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India ran to uncle sam to force Pakistan to retreat!

Did not read this long thread just because the title states the exact opposite of reality. Pathetic state of affairs here.
@Minho BTW, has anyone remembered the 17 Pakistani Atlantique airmen shot down by a Mig21 and left to die in the desert ?
An act that had no response by the 'No.1 Shaheens' of this planet for 19 Plus years? Only response till date was when Abhi crossed the LOC , otherwise those 17 chaps's souls would be still calling out , unanswered.

Please chalk that down to the Kargil achievements of the Pak military, OP !
Did not read this long thread just because the title states the exact opposite of reality. Pathetic state of affairs here.
@Minho BTW, has anyone remembered the 17 Pakistani Atlantique airmen shot down by a Mig21 and left to die in the desert ?
An act that had no response by the 'No.1 Shaheens' of this planet for 19 Plus years? Only response till date was when Abhi crossed the LOC , otherwise those 17 chaps's souls would be still calling out , unanswered.

Please chalk that down to the Kargil achievements of the Pak military, OP !
The thread is based on an excerpt of an article taken without context with a doctored title.
And do you think India wasn't going to get back its territory one way or another?
And how exactly did India "get a beating?" India lost just over 527 troops compared to 700 as per CIA and STate dep. estimates for Pakistan, despite Pak holding the strategic territory. Pakistan's objective of cutting off Indian supply to Siachen failed bigly. And India even occupied several peaks previously held by Pakistan(5310).

But all this has been discussed to death. There are countless threads on this subject, and no serious observer here argued Pakistan won militarily by any means.

I see you haven't fulfilled my challenge of showing any military expert, even within Pakistan, who classifies Kargil as an Indian defeat and/or Pakistani victory.

The fact is India won a big millitary victory and an even bigger diplomatic victory at minimal costs considering the circumstances. And it is a fact the highest peak in Kargil was taken by India BEFORE Nawaz went to the US.

And obviously, various countries were involved in trying to prevent a nuclear conflict. Clinton had actually repeatedly asked India to back down adn negotiate a ceasefire, but Vajpayee refused.

There you go again, back to your Indian fantasies, presenting self-induced logic rather than dealing with facts and not recognising issues that have already been discussed in an argument.

Please do not keep repeating yourself, it gets boring and shows a lack of class. You have added nothing new to our discussion except one thing, in which you admitted to the main premise of this thread that India did go running and crying to Uncle Sam.

“And do you think India wasn't going to get back its territory one way or another?”

This is exactly the point of this thread, so thank you for admitting it.

Now, please leave your fantasies and spend your energies towards making our region a peaceful place for everyone.
Leave it dude! They are taught in their schools from childhood that they won Kargil War. After few decades, they'll even start saying they won 1971 war....the world knows the truth!
And may I ask you what you have been taught in your schools...kill all the minorities and Randi rona.

Did not read this long thread just because the title states the exact opposite of reality. Pathetic state of affairs here.
@Minho BTW, has anyone remembered the 17 Pakistani Atlantique airmen shot down by a Mig21 and left to die in the desert ?
An act that had no response by the 'No.1 Shaheens' of this planet for 19 Plus years? Only response till date was when Abhi crossed the LOC , otherwise those 17 chaps's souls would be still calling out , unanswered.

Please chalk that down to the Kargil achievements of the Pak military, OP !
We have not forgotten anything, however as long as you are shooting down your own choppers we can sit back and save our energy to give you a bigger blow.
Before Nawaz went running to Washington on 4th July, Tiger Hill, the most importnat peak at Kargil, was already captured. Nawaz was smart enough to see that the rest would fall. Kargil was both a miitary victory for India and a major diplomatic victory that got the world to support it on Kashmir.

Find me a single military scholar who said Kargil wasn't a military victory for India. Even many high-ranking retired military officers in Pakistan have said it wa a millitary defeat for Pakistan. Some members have already posted such interviews, so I will not repost them.

And I did not start this thread. I mostly stayed out of this, but I eventually decided I couldn't just not counter some of the delusions evident in this thread.

Nawaz Ran to America to save his own skin from Pakistani military who did not want America to intervene in Kargil. India being world's biggest pathological liar they tend to twist stories to suite their own myths.

The reason Pakistan did not lose Kargil is simple because they did not lose their territory. Its like I steal your car and take it for joyride for 3 months and then give it back to you, the loss is yours not mine.

Did not read this long thread just because the title states the exact opposite of reality. Pathetic state of affairs here.
@Minho BTW, has anyone remembered the 17 Pakistani Atlantique airmen shot down by a Mig21 and left to die in the desert ?
An act that had no response by the 'No.1 Shaheens' of this planet for 19 Plus years? Only response till date was when Abhi crossed the LOC , otherwise those 17 chaps's souls would be still calling out , unanswered.

