any one ..thats for he is not going to Pakistan where he ruled for 9-10 years ...he was most powerful man in Pakistan right?

and it is very wise full decision by Indians, we allowed him to do :blah::blah: in 2009 .. now his days are gone ..not even his country is ready to welcome him ..why you want ENEMY will do this..

I can see how much Musharraf is smart .. to earn few bucks he is ready to go to ENEMY counry and ready to do :blah::blah: on their request but not going to his own country to help it in such a difficult time..
hi there is news ticker flashing that India has refused to give visa to Musharraf for visiting.

I wonder how much India is scared of Musharraf's ability to speak to media.

he can speak on pakistan media....why don't he

but might be news flashing on india media draws more attention , ....

knowing musharraf like to start a political party...

if he speak anti-india on indian media , it will became a news ,he will get more attention back in pakistan ....rather if he speaking the same anti-india on pakistan media , it will be like a no-news...
Good decision.

He has no authority as of now, not of much use. No need to give him importance by allowing him to come to India.
It's a strange decision on part of the GOI. It's not the first time that Mr Musharraf has applied for Indian visa post-retirement. It's not the first time that he would have spoken at a seminar in India either.

At first i thought it might be a reaction to his recent statements on Balochistan but then remembered that he had given a lecture in India two years back where he had said pretty much the same thing and there was no uproar over it.

Some newspapers claimed he was denied visa because of Kargil. Surprising, and perhaps not true, because he has been to India many a times after Kargil and was received by the GOI.

It's also more surprising because Mr Manmohan Singh has had a good relation with Musharraf when he was in power and were reportedly on the verge on signing an agreement on Sir Creek.

However, it's the first time that Musharraf would have visited India after announcing his political ambitions.

One possibility could be that the GOI shares the majority opinion on Musharraf's chances in politics and does not wish to offend the GOP by giving him a platform.. or perhaps it fears Musharraf will repeat the Baloch blame-game and might instigate the indian press.
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