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India ran to uncle sam to force Pakistan to retreat!

Leave it dude! They are taught in their schools from childhood that they won Kargil War. After few decades, they'll even start saying they won 1971 war....the world knows the truth!

kargil can be rightly called a stalemate. pakistan didnt retain all the captured posts and india disnt capture all the posts.
Happened just last year with your fail balakot adventure

There are no slangs in my post

Just telling how it would end in case India wages war on Pakistan
Happened just last year with your fail balakot adventure

There are no slangs in my post

Just telling how it would end in case India wages war on Pakistan
you dont need to tell me how its going to end ??
world knows how its going to END.:astagh::haha:
spoken like a true terrorist ! Good show, equating a military plane on a military mission , with a civilian airliner filled with women and children !!!

and you wonder why the world treats you like this :pakistan:

And you are behaving like a true gang rape product who can't differentiate between a father, uncle, stranger or some other relatives.
Now let's see, what was your reaction when Mr. Moscow shot down a Korean 747 only because it digressed from its flight path, did you consider that as a terrorist act or did you shed any crocodile tears when your uncle Sam blew the Iranian airbus out of the sky and more recently did you have the morals to say a word or two on the shooting down of the Ukranian airliner....In war or hostilities, you shoot first ask questions later.
BTW, what were your weekend warriors thinking when they amputated and roasted half a dozen fellow soldiers who were flying so deep inside IOK.....did they really believe PAF jets have come in so deep.....or maybe they did and Delhi drama queens are habitually spinning you stupid.
You can find some here. Bollywood movies might haven't told you about them


Here's a quote from Wikipedia:

By the end of the war, Pakistan had to withdraw under international pressure and due to pressure from continued fighting at battle front and left India in control of all territory south and east of the LOC, as was established in July 1972 as per the Simla Agreement.
An awarding a loser with medals and making him a hero is the ample proof of the feel-good factor.
yeah yeah ,
Then why release him???
let me tell you why = because PAKISTAN isn't in the condition to wage war against INDIA.
And Again you might say we freed him as a goodwill gesture even( rather he was major source of info about IAF strategies) to pakistan , than why free him ???? isn't it a question ???
let me tell you, if you wouldn't had freed wing commander abhinandan varthaman according to geneva conventions.
It would have been act of war to deny the pow his right.
and INDIA would wage a full fledged war against PAKISTAN without resistance from international community.
and IT wasn't a peace gesture by any means .
okay mate deal with it mate.:big_boss::dirol:
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yeah yeah ,
Then why release him???
let me tell you why = because PAKISTAN isn't in the condition to wage war against INDIA.
And Again you might say we freed him as a goodwill gesture even( rather he was major source of info about IAF strategies) to pakistan , than why free him ???? isn't it a question ???
let me tell you, if you wouldn't had freed wing commander abhinandan varthaman according to geneva conventions.
It would have been act of war to deny the pow his right.
and INDIA would wage a full fledged war against PAKISTAN without resistance from international community.
and IT wasn't a peace gesture by any means .
okay mate deal with it mate.:big_boss::dirol:
Yea adopting another ID doesn't change anything.
let me enlighten you, when the IAF failed, Modi threatened Pakistan with missile strikes and he was promised for every single launched against Pakistan we will hit back with Three.
Geneva or goodwill....it's not the first time we are returning your bewildered soldiers.

Yea adopting another ID doesn't change anything.
let me enlighten you, when the IAF failed, Modi threatened Pakistan with missile strikes and he was promised for every single launched against Pakistan we will hit back with Three.
Geneva or goodwill....it's not the first time we are returning your bewildered soldiers.

jawan chandu jadhav was severely tortured by pakistan ,
his mental state was disturbed for several months after returning back from pakistan.
you proved my point bro,
you would have to return our soldiers or face the wrath of WAR.:big_boss:

let me enlighten you, when the IAF failed, Modi threatened Pakistan with missile strikes and he was promised for every single launched against Pakistan we will hit back with Three.
that's some blabbering of words now.:blah:
Yea adopting another ID doesn't change anything
what another ID ???

Geneva or goodwill
unfortunetly for you its the geneva from inside and goodwill to show to the world outside.:laughcry:
Here's a quote from Wikipedia:

By the end of the war, Pakistan had to withdraw under international pressure and due to pressure from continued fighting at battle front and left India in control of all territory south and east of the LOC, as was established in July 1972 as per the Simla Agreement.


How does that change what I posted?

And if Pakistan actually withdrew as per 1972 simla agreement then why Indian army kept on doing raids and operations to get these posts back from Pakistan despite official end of kargil war?

you dont need to tell me how its going to end ??
world knows how its going to END.:astagh::haha:

Yeah you claiming "victory" on republic tv and times now :)
jawan chandu jadhav was severely tortured by pakistan ,
his mental state was disturbed for several months after returning back from pakistan.
you proved my point bro,
you would have to return our soldiers or face the wrath of WAR.:big_boss:

that's some blabbering of words now.:blah:

what another ID ???

unfortunetly for you its the geneva from inside and goodwill to show to the world outside.:laughcry:

Ok tough internet warrior.....have a blast till you last.

How does that change what I posted?

And if Pakistan actually withdrew as per 1972 simla agreement then why Indian army kept on doing raids and operations to get these posts back from Pakistan despite official end of kargil war?

Yeah you claiming "victory" on republic tv and times now :)
I'm not claiming , i am assuring you the results would be not favourable for pakistan if war breaks .
and yeah , you never won WAR against us and you will never win ever. not only war but also other fields of importance.
I'm not claiming , i am assuring you the results would be not favourable for pakistan if war breaks .
and yeah , you never won WAR against us and you will never win ever. not only war but also other fields of importance.

I don't need assurances from any pajeet

Move on. We know what we would do
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