Please chalk that down to the Kargil achievements of the Pak military, OP !

Does India have a response for 1 Mig-21 and 1 Su-30 loss to PAF fire and 1 Mi-17 loss with 7 killed to indirect action of PAF?
The only response India had was just empty chest thumping by modi.

The thread is based on an excerpt of an article taken without context with a doctored title.

Its not my problem that Indians tend to twist history to suite their egos with false narrative.
You cant change the fact that Pakistan occupied Indian territory for 3 months while shooting down 2 IAF fighters and asked uncle sam to force Pakistan to retreat.

Leave it dude! They are taught in their schools from childhood that they won Kargil War. After few decades, they'll even start saying they won 1971 war....the world knows the truth!
No one in Pakistan believes that they won 71 war. Pakistanis are allowed to question their government while in India you get executed for questioning Modi thats why the entire nation of billion people believes they had successful strike in Balakot and shot down F-16. Believing in myths is in India's trait.
Does India have a response for 1 Mig-21 and 1 Su-30 loss to PAF fire and 1 Mi-17 loss with 7 killed to indirect action of PAF?
The only response India had was just empty chest thumping by modi.

Since you want IAF to act like PAF, then IAF has 19 + years to act like chickens before shooting down the next 17 Pakistani airmen in exchange for their Feb 2019 Mig 21 loss :-)

And in the meantime, they can act like the biggest chickens in uniform and go to International Court asking for compensation....like who ( I wonder ? ) :yahoo:
Since you want IAF to act like PAF, then IAF has 19 + years to act like chickens before shooting down the next 17 Pakistani airmen in exchange for their Feb 2019 Mig 21 loss :-)

And in the meantime, they can act like the biggest chickens in uniform and go to International Court asking for compensation....like who ( I wonder ? ) :yahoo:
Using that guy's car example, the equivalent would be if I chased the car thief down to his house, beat him up in front of his friends and family, and take it back.

Further elaborating on that analogy, the car thief would be the family drunkard/loser, and him getting beaten up publicly and humilated in front of his family would cause his family to finally stop supporting him.
Using that guy's car example, the equivalent would be if I chased the car thief down to his house, beat him up in front of his friends and family, and take it back.

Further elaborating on that analogy, the car thief would be the family drunkard/loser, and him getting beaten up publicly and humilated in front of his family would cause his family to finally stop supporting him.

This is the perfect example of how Indian propaganda twists facts to suite their egos.
India did not chase Pakistan away, it was on America's order Pakistan was forced to retreat after occupying Indian territory for 3 months. America would have NEVER intervened had India able to secure its own borders.
Remember, losers always get support from big guy... Like if I come over to your house steal your car and you run to the police crying and they finally help you retrieve your car.

Just like this guy, he thought he would beat up pakistan inside pakistan but instead was humiliated in front of the world.
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Using that guy's car example, the equivalent would be if I chased the car thief down to his house, beat him up in front of his friends and family, and take it back.

Further elaborating on that analogy, the car thief would be the family drunkard/loser, and him getting beaten up publicly and humilated in front of his family would cause his family to finally stop supporting him.

fantastic example !

this thread is a cry for help, caused by intense dread of the future . Actually the entire forum is in a crisis of fear, if you have noticed .....
Since you want IAF to act like PAF, then IAF has 19 + years to act like chickens before shooting down the next 17 Pakistani airmen in exchange for their Feb 2019 Mig 21 loss :-)

No need to wait man

IAF is so professional now that it has already shot down and killed 6 chickens on the same day it got humiliated at hands of PAF

Names of 6 chickens:

No need to wait man

IAF is so professional now that it has already shot down and killed 6 chickens on the same day it got humiliated at hands of PAF

Names of 6 chickens:

View attachment 601368
Being a complete professional force, PAF holds the record for not deliberately targetting non-combat aircraft, else due to Indian incompetence, PAF could have easily blown the Spice jet out of the air and settled the headcount for ever.

here is the sad continuing pathos of those poor 16 or 17 Pakistani airmen who fell from the skies.....
you couldn't even find their names to post here.....
What a waste of their lives .

Pl share their names, all of them. If you can, if you care even a little.

, PAF could have easily blown the Spice jet out of the air and settled the headcount for ever.

spoken like a true terrorist ! Good show, equating a military plane on a military mission , with a civilian airliner filled with women and children !!!

and you wonder why the world treats you like this :pakistan:
